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Here is my essay on the worlds four greatest musicians ever (or at least so far)! I got top grade on it so it´s really worth reading. (at least I hope it is...) I´m sort of new with this homepage thing so if you have any comments please e-mail me. (hopefully my e-mail address will be at the bottom of this page!) //Karna

Ok, this is what I´d like to call an introduction,
or hopefully it´ll turn out to be one.

I´ve decided to write about the Beatles. Why? Because I want to know what made these four men so successful and their music so celebrated. Even though I wasn´t born when they were together, when they broke up or even when John was killed, I feel a great interest in what being a Beatle really meant. It must have been such a great honour and achievement, not just anyone was. The task of being a Beatle, belongs only to John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, with the exception of Pete Best, a few session drummers and the musicians of John´s "Quarry Men" group. And to be honest no one will ever come near what these four men from Liverpool once did. They sent Rock ´n´ Roll in all new directions, and then, at the height of their creativity, they broke up, leaving everyone hoping for a reunion that would never come. But their music will live forever. Just listen all around you and you´ll hear their songs everywhere. You just won´t know that they wrote them. And all of this was done in the eight short years they were together. And you tell me who could overcelebrate them, the ´60s pop phenomena? The Beatles were then and still remain the worlds most astonishing rock ´n´ Roll band ever.

John grows up
Paul's youth
George as a boy
Theur first shot at success
John at the school of art
Finding THE name
Pete Best and Hamburg
Ringos early years
Ringo joins, the Beatles get bigger and John gets married
Meeting George Martin and making a single
Getting bigger....
Tours...and more tours
Beatlemania is born
Conquering the new world
Making movies...and touring again
Separation, reunion, drugs and more records
Breaking up is hard to do

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Links to my pals!

Hugo's Homepage
Tina's Homepage
Joel's Homepage
Erika's Homepage
Linnea's Homepage
Calle's Homepage
Steven's Homepage
A few links to good bands...
Red Mint
Bo Kaspers Orkester
Jethro Tull,
official homepage

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Album Art Store

Please write a little mess in my

Beatles pages that I used

Sakis Beatles page
The Beatles Headquarters
The Beatles
Beatles, Beatles, Beatles; links
