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We are Circle Square, the Circle dedicated to keeping Tuna - The Fish and his evil Circle, Circle Triangle from taking over at the millenium! We are Circle Square, the oldest witch circle, and the most traditional..... awww heck who are we trying to kid... we're a WANNABE witch circle. So hang us by our toenails and run around us singing kumbayya and throwing flower petals. Yeah, yeah... you know you want to:) Now that you know that we're posers, we shall recite our poem for you:
We're Circle Square
Yes we're always fair
And we talk about LJ
Come hear what we have to say
All you have to do
Is fill out an app too
Then you'll be in Circle Square
Where we're always fair
And we know your name
And we're always glad you came!!!

If we haven't scared you away by now, come join Circle Square, where we discuss the many humorous things that have occured in LJ's books. We're not making fun of LJ (we love her to death!) We're just trying to take a different outlook on her novels. We want to leave behind all of the serious stuff, and focus on the funny things:)


Check out our main enemy Circle Triangle.

And you, yes you, can send Tuna The Fish hate mail at

We'd really appreciate it if about 30 wannabe clubs like this one didn't pop up, ie. Circle Triangle:) Thank you.
The Circle Square logo was created by Mary-Lynnette.

Mary-Lynnette Carter and Hannah Snow of Circle Unity
owns this site.
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