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Starting A Support Group

Do you think you are alone in your struggle with chronic muscle pain, stiffness, and fatigue? Please think again! There are over 10 million of us Fibromites, just in America, and many others in foreign countries.

So, how do you find a fellow sufferer? In my search for others, I first put a non-commercial ad on our local radio station. I put a flyer at our libryary asking if others would be interested in a chronic pain support group.

After finding a few people, I contacted our local hospital case management worker and explained Fibromyalgia to her. And, with her help, we formed a support group that meets once a month at the hospital.

We have contacted the Arthritis Foundation and took the course they offered on learning to live with Fibromyalgia. This seven week course is offered twice a year to people who want to learn more about living with FMS.

The objective of a support group is NOT a pity party. It should be a place where people can receive information to help get them through a flare-up, or just through the daily routine in an easier way. We've talked about dealing with anger, depression, and the guilt of having a chronic illness.

Our group tries to steer clear of 'unproven' remedies. We encourage people to be an active pare of their medical team. We offer exercise routines, relaxation sessions, have had speakers share ideas on keeping a journal of thoughts and emotions.

Our goal is to show you that life is still waiting for you to live at the fullest. You can have charge of your life again. Some things in your life can be changed to accomodate FMS, others can not be changed. The goal of a support group is to help people understand what they can and can not change in their lives.

All information shared in a support group must be kept confidential. We share our problems, frustrations, and triumphs, and listen to others. We share feelings but we aren't judgemental of others. Keep It Positive