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Animal Joke

One hot afternoon in the jungle, a gorilla went to the lake for a cool drink. Just as he was starting to drink, however, he became aware of the presence of the lion.

Now, the lion, king of beasts, thought of himself as a big deal (sort of like the mayor of San Francisco) and refused to share the lake with other animals. While the lion drank, the others - including the gorilla - had to stand aside.

The gorilla grew increasingly irritated with the whole business and in a sudden fit of pique sprang at the lion's hindquarters and rudely sodomized him.

The lion screamed in outrage and turned to rend the offending primate limbfrom limb. The gorilla, terrified at his own actions, ran for his life.

Racing through the jungle, the gorilla came to a village, and saw a chair with a newspaper and eyeglasses sitting beside it. He quickly dropped into the chair, donned the glasses and picked up the paper.

The lion, in hot pursuit, came upon the disguised gorilla and said, "Hey, buddy, did you see a gorilla run through here just now?"

The gorilla replied, "You mean the one who buggered you down at the lake?"

"Oh no!!" moaned the lion. "Don't tell me it's in the paper ALREADY!!!"
