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My Biography

My Biography


Iván Zapata was born in August 25, 1984 in the beautiful city of Ponce, Puerto Rico. He's a web editor, a music and singing dreamer that with the help of God it will become a reality, a future architect that will develope a good future for the fallen countries of Africa, Latin America, and Asia, and the best of all he's a person who believes and love God and the people that surrounds him.

At the age of four he moved to the town of Guayama, in the southeast of the island, that will later turn into a hubbed and traffic-jammed city with the reason that his father wanted to do work there and he found a job as a cardiologist. He attended to the Academia San Antonio since he was four to the Kindergarden and he won't change of school until he becomes 13 and attending the eight grade at the same school.

There he learned one of the best Spanish classes taught in the whole city by that time and a little bit of English that will led him to move from school so he could dominate the language. In about four and half months he could speak loosely the language. And now He's fifteen and he is just dreaming about what he'll do on life and also he's studying the best and see if he can achieve his goals.

Here's a pic on my missionaire trip to Guatemala.