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NORTH End: Intersection, IA 14, Jasper County

Facing west, but heading north, on 224

Facing west, but heading north, on 224 (2002 / 2006)

Left photo by Jason Hancock

A lot of Clearview signs popped up in Jasper County in 2006, including BGSs on I-80 at 224's south end, seen at the bottom of this page.

Final sign at intersection

Highway 224 runs east-west for one mile; where it changes F17 continues east, and northbound 224 has a stop sign. Highway 14 then continues on this same east-west alignment, and when 14 turns south F17 (formerly IA 223) goes west to US 65.

Facing south on 14

Facing south on 14

Facing east, but heading north, on 14

Facing east, but heading north, on 14

The 224 shield was replaced by the time of the picture below.

Facing southeast

Note the rural sign at right, and how "Hwy 14 E" becomes "Hwy 14 N" as it turns.

SOUTH End: I-80 exit 173 and T22, Jasper County

Facing south on 224 (the stateless 80 shield is recent)

Facing north on T22

Facing north on 224

The first sign north is just south of the bridge; this is the LGS on the north side.

Facing west on 80 / Mock-up of "accurate" sign (Kurumi's SignMaker)

In a strange twist, Pella proper is never listed on I-80. Exit 173 directs to the museum; Exit 164 (IA 14) lists Central College. This is due to requirements limiting each exit to four items (towns/streets/stuff, e.g. parks like above). To get to Pella from this exit, which is due south geographically but not by car, you must drive T22, F62, and T14. Whether signage at those intersections continues directing to Pella is unknown.

Like all but one BGS on I-29 and all on I-35 south of Des Moines (until 2003), neither the direction nor the county road is listed. If you're westbound and missed IA 146, this is actually a more direct route to Marshalltown and doesn't involve going through Grinnell, but this interchange already has the maximum number of signed destinations.

Facing east on 80

It's a good thing I got these signs in summer 2005, because next year, they were replaced (but not necessarily improved):

Facing east on 80

Photos by Jason Hancock

I suspect I'd like the Clearview font more if not for that little curl on the L, and this sign has four of them.

Pictures by Jason Hancock: Second, 6/5/02; 18th and 19th, 8/31/06

Pictures by me: First, third-fifth, and ninth, 9/29/06; sixth, 14th, and 15th, 6/1/02; seventh and eighth, 7/7/04; tenth-thirteenth, 10/1/06; 16th and 17th, 7/25/05

Page created 2/28/02; last updated 12/4/06

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