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SOUTH End of 330/NORTH End of 117: Non-perpendicular intersection, US 65, Jasper County

Four intersections in Iowa are more than your normal end. These four include termini for not one, but two state highways. This intersection may be the most known; many confuse 330 and 65 as one road going all the way between Des Moines and Marshalltown. This diagonal does much to contribute to the idea of Des Moines being a "hub" of highways, but diagonals always seem to be met with resistance, especially farmers left with triangular pieces of land.

When I visited this intersection in December 2001, construction was progressing on remaking the intersection for the four-lane expressway, including work a mile north at F17 (old IA 223) meriting a detour. Up the road north of here, substantial chunks of hillside have been stripped and valleys built up for this project. It will be interesting to see the progress at this intersection.

This intersection was first constructed in 1934-35, but the present numbers were not set until 1969, when IA 330 took over a free-standing portion of cross-state IA 64.

Ironically/Strangely enough, I got pictures from every angle except one of the two I pass by the most - the end of 330! Time was running short, and we were going north to get 210's east end. Until I return, this old picture from Jason Hancock must suffice. Clockwise from about 1:30-2 o'clock (yes, 2; it's diagonal, after all):

End 330

Facing southwest, but heading south, on 330

Photos by Jason Hancock

To be technically correct, the 65 arrow should be ahead and down to the right. Arrows like that do exist; one is on E41 westbound at the 330/S75 intersection. Why the "To" sign is construction orange, none of us know. (In addition, it would serve the public more if it sent travelers for 80 east on 117.)

End 117

Facing north on 117

Unlike the solid junction signs on 65 north and 330, this one does not have black squares behind the shields.

Facing north on 117

LGS in above picture

Final signage on 117

In this direction, the 65 arrow should be ahead and down to the left.

Facing south on 117

Second photo by Jason Hancock

Now that you're on 117, there is a sign for "To East 80".

65 North

Facing northeast, but heading north, on 65

Signage at bottom left of above picture

LGS behind orange sign in above picture

Final signage before intersection

Here, the "To I-80" is a separate one-piece sign. The final signage on 117 is visible at right.

Facing northeast

This picture was taken in front of the white van in the above picture; behind it is what will be the north part of the new intersection.

65 South

Facing south on 65

In addition to this not being a nice special green sign like the other three directions, the "Jct Detour F17" sign appears to be beating up the 330 sign (or is it the other way around?).

Facing south-southeast

Plenty of dirt has been removed here for what will become the new road; from the car south it will be removed.

Facing south on 65

Photo by Jason Hancock

The signage is totally correct in this direction, and I think it's just plain interesting. It's not often you see a regular arrow pointing down to the ground, but it's correct since 330 goes northeast from this point while you are currently heading south. The "Road Closed" is on the grading for the two lanes being constructed on the diagonal. Since I took a picture here it appears someone put an ad by the "Road Closed" sign. The last signs on 65 north appear under the 117 arrow in Jason's picture.

To the IA 330 North ends / To the IA 117 South ends

Pictures by me: All except top two, eighth, and bottom, 12/21/01

Page created 5/27/02; last updated 1/10/03

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