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Episode Guide - Season 3

Season Three. 1967-1968

062- "Fly Me To the Moon"
Sam, a chimp is to fly to the moon, but when Jeannie turns the monkey into a human, the Monkey is reluctant to return ape. Jeannie blinks him back to a monkey, but her blink backfires, and she turns Tony into a monkey instead, and Dr. Bellows gets ready to send Tony (as a monkey) to the moon.

063- "Jeannie or the Tiger"
In the first Jeannie's sister Jeannie episode Jeannie blinks her sister who she hasn't't seen in years to visit. Jeannie's sister, seeing a picture of Tony, tricks Jeannie into getting in her bottle so she can take Tony dancing and partying all night long! Roger comes in and releases Jeannie, and now there are two Genies, and Tony soon learns two Genies are not better than one when the two Genies have an all out fight for Tony.

064- "Greatest Con Artist in the World"
While staying in Hawaii, Jeannie and Tony meet Mr. Vanerhaven, the richest man on the islands. Not knowing the person not really Vanderhaven is really Charlie, Mr. Vanderhaven's butler and a con artist who persuades Jeannie into buying a piece of land that he says is filled with diamonds. Not knowing they are fake diamonds, Jeannie accepts the offer as a trade for a pin that Kind Tut gave to her personally. When Jeannie finds out the truth about the land, he goes back to Vanderhaven and shows him millions of diamonds that she blinked up. Vanderhaven gives the pin back and takes the land back. Before leaving, Jeannie turns the Diamonds into candy!

065- "My Turned on Master"
Jeannie transfers her powers to Tony, who doesn't realize it. He can't blink, though, it's based on what he says. If he says something like "Up to our ears in paperwork," It becomes true. But that's not the worse part! While talking to Dr. Bellows, Tony accidentally transfers the powers to him!

066- "My Master the Weakling"
Tony is put in a special program with Commander Kiski, (Don Rickles) who wants to make Tony and Roger's lives as hard as possible! He takes them on a survival mission where Jeannie turns him into his sweet Aunt Effie, and Tony and Roger soon find themselves eating apple pie and painting pictures.

067- "Jeannie the Hip Hippie"
Tony's finally got a vacation, but first he needs a music group for Mrs. Bellows. Jeannie takes four people off the street and make them musicians (Boyce and Hart). Jeannie spends all her time with the group, making them famous. Tony prepares to go on his camping trip himself, but Jeannie still comes, but with the group. They're going on tour!!

068- "Everybody's a Movie Star"
A Hollywood producer comes to Cocoa Beach to make a film about astronauts, and he wants Tony! Of course, Roger tags along, too, but he's not the actor the producer is looking for. Roger overhears the producer telling Dr. Bellows he wants to make Tony a star, except Roger thinks he wants to make him a star! Havoc erupts when Roger arrives with a leather jacket, sunglasses, cigars, and a huge ego the next day and he learns it's Tony who is to be a star!

069- "Who Are You Calling a Genie?"
Jeannie is knocked out when Dr. Bellows accidentally slams a door on her head. Jeannie gets amnesia and has a lawyer demanding 3 million dollars for damages! Tony and Roger try to convince the sick genie who and what she is, and only scares Jeannie. Dr. Bellows sees and recognizes Jeannie and Tony tells her to blink him out, but Jeannie blinks him as a mouse heading for Mars, instead.

070- "Meet My Master's Mother"
When Tony's mother thinks he looks too thin. Jeannie takes it personally that she's not taking good care of her master. They're in for even more a surprise when Mother dearest decides to move in!

071- "Here Comes Bootsie Nightingale"
Mrs Bellows enlists the help of Tony and Roger for a benefit ball at the hospital. They agree, and Tony is to escort beautiful actress Bootsie Nightingale to the ball. Bootsie's manager figures out the perfect publicity stunt: Bootsie will propose to one of the astronauts at the ball! When Jeannie sees Bootsie all over her beloved master, she blinks her voice so she sounds like a mouse, and Bootsie ends up in love with Major Healey.

072- "Tony's Wife"
Jeannie's sister informs Jeannie that she was born under the sign of the Jinx, and if she does not go to Baghdad for the next sixteen years, horrible things will happen to Tony. Tony starts to complain about bad luck he's been having, so Jeannie thinks her sister is right. Jeannie fixes up Tony on a date with totally confuses him.

073- "Jeannie and the Bank Robbery"
When Tony asks Jeannie to help someone else for a change, she decides to help two poor men (who are actually plotting to rob the bank) who can't get money from the bank because the mean tellers won't give them any. Jeannie uses Tony's car to help the bank robbers get the money and leave quickly, and a police inspector asks Tony why his car was seen driving away from the scene of the bank robbery.

074- "My Son the Genie"
Jeannie tells Tony an in-experienced genie will be coming to visit and work an apprenticeship with an experienced genie. The young genie turns out to be Hajii's son, and there is no way to get rid of him when he messes up spells and blinks, and when the president is coming to Tony's house, he insists on making dinner for them.

075- "Jeannie Goes to Honolulu"
Tony and Roger tell Jeannie they're going on a survival mission to the north pole, but when Jeannie finds out they're really going to Hawaii, she embarrasses Tony by putting a heavy parka on him on the beach which he can't take off. Tony tells Jeannie the girl he's with is really a princess who he is protecting from the evil Robolkian the Deadly. (Don Ho)

076- "The Battle of Waikiki"
Tony wishes he could've met the famous King Kamehameha, and Jeannie makes his wish come true as usual. The king is up a running around Waikiki, distract at all the new technology. He attacks a luau that Dr. Bellows is giving and urges the people of Hawaii to win back their independence.

077- "Genie, Genie, Who's Got the Genie? Part 1"
Roger, on accident, locks Jeannie in a safe which is destined to the moon. Nobody knows the combination except the safe maker himself, and if the wrong combination is put, the safe will explode. Tony and Roger get two safe-crackers to help, but when they see how interested Major Nelson is about the safe, they decide to steal it themselves.

078- "Genie, Genie, Who's Got the Genie?" Part 2"
The two safe-crackers decide the safe is too dangerous, so they pawn it. When the pawn shop calls NASA (Dr. Bellows) to return their safe, he figures it's a prank call and tells them to send it to the scrap yard. Then, when Roger overhears the junkman calling Dr. Bellows about the safe, he rushes to get Tony and they luckily get the safe before the safe and Jeannie are crushed to bits.

079- "Genie, Genie, Who's Got the Genie? Part 3"
When Jeannie's sister finds out that Jeannie is trapped, she's delighted! Now she can have Tony all to herself! She blinks Tony to the Middle East where she traps him in a birdcage. Roger tries to rescue Tony, but he ends up in the cage, as well. When Jeannie's sister's master arrives and finds the astronauts here, he orders the evil genie to send them back.

080- "Genie, Genie, Who's Got the Genie? Part 4"
Jeannie tells Tony that if she is in the safe during a full moon, whoever opens the safe will be the new master. A specialist is coming from Washington D.C. to open the safe, so Roger tries to stall him and Tony makes the safe look like an ice cream cart so Tony can take the safe to his house. The safe starts ticking! The bomb! The specialist has to come over and defuse the bomb, which isn't easy. One false move and the safe blows up!

081- "Please Don't Feed the Astronauts"
Commander Porter (Paul Lynde) takes Tony and Roger on a survival mission to skull island. Jeannie comes along to help and blinks up a giant chicken to eat! Poor, Commander Porter thinks he's hallucinating and he wanders in a small Native village (courtesy of Jeannie) where Jeannie's cousin plans to kill him.

082- "My Master the Ghostbreaker"
Tony's uncle leaves Tony a big mansion in England, and Jeannie, Roger, and Tony go to spend a night there. All night, the three hear screams, chains, and bumps in the night which lead them to believe it's haunted. The next morning when someone comes to claim it's their house, Tony decides it's them who made the noises.

083- "Divorce, Genie Style"
Jeannie asks Hajii to take away her powers so Tony will be more happy with what she does, like cooking a home-cooked meal, keeping house, with-out blinking! Amanda Bellows sees Jeannie sleeping on the couch and calling Tony "master" and she thinks the two are married, so she tries to convince Jeannie to get a divorce.

084- "My Double-Crossing Master"
Roger's date turns out bad, so he hates all women. He bets Tony that if another man, more handsome and lovable than Tony came by, Jeannie would take to him and forget about Tony. Tony doesn't think Jeannie would ever do that, but just to see, he dresses up as an English professor and Jeannie immediately falls for him. Worse, Dr. Bellows think the "English Tony" is a psychologist he is to meet with.

085- "Have You Ever Had a Genie Hate You?"
Jeannie's sister gives Jeannie two bottles of perfume, one that will make Jeannie love Tony, and one that will make Jeannie hate Tony's enemies. The evil genie switches bottles on Jeannie, though, so Jeannie hate's Tony and love's Roger. In the end, both Tony and Roger find themselves under a swinging pendulum about to slice their throats. Jeannie splashes the love potion on them and they are once more lovable ole Tony and Roger again.

086- "Operation: First Couple on the Moon"
Jeannie is angry when she hears Tony is to fly to the moon with Dr. Swanson, a beautiful women doctor, that is. Jeannie's sister rigs the physicals so she wins and is on the moon flight with Tony. Now, Jeannie has to get her sister out of their or her master will spend three month's with her on the moon.

087- "Haven't I Seen Me Someplace Before?"
For his birthday, Jeannie lets Roger have one wish, and Roger says he'd like to trade places with Tony to be on a special project, so Tony becomes Roger and Roger becomes Tony. Tony tries to get Jeannie to change him back before Dr. Bellows finds out.