Assessment Rubric for SLO # 3


Rubric ID: 1306687










Bead width

Perfect width based on the metal and electrode used.

Bead is of an acceptable width and uniformity for the materials involved.

Bead is not of correct width for the materials used.

Bead is inappropriate in width.



Perfect penetration was achieved without over heating the base metal.

Adequate penetration was achieved with either slight, under or over penetration.

Penetration is not deep enough to fuse metals completely or over heating of base metals occurred.

Weld lacks any penetration or over heating has been excessive causing warpage of the metal.


Bead Uniformity

Bead width is perfectly uniform throughout the pad.

Width is mostly uniform throughout the bead.

Bead width varies throughout the pad.

Bead is not uniform in width.



Metal is clean and polished and perfectly square.

Metal is slightly out of square but still is clean and well groomed.

Metal is either off of square or is dirty and has slag on the weld.

Metal is extremely out of square and/or extremely dirty with slag still bound to the weld.



Weld is of superior quality and exhibits mastery of the art.

Weld is acceptable on all accounts but could be cleaner and/or more uniform.

Weld is acceptable in quality but appears to lack mastery of the skill.

Weld is of poor quality and shows evidence that the welder needs more experience and/or practice with this skill.



Date Created: September 11, 2006.  * Category Row revised by Larry Kelley on January 13, 2007.


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