Marron-^Comes runing to Goten^ Gote-e-en!
The pond is frozen!

Goten- It's a scientifice phenomenon, Marron!
It often occurs in the winter!

Marron- Funny man! I mean we can skate!

Goten-^running off^ Say, that's right!
Let's go dig out the ol' blades!

Marron-^yelling at Goten^ What about Bra?

Goten-I'll dig her out, too! ^runs off^

* * *

Goten-^still running^*thinking*Boy! I love cutting that first figure eight of the season! ^runs by Trunks^

Trunks- Hey! What's up?

Goten-^stops running^The pond's frozen!

Trunks- What'd you expect it to do in this weather?- BOIL?

Goten- Skating, lame brain! SKATING!

Trunks- Say you're right!

Goten-^runs off^

Trunks- Did you check in with Bra?

Goten- I'm doing it now! ^runs off encountering Pan along the way^

Pan- Oh, boy! -Skating! I'll meet you at the pond!

Goten-Roger! ^runs off^

Pan- Er-- What does Bra say about it?



Goten-Just what do you MEAN by that?

Pan-Maybe she'll want you to do something else!

Goten-^turns SSJ^ When I see her I'll ASK her!

Pan-S-Sure, Goten-jiisan(uncle)! ^leaves^

* * *

Goten-^thinking^Damn! You'd think I couldn't make a move without Bra's okay! ^enters arcade^

Goten-Yo, Andrew! Seen my girl?

Andrew- No, Goten- What's up?

Goten-The pond's frozen! We're all going skating!

Andrew-That's nice! I'll have plenty of hot chocolate ready! Enjoy yourself!

Goten-Thanks Andrew!

Andrew- That is-Bra says it's all right for you to go!

Goten-^facefaults and leaves slamming the door^

Andrew- My goodness! What's wrong with HIM?

* * *

Goten-^frowning^ HENPECKED! Just plain ol' HENPECKED! (i don't know what that means either) "Did you check with Bra?""What does Bra say?""If Bra says its all right! " What am I a man or a mouse?^patting his chest^ I'm a MAN! THAT's what I AM! ^begins walking to the Capsule Corp.^ I'm not going to ASK her if SHE wants to go skating! ^arrives at C.C.^- I'm going to TELL her that I'm going! ^bangs on the door^

[Vegeta comes out.]

Vegeta-^leaning against doorframe with a malicious look on his face^ Could I lend you a HAMMER?- I'd hate to see you BRUISE your knuckles!

Goten-Vegeta-sama! I'd like to see your daughter!

Vegeta-^lights a cigar^(kids that's bad for you! just Veggie does it doesn't mean you have to too unless your stupid)I'm afraid you can't see Bra at the moment!

Goten-^puffing up^AND WHY NOT?

Vegeta-^turns SSJ4^ MOSTLY because she's ain't HOME!!

Goten-^desinflates^OH! ^turns to walk away puffing his chest proudly^(must be his saiya-jin thing)In that case will you INFORM her that I am skating at the pond wether she likes it or not?

Vegeta- Gladly! Oh, brat? Perhaps you'd prefer to tell her yourself!


Vegeta-^while slamming door^-She's skating at the pond!

Goten-! ^thinking^ Boy, I really made an ass of myself! ^arrives at the pond^ There's the gang!

Trunks- Yo, Goten!

Bra-Goten-chan! Come on over!

Goten-I said I'm going SKATING and that's what I'm going to DO!

Bra-Oh, don't be so THICK!

Goten-I am not "THICK" I just don't like being HENPECKED! ^skates off^

Bra-^yelling at him^Have it YOUR way Gotten-chan(nickname)!!- You are NOT thick!


Bra-But neither is the ICE!!

[Everybody bursts out laughing.]


Hope ya enjoyed that. Any comments send them to Note: that IS not a zero its an o.
