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Dodge City Annual NA Roundup

October 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2008.....


"Basic NA Roundup"

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Lazy Web Master Finally Updated this site 09/15/2008 01:00 PM  

October 3rd, 4th & 5th, 2008

Friday nights location to be set later.

Saturday and Sunday morning at VFW building 909 13th Avenue.

Dodge City, KS 67801

For More Information, Contact;

For Questions (and maybe some answers) try:

Hallie  620-253-1695 or Laurie @ 620-430-1104


 Our disclaimer:

As is the case when we rent meeting space, Our fellowship has no opinion on outside issues (including landlords, service providers, motels, software or browsers). This site was not approved by the World or NA as a whole.  We neither endorse nor oppose any cause. Banners or pop-ups are just part of paying the rent for this site. If we had the cash to host a dot com, we would have done so already. Most groups rent a meeting place from churches, treatment centers and other facilities. So please think before you start screaming.  What does this have to do with your recovery?

The primary purpose is to carry the NA message of recovery to addicts inside and outside of our rooms. 
In accordance with NA Traditions, to protect the survival of the NA fellowship as a whole, we; like all NA groups, are autonomous. This means we're "officially" separate from all other entities including Narcotics Anonymous as a whole and this site is NOT endorsed by Narcotics Anonymous as a whole. This site is placed here by recovering addicts serving those in the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous. Our only intent is toward our primary purpose, the primary purpose of all NA groups: to carry the message to the addict who still suffers. In NA, the only requirement for membership is the desire to stop using. so keep your self will in check.

Roundup Committee Meetings

The next committee meeting will be at:

At Dodge City, KS


The WEBMASTER would like to thank all the committee members, who helped put this thing on.  This is a big undertaking for a bunch of FOOLS like us.


-6006 Days until Round Up 2008.......Better get cracking

Oh my God, we are down to the wire. 


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Dodge City Annual NA Round up, Dodge City, 67801, NA, Roundup, Recovery, Events, Narcotics Anonymous, Substance, Abuse, Addicts, Addiction, Drugs, Recovery, Dodge, Event, Roundup, Addict.