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Comments directed towards this site.

 09/28/2007   No new comments.

People are a little more polite when their comments are exposed to the light of day.

  ----- Original Message ----- From: Ed Burris To: Cheryl Zoss Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 10:00 PM Subject: RE: NA Roundup Page
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cheryl Zoss" <
To: <
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 5:12 AM
Subject: your web page
 hi I am writing to you after looking at your page.  I have a few concerns
that I really believe that should be addressed.  Pictures on the
web is a violation of anonymity the way that I understand it.  Also the
language throughout the page & corresponding links is horrible. Also
endorsing other fellowships it definitely against traditions. I am going to
send this page to the NAWS Inc. if I don't see some changes soon.  Thanks
for letting me bring you up to date.

Hello Cheryl,
I was forwarded this mail from a good friend of mine. Please check the following pages for your tradition violations:
Endorsing other fellowships
Pictures on Webpages
Language is Terrible throughout...
No Registered trademark on background image (fixed now)
Personal Pictures on Website
Corresponding Links is Horrible -page won't load using Netscape

NA Copyrighted Material appearing on the WWW


Tradition 4
"Each Group should be autonomous, except in matters affecting other Groups, or N.A. as a whole."
(Basic Text, 5th Ed., 1988)
The autonomy of our groups is necessary for our survival. A dictionary defines autonomous as "having the right or power of self-government...undertaken or carried on without outside control." this means our groups are self-governing and are not subject to outside control. Every group has to stand and grow on it's own. One might ask, "Are we truly autonomous? What about our service committees, our officers, activities, and all the other things that go on in N.A.?" The answer is that these things are not N.A. They are services we utilize to help us in our recovery and to further the primary purpose of our groups. Narcotics Anonymous is a Fellowship of men and women; addicts meeting in groups and using a given set of spiritual principles to find freedom from addiction and a new way of life. All else is not N.A. Those things we mentioned are the result of members caring enough to reach out and offer their help and experience so that the road might be easier. Whether we choose to utilize these services is up to the group.... (Basic Text, 5th Ed., 1988)

........We say that for N.A., autonomy is more than this. It gives our groups the freedom to act on their own to establish their atmosphere of recovery, serve their members, and fulfill their primary purpose....
(Basic Text, 5th Ed., 1988)
......... It would seem that we, in our groups, can do whatever we decide regardless of what anyone says. This is partly true. Each group does have complete freedom, except when their actions affect other groups or N.A. as a whole. Like group conscience, autonomy can be a two-edged sword. Group autonomy has been used to justify the violation of the Traditions. If a contradiction exists, we have slipped away from our principles. If we check to make sure that out actions are clearly within the bounds of our Traditions; if we do not dictate to other groups, or force anything upon them; and if we consider the consequences of our action ahead of time, then all will be well.  (Basic Text, 5th Ed., 1988)

Tradition 9
..... The Ninth Tradition goes on to define the nature of the things that we can do to help N.A. It says that we may create service boards or committees to serve the needs of the Fellowship. None of them has the power to rule, censor, decide, or dictate. They exist solely to serve the Fellowship, but they are not a part of Narcotics Anonymous. This is the nature of our service structure as it has evolved and been defined in the N.A. service manual. (Basic Text, 5th Ed., 1988)

Tradition 10
.... If an addict has never heard of us, he cannot seek us out. If those who work with addicts are unaware of our existence, they cannot refer them to us. One of the most important things we can do to further our primary purpose is to let people know who, what, and where we are....
..... Our recovery speaks for itself. Our 10th Tradition specifically helps protect our reputation. This tradition says that NA has no opinion on outside issues. WE don't take sides. WE don't have any recommendations. (Basic Text, 5th Ed., 1988)

Tradition 12
....As we find ourselves growing closer together, the awakening of humility occurs. Humility is a by-product that allows us to grow and develop  in an atmosphere of freedom, and removes the fear of becoming know by our employers, families, and friends as addicts.
..... No member is greater or lesser than any other member. (Basic Text, 5th Ed., 1988)

Yes, the links may have needed improvement on the NA roundup site, but I think the webmaster did pretty well for no training or schooling per say.

I see a lot of the word WE in the Basic Text, but for some reason in the above mentioned reply to Mr. Miller,  the word "we" does not show itself. Hmmmmm????

Gratefully Enslaved to NA & HP,
Ed Burris

I have added updates to my webpage at:


I'm an addict: My name is Kirk.  I am at your web page and would like to
compliment you on a great job.  It is a nice clean looking page without all
the clutter that so many pages have.  I do have one suggestion.  You might want to include a link to the Regional page.  I came here hoping to get to that page, as I don't know the address for it.  A link would be good. 
Otherwise, keep up the good work.

Kirk B.



I don't know who you are but I absolutely adored your web site! It was funny! I really liked the resignation form, you hear so much of that bs at meetings sometimes you just want to smack someone!

Hope to see you at MARCNA and if you see Tony K tell him I said Hi!

Amy G from Emporia


RE: Cheryl Zoss's Comments.

"Sheesh! What a grouch!"


mike just thought i'd send you a note of gratitude.  i
really enjoyed the roundup web page i've done a fine
job.                   ben t.


hey, i guess i haven't looked at the image page for awhile, nice job! the whole thing is really great and i hope i'm not the only one saying so



  ----- Original Message ----- From: Ed Burris To: Mike M Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2000 11:19 PM Subject: [Fwd: tradition breakers]
First, NAWS is in violation of the terms of the FIPT, so NAWS has no
authority anymore.  They may try to claim they do, but if NAWS went to
take anybody to court, all they'd have to do is hold up the FIPT and
ask NAWS to produce the audit reports.

NAWS legal authority over this stuff--the source of NAWS legal
authority is the FIPT  NAWS is in violation of the terms of the FIPT.
NAWS has no authority.

NAWS doesn't much care about the traditions either, and even speaks of violating them on their own homepage.


 Dont hold your breath!

Look what I found... there is a post in also....
Damn, I hope she has both boots on and has her sh*t together, that's the last place I would f*ck around, would be in those crazy newsgroups.... Time to start praying for her.


What a great job. I appreciate what you have done on this website.
Stephanie T.

Nice site, glad to see others out their not crumbling under the authority of the gods at naws. 

 Another good site out there that has a lot of really good links is  feel free to link to it if you want.


From: "Wild Bill"

Friday, September 28, 2007 09:41:13 AM -0400


You See We See Your IP U B NICE