Chapter 25

A few minutes later, everyone came back with the presents. Kristina opened the gifts she got from all the guests first; she really wanted to get to the presents the group got for her. She looked at the boxes and was a little hesitant on who’s to open first.

“Kristina! Open a box already! We went through TOO much so open them already.” Chris said.

Kristina laughed and looked back and forth though the five boxes. She pondered to her self and wondered why there were only five boxes and not eight. She knew JC didn’t get her anything so she didn’t count on for him but she looked at a small box and saw Audrey, Julie, and Shelley’s names all on that one small box. She smiled and grabbed the box that had Joey’s name on the tag. She looked up at him and he just smiled. Kristina ripped open the box and saw the casing of a video camera.

“Oh my god!” She said. She opened the box and pulled out the camera. “Thank you Joey!” She leaned across the table and kissed his cheek.

“Now you have one of your own and you don’t have to go stealing mine!” He said. “Glad you like it.”

She set it aside and pulled out Lance’s present. She read the card and was in tears. “Aw…I love the card!” She opened the gift and pulled out the present. Inside was a photo album. She opened the first couple pages and saw pictures of the whole group from various places that they’ve been together too. “Oh, I love it! Thanks. The Mississippian has done it again!” Everyone laughed at how dumb she sounded but realized they didn’t care.

“Wow, if their presents have this much thought, I wonder what the rest of yours are.” She said giggling. She reached for Audrey and the girls’ present. She opened the box slowly and nearly dropped it. The girls were smiling as they were watching Kristina freak out about the gift.

“Oh…my…No…Oh my…Yes!”

“Kris, what is it?” Joey asked. The guys looked at the girls but they wouldn’t say anything.

“Kristina! What did they get you?” Justin said.

“Keys…Car…Mine!” She pulled out a set of car keys and waved them in everyone’s faces.

“NO! You gave her a car? What were you all thinking?” Chris yelled.

Everyone laughed. “No, it’s my car so I won’t purposely try and wreck it.” She said smiling.

“We thought it’s time she got her own car because like she said, we’re afraid she’ll wreck it.” Audrey said.

“Besides, it’s long awaited.” Shelley said.

“Yeah, but think about it…ever heard of road rage? She’ll kill us out there! She’s psycho with wheels!” Julie said. Kristina got out of the booth and gave the three a big hug.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you…I love you all SO much!”

“You’re welcome!” they all said. They sat back down in the booth and Kristina reached over for Chris’ box. She opened the envelope that incased the birthday card.

To Kristina,

On your birthday, I thought I’d give you something special…. Love.

She looked over at the right side of the card and saw that Chris had written her a little message.

It’s not much but I put a lot of thought into it. The salesperson said it was something only a daughter could love and I immediately thought of you. Spend this day with the people you love.

With love,


She tore open the box wondering what he could have gotten that would have that kind of value. She pulled out an antique music box. The cover had her name engraved into it. Slowly, she ran her fingers over her name and opened the top slowly. Inside the box played Fur Elise by Beethoven. She was in tears. “Chris, this is beautiful, thank you. I love it.” She said in between sobs.

“You’re welcome…I thought you’d like it. I remember my mom saying her dad gave her a music box for her birthday and she kept it forever. I thought I’d give you the same thing since you feel like a daughter to me.”

Kristina jumped out of the booth and gave Chris a hug. “I love you so much, Chris, I love you so much!” She kissed his cheek and hugged him tighter. Finally, someone to call dad, even though it was Chris. “This means so much to me! You don’t even know! I love you!”

“Ah…Kris, let go, I’m not breathing right!” Everyone laughed as they switched seats to let the two in.

“Kris, don’t go killing my boyfriend now. It’s not right!” Audrey said.

“I’m sorry!” She said. “I just love his present.”

“Okay, open my gift.” Justin said. “It’s…the…last…box…here.” He said wondering where JC’s present could be. “Um…yeah, open it. Wait, before I forget. Here Shelley, open this later, k?” She took the present from Justin and nodded her head. “Okay, now you can open your present, Kris.”

“Okay.” Kristina said, she knew what Justin had to be thinking and shrugged. She opened the box and nearly dropped it. “You didn’t.”

“Heh, look at the closely, they’re not what you think.” Justin said smiling.

She looked into the box again and shut it. She knew what they were. “Um…Justin.”

“What is it babe?” Audrey asked.

She re-opened the box to show Audrey, Julie, and Shelley what was inside. The girls weren’t following. Kristina could see their confused looks and spoke up. “They are spare keys to Justin’s new house.” She said.

“Let me explain.” Justin said. “The five of us were each thinking of the perfect gift to give you. Well since we’re going to be on tour, soon, for a long period of time, we thought that it’d be a good idea for the four of you to stay at my place, ya know so it’ll still be liveable. There’s enough room and there’s no need to pay rent or anything, it just needs life.

“If you don’t want to and would rather stay at your apartment that’s cool too.” JC said. “At least you’ll have a key to the house.”

“I mean we could always use the extra room. I don’t know how long Julie and Shelley will be able to tolerate each other for such a long period of time. I don’t know. It’s up to Aud, I guess.” Kristina said.

“Well, she’s right. We could use the extra room. I think we might just take you up on that offer. That won’t be a permanent resident would it?”

“No, just when we’re on tour, you can stay there. Unless you want to just move in permanently then you can. I don’t think that’s a problem either.” Justin said. “My parents are going to keep the house we already live in, this one. The new one is my own.”

Kristina, Shelley, Julie and Audrey all walked upstairs to the balcony. They needed some time to think about it.

“What do you think?” Audrey said.

“I would really love living at Justin’s.” Shelley said. “Not that he’ll be there while I am.” She had a big grin on her face.

“Me too.” Kristina said. “Besides, do you really think we can afford still living at the apartment when Shel and Jewels move in permanently?”

“Good point.” Audrey said. “Shel, don’t get any ideas in your head. If we do live there, you and Justin are going to be on separate floors.”

“Hey! I didn’t say anything.” Shelley said.

“Yeah, but your grin gave it away.” Audrey said.

“Oh, Heh.” She said blushing.

“I’m sure my parents won’t mind me staying here. I’m already living in your apartment. They’ve wanted me to leave the house anyway since I graduated from high school last year. So I’ll just tell them it’s a temporary house for a couple months, ya know till college rolls around.” Julie said. “I got accepted to the college out in California and well a couple others, I have yet to choose one!”

“Oh my god. That’s great news Julie.” Kristina said.

“Yeah, I know. I can’t wait. I don’t start till the mid-session so I can stay with you guys till next January after mid-terms are finished with.”

“Cool. My little girls are growing up.” Audrey said acting motherly.

“Oh Aud, don’t get all sappy on us.” The three said in unison.

“Congratulations, Julie. We’re all proud of you. It’s a good idea that you’ll start next year. Gives me more time with me girls.” Audrey said.

They are really growing up. I feel so protective over them. They are my babies. I don’t know what I’d do without them. My family, the one so unique and special to call my own.

“Audrey, you okay with this?” Julie asked.

“Yes, babe, yes I am. I’ll be here if you need anything.” She said hugging Julie. Kristina and Shelley did the same.

“Wow, Julie. You’re becoming an adult without us. Get those college guys for us. Wow, college guys must be hot!” Shelley said. Kristina agreed and smiled.

“So what did Justin get you?” Julie asked.

“Oh well I haven’t opened it yet.”

“Well do it now!” Audrey said. Shelley smiled and slowly opened the box. Inside was a framed picture of the two of them and a pendant wrapped around the frame for her to wear.

“Oh my god. This is so cute. I love it!” She yelled. She looked at the picture. It was a picture of the two of them sitting on the couch at his house asleep in each other’s arms. “I love this.”

“Aw…he is the sweet one isn’t he?” Julie said. “Never thought that one for a minute.” They all laughed and went back into downstairs to join the guys.

“So…” Justin said. Shelley quickly walked over to Justin and kissed him. She thanked him and sat down. Kristina and the girls were all smiles. “Is that an okay?”

“More than okay! Audrey wants us to stay there!” Kristina said.

“Permanently?” He asked smiling.

“Well… for now, no. It’s too early for that. But we will stay there during your tours and stuff. We’ll need the space.” Audrey said.

“Okay! Under one small condition.”

“Anything.” The four said in unison.

“Don’t turn my house into some sort of chick place. I need to keep my sanity.”

Everyone laughed and started to clean up the present wrappings. Kristina sat there admiring her gifts. She was a little sad that JC didn’t get her anything. The guys were a bit confused and upset at him. She looked up at him and he just smiled. He kept checking his watch. She looked at her pager and saw that it was 11:45.

Five minutes later JC got out of the booth and took Kristina with him. “Come with me.”

“Uh…okay.” She said. Everyone saw them leave and didn’t do much about it. They were still wondering why JC didn’t get her a present. JC led Kristina up to the rooftop.

“Close your eyes.” He said. She did what he asked. “Now give me your hand.” She didn’t question him once; she was more in thought about what he had planned. In the background she could hear music playing. JC looked at his watch and it said 11:55. “Open your eyes.”

She did as she was told and she eyes shined at her surroundings. There were candles lit and rose petals on the floor. There was cider in the ice and chocolate covered strawberries in the bowl next to it. “JC, this is…”

“Like it?”

“It’s beautiful. I love it.” She said hugging him. He looked at his watch again and saw it was time. He took Kristina’s hands in his and looked down into her eyes. She looked up at him and smiled.

“Kristina, today was your day and it should be special. You don’t know what you do to me. You make me feel complete like I’m needed on this earth other than for music…I’m here to love someone, you. You’re everything I asked for in a young woman like yourself. You’re someone who makes me smile like no other person can. You’re someone who touches every nerve of my body and makes me melt at your soft touch. Someone I care too much about. And on the very last minute of your day of birth, 11:59 PM, I ask you this. Kristina, make me even happier and be my girlfriend.”

Kristina was in tears. She didn’t expect any of this. “JC…I…” She was speechless. She’s finally found someone who cares for her this much. “Yes, JC, yes, yes, a thousand times yes!” She said jumping into his arms. He spun her around and set her down slowly so she could stand on her own. She looked up at him through her teary eyes and saw a genuine smile on his face. She stood taller and kissed him. They pulled apart at the sound of Kristina’s pager. She looked down and saw it was midnight.

“That’s the best present anyone could give to me. Thank you.”

“Anytime. I’m glad it’s finally official. You and I can be together and not worry about anyone else.” He said kissing her again.

“I could get use to all this kissing.” She said. She looked over and saw his bruise finally gone. “Glad, you don’t have to suffer much anymore.”

“Huh? Oh yeah. I’m glad it’s gone.” He said running his fingers through her hair.

“Oh well. Let’s go inside, they are probably al wondering about us.” She said heading for the door leading back to the studio.

“Not yet, we can’t let these go to waste.” He said pointing to the cider and the strawberries. A big smile came upon his face and he grabbed a glass and handed it to Kristina. She sat back down on the blanket set up for them and leaned up against him.

“I guess we can stay.” She said smiling.

“Good.” He wrapped his arms around her and started whispering the sweetest things into her ear. She giggled and smiled. The two were a match and right now, no one could tear them apart. He took one of the strawberries and fed it to Kristina.

“Yum.” She said licking her lips to taste more of the chocolate. She took a sip of her cider. A slight breeze came and blew some of the petals towards them. They circled the two and fell slowly to the floor. Kristina stared at the falling petals and sighed to herself.

This really is the best present anyone could give me.

JC stood up and took Kristina’s hand. “May I have this dance?”

She stared up into his eyes and nodded. They danced in the moonlight staring deeply into each other’s eyes. “Thank you.”


“For this, for everything you’ve done for me. For being JC.” She said leaning her head on his shoulder.

“Anything for you, Kristina, Anything.” He leaned down and kissed her passionately. Kristina pulled away breathlessly and smiled slowly. They grabbed their drinks and twirled around some more. The strawberries were finished and the drinks were gone. The night was wonderful.

“Perfect.” They danced slowly on the rooftop and eventually gathered everything up and went inside.

Chris took Audrey aside and handed her a small box. “What’s this for, Chris?”

“It’s your Valentine’s gift. I know I didn’t give it to you on the 14th, it’s just we were really busy and…”

“Chris, no it’s okay. It’s better than later.” She opened the box and found a small silver bracelet with her name engraved in it. “Oh, Chris it’s beautiful. I love it.”

“I’m glad. I love you baby.” He said kissing her.

“I love you too Chris. Thank you.” He began to walk away when Audrey stopped him. “Where are you going? I have something for you.”

He stopped and looked at her. “Why? You didn’t have to.”

“I wanted to.” She walked outside to another room and came back with a sizeable box.

“What is it?” He asked taking the box from her.

“Open it and find out.” She said smiling. He tore open the box and found collage with pictures of the two of them. It looked big enough to be put into the tour bus when that time came around.

“Audrey, this is wonderful, thank you sweetie.” He kissed her and smiled. He saw so many various pictures of the two of them from the dinner when they first met to pictures from Hawaii. “You have made me the happiest person right now.”

Audrey smiled and motioned for the two to join the others. Everyone had finished cleaning up and was waiting to leave for Audrey’s apartment. JC and Kristina walked in a few minutes later hand in hand smiling and laughing with each other. They were a little confused on why the two were acting so close. From the information they knew, JC didn’t get her anything.

“Kris? What’s up with you? Did JC get you anything?” Julie asked as the new couple sat down with the group. They just glowed in each other’s presence and were lost in each other’s eyes. Kristina nodded and smiled. “What? We’d all like to know.” She pushed. They all agreed. Kristina broke away from JC to explain what happened. The guys smiled at his efforts and the girls sighed.

“That has got to be the most romantic thing I have ever heard. I’m going to cry.” Audrey said.

“So it’s done, you and Kristina are a couple.”

“Uh huh.” They said together. They kissed each other and looked at the fourteen eyes staring at them intently. “What?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. You two are the cutest.” Shelley said. “Well let’s get going. It’s almost two in the morning and we have school in a couple hours.”

“You’re still going to school, babe?” Justin asked. “Won’t the two of you be tired?”

“No, this was all worth it.” Kristina said followed by a big sigh. “I’ll sleep peacefully tonight, don’t worry.” They all smiled and started packing the presents and other miscellaneous things into the cars. Kristina noticed that Julie was drifting off to Lance’s car. “Jewels? Where are you going?”

“Oh, I’m staying at Lance’s. I’m suppose to be going there later today anyway so I’m just saving myself the trip and I’m going to be over there.” She said smiling.

“Okay. Well, I’ll just call you after school or something. Bye babe, I love ya!”

“Love you too Kris!” Julie yelled stepping into Lance’s car. The ride to Lance’s house was rather awkward. They were both pretty silent and it was annoying the hell out of both of them. “Please say something, anything!”

Lance laughed and Julie noticed he must have been in serious thought. “Anything you want to talk about?” He shook his head no and concentrated on the road. “You sure? I’m all ears.”

He thought about it for a minute and gave in. The car stopped at a red light. He looked over at Julie and smiled. “I’ve been thinking a lot about you leaving. The more I think about it, the more I don’t want you to leave.”

“What do you mean? We already went thought this Lance.” The light turned green and the car rolled on again. “Remember? At Justin’s house? We already agreed it was okay with both of us that I go to college.”

“I know.” He said turning into his driveway.

“Then what’s the problem?” She asked as the two got out and got their things to take into his house. They got settled. Lance brought Julie’s things into the room she’s been staying in and they both sat on her bed. “Okay, so again, what’s the problem?”

“I don’t know. I’d miss ya too much Jewels.” He said looking down at his hands.

“Oh, Lance. I’d miss you too. Don’t think for a second that I’ll forget any of this, any of you.” She hugged him and kissed his cheek. “Now is that all you’re worried about?”

“I guess. I mean you’re my partner in crime outside of the four guys and I can’t bare to see you leave.”

“You’re the cutest you know that. I’m glad you don’t want me to leave. I don’t want to leave, but I want to go on with my life and grow into someone, you have to understand that right?”

“Yes, I know. And I’ll be here for you. Just don’t do anything too memorable while you’re still here. I might not ever let you go.” He said. He blushed a little and smiled.

“My goodness, you are such a Mississippian.” She said.

“Hey now, only Kristina can say that!” He said laughing. They talked into the morning and soon fell asleep.

**Audrey’s apartment**

The four guys decided to stay there for the remainder of the morning. Chris and Audrey took it as their responsibility to keep JC and Kristina from being in the same room.

“Why? Audrey, this isn’t fair! C’mon! Chris!” Kristina yelled trying to get out of her room.

“NO! You are staying in there!” They yelled. They stuck JC into one of the other rooms.

“Like I said it’s not fair!”

“Why, Kris. Enlighten us, why isn’t it fair?” Audrey asked.

She thought about it for a minute and smiled. “Okay, so you’ll let Justin and Shelley share a room, but you won’t let JC and me share a room.” She knew she had them right where she wanted them. She knew Shelley would be utterly pissed.

“No! Don’t even start Kris! Shelley yelled.

“No, wait, she does have a point. You two shouldn’t be sharing a room anyways, if word got out it wouldn’t be pretty.” Chris said.

“Shelley you’re sharing a room with Kristina and that’s final.”

“Ugh! Kristina you are so dead.” She said trucking into the room.

“Justin, you’re with JC.” Audrey finalized.

“Fine, fine.” He walked over to JC’s room and slammed the door behind him.

“Joey, you can have the last bedroom, Audrey and I will be in here.”

“No man, you two go in there. I’ll have the couch.” He said situating himself.

“Uh…okay.” They said walking into the room. They could hear Kristina and Shelley yelling at each other.

“Why, Kris, why did you do that?” Shelley asked.

“Because if I have to go down, I’m taking you with me!” She said tucking herself into the bed.

“Great, thanks. Now I don’t think we’ll be sharing a room for a while! I love you so much Kristina.”

“I know, Shelley, I know.” And with that they fell asleep humbly.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 26