
August 6th, 2000

Dear Journal,

The last entry in here is from around the time we met the guys. Geez, have they kept us that busy? My goodness, what could I say about the last year. It’s been really insane but fun. I am with the most amazing guy in the world…oh and did I tell you he asked me…like the question that changed my life…lol, he…asked me to go on tour with him! Haha, I knew what you were thinking, but no it wasn’t that. There was some type of job opening on tour and he gave the job to me so I could be with him. I took it and it’s been great. He asked me in May and it has been the best three months ever. The girls came along as much as they could…the job gave me free airfare and I’ve been using it to bring them along when they could. Kris and Shel are starting college soon. Julie’s on the job with me…Lance snuck her in, so she’s with me too. I couldn’t ask for a better arrangement. Julie’s only going to be working, though, until she goes to college, in January like planned. She’s staying here and majoring in radio or something like that. She gave into Lance. It was great, definitely a fight to remember. But something tells me he did MORE than just ask her to stay…a LOT more, the possible way he could have convinced her to stay… nah, I’m not about to think about that. Julie wouldn’t…would she?

So what’s been happening with JC and Kristina? Gosh, they won’t stay away from each other. Every time I bring her out on the road with me they are inseparable. It’s too much. But they really care about each other and I’m happy to see her happy with him. He treats her right and I’m glad. Kristina is finally in love with someone who loves her back with just as much passion. Chris and I still make it our duties too keep them in separate rooms, although they absolutely hate that, they deal. But they are the couple who every couple should be modeled after…after everything they’ve been through; they’ve managed to still keep their love alive. I’m getting worried that they do MORE than they should when they are alone, makes you wonder, who the innocent ones are. Maybe we should have that “mother-daughter talk”…I should get Shelley and Julie in here also.

Shelley and Justin are still quiet a match. Shelley still insults him with the best of him, but he knows it’s all out of love. I think he’s totally over his “feelings” for Kris, I’m glad too because that was hell for all of us. Justin finally told Kristina about it, I mean the WHOLE truth and she understood. Before she only knew that Justin might have had feelings but now he explained everything. Everything made sense to her and she thanked him for telling her. They are the closest of friends, now because of it. Again, with the misconception of Justin and Shelley doing what they know is not suppose to be done, if you catch my drift. Teenagers and they’re raging hormones, or as JC would say they are being “hormonal.”

Well, Julie and Lance are officially a couple. Don’t ask me when that happened we're all still trying to figure that out...Like the night of Lance’s little party, something happened that night in her room that she won’t tell anyone. I mean, they came out of their room the next morning closer than ever. It wasn’t flirting, in a cute way; it was more flirting, R Rated, if ya know what I mean. But I’m NOT about to touch on that subject. Eh…okay, that’s Julie and Lance…the INNOCENT ones! But it's funny cuz they're not like most couples...they're more like friends with privileges...you should see them. I really think they've got something special between them. You should see how cute they are together! I’ve never seen Lance and Julie as happy as when they're goofing around together and hanging out as if they've been buddies since they were born. Something happened between them a while ago that sparked this and I’m dying to know what it was. I know that with Julie involved, it can’t be good. I mean…they first met and the HATED each other…they became better friends after they made up. Then after Valentine’s day, they were inseparable. Lately, I can’t peel her off of him, vice versa. Sometimes, they are TOO close. It makes you wonder what happens when the lights are OFF. Okay…I’m going to STOP thinking about that! Gosh! Anyways, her, Joey, and Lance still have their little rendezvous with the midnight snacks. Hah, did the guys ever pay for that the next day during concerts. They were just sick to their stomachs. Julie wasn’t doing too well either; she’d stay in the hotel for hours running in and out of the bathroom. We all warned them, but they NEVER listened.

Not a day goes by when I don’t thank god for letting me live on from day to day. I never really had another major attack like before. I’ve learned to control them, kind of. The inhaler is god’s creation, lol. Chris takes care of me, though. He’s always asking me if I’m okay, or if I need anything. But above all, he’s ALWAYS telling me he loves me. That’s all I need to hear. I love him with all my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. He treats me as an equal and loves me for who I am and now who I was. I’ve never felt so strongly about someone before and it scared me a little. There’s so much I can talk about to you but there wouldn’t be enough room to express everything I feel for that man…I just know that…

“Audrey…let’s go!” Kristina yelled from inside the house.

“Yeah, I’m coming.” She yelled back, swinging on the seats. Kristina walked outside followed by Shelley, Julie, and the guys. Chris seemed to be missing.

“C’mon, we don’t have all day. The reservation’s won’t change themselves, I put too much into this dinner for JC, now come ON.” Chris came walking out fixing his tie while walking to the group. He pulled out something from his pocket. Everyone stood aside and smiled. He kneeled down in front of Audrey and looked deep into her hazel eyes.

“What are you doing?” She whispered into his ear.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said jokingly. She smiled down at him and tried wondering what he had planned. “Audrey, I love you…be with me…forever…marry me?”

He opened the small box and inside was a beautiful engagement ring. Audrey looked down at the ring and then back at Chris. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She leaned down and kissed him deeply and passionately. “Yes, Chris, Yes!”

Chris stood up and twirled her around in his arms. Kristina hugged JC as a tear fell down her cheek. JC wiped it away and motioned for the others to go inside. Audrey and Chris kissed a few more times before he let her go. He slipped the ring on her finger as a few more tears fell from her eyes. He kissed them away and took her hands to walk inside.

“Hold on…” She insisted. He nodded, kissed her, and walked back inside. She walked back to the swinging seat and finished what she started.

…He’s my life and with him…he changes it all.


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