
**8 Months Later** JC stood next to Justin, Chris, Joey, and Lance as he watched his bride Carly walk down the isle. Things had turned out well for the couple. All of their friends supported them. They had taken their time and planned a beautiful wedding that went of without a hitch. Now they were sharing their first dance as husband and wife when Nick, Brian, and Kevin walked in the reception hall. Carly freaked. “What are they doing here? How did they find out?”

Nick walked directly up to Carly and JC. “Hello, Carly, JC. I just want to say congratulations.”

Carly was in shock. “You mean you’re not mad?”

“Of course not. I’m happy for you. I can see you’re very happy. I wish you would have told me yourself, but I think I can understand your reasons.”

“How did you find out?” JC asked.

“Your friend Lance has a big mouth.” They all laughed. “Well I’m going to let you two get back to dancing. I gotta go check out the food.” Carly laughed as she watched him walk away. JC and Carly started dancing again. “I’m so happy.”

“I know. I don’t think this day could have turned out better,” JC said.

“Look” JC looked over at the food table and saw all the guys standing around talking with Nick, Kevin, and Brian. “Just want I’ve always wanted. Everyone is friends.”


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