Chapter 16

At 11:30 Carly decided it was time to go to bed. She excused herself and checked on Jenny before heading to her room. About 5 minutes after Carly left BJ spoke up. “I’m going to the rest room. I’ll be right back.”

“Ok,” Justin said. BJ headed towards the bathroom then took the back way upstairs and headed to Carly’s room. She lightly knocked on the door. Carly opened it.

“Can we talk?” BJ asked.

“Yeah, sure. Come in.”

BJ walked in and sat down on the bed. “Nick told me.”

Carly looked confused. “Told you wh…oh.”


“I don’t know what to say. I can’t change the way I feel just like he can’t change what he said that night.”

This time BJ looked confused. “What he said?”

“He didn’t tell you obviously.” BJ shook her head. “I suppose you’re not going to let me get away with saying it wasn’t very nice.”

“No way.”

“Well, ok, but you have to promise you won’t tell anyone, especially Justin.”

“Ok. I promise.”

”The night I told Nick I was pregnant he asked me if the baby was his?” BJ opened her mouth to say something but nothing would come out. “I know. It doesn’t sound like him. I could barely believe it myself, but he said it and I can’t stop the hurt that I still feel when I think about it. That’s why I told Nick I can’t be with him.”

“I can’t believe it. How can he be such a jerk?”

“BJ, don’t belittle him. It was a shock to him to find out he was going to become a father. I don’t blame him for reacting. I blame him for reacting badly. There’s a big difference.”

“But how can you be so forgiving?”

“Well obviously I’m not since I can’t get past it to get back together with him. But I’m not mad at him anymore. He mad a mistake. A mistake that will keep us apart for the rest of our lives, but not a mistake that I can hate him for. He’s the father of my baby. I still love him, just not like that anymore. Please don’t hate him. He’s your brother.”

“I don’t hate him. I just can’t believe he would say something like that. It shocks the hell out of me. I guess I can see why you did what you did. You had to.” Carly nodded her head. “Well I’m going to let you get to bed. I better be heading home anyway. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Ok, bye.”

~*~Meanwhile Downstairs~*~

“JC, I’m going to be honest. What is going on between you and Carly?” Justin asked.

“What are you talking about?”

“JC, I can tell you like her. You have for a long time and now that Nick’s out of the picture it looks like she returns your feelings. We just want to know if anything has happened yet?” Joey said.

“Guys, she just broke up with her boyfriend, why would I make a move on her now. I’m not going to deny I like her, but right now the timing isn’t right.”

“Ok. You better keep us informed when the timing gets better,” Lance said.

Just as they finished talking BJ came in and said goodbye to everyone and headed home.

~*~One week later~*~ The week before the guys left flew by. Now Carly was standing in the celebrity lounge of the airport holding Jenny saying goodbye to the guys. When they heard the boarding announcement the guys started saying their goodbyes. “Carly, girl, I’m going to miss you. And you too you little munchkin,” Justin said. He looked over at BJ who was crying next to him. He hugged Carly. “Please take care of BJ for me,” he whispered.

“I will, Justin. I promise.”

“Bye Carly. Bye Jenny. See you guys in a month,” Lance said then hugged them both.

“Bye Lance.”

“Sis, I’m gonna miss ya. Who will I pick on?” Chris said hugging them.

“You can go back to picking on Justin. I think he missed the attention.” Chris laughed and pinched Jenny’s cheek.

Next was Joey. “Joey, I’m going to miss you so much,” Carly said feeling the tears in her eyes.

“Don’t worry Cos, we’ll be back before you know it. Take care of my little angel here.”

”I will.”

Joey saw JC walk up. “Here let me say goodbye to my little angel.” He took Jenny and walked away a little bit. He knew JC and Carly wanted to be alone to talk.

Before JC could say anything Carly spoke up. “JC, please don’t say goodbye. It just seems so final.”

“Ok. I won’t say goodbye. I’ll say see ya later.”

“Yeah, see ya later.” He took her in his arms and hugged her. They stood like that until they heard the guys calling JC.

“I’ll call you as soon as the plane lands.” He kissed her on the cheek and left with the other guys. Joey brought Jenny back to Carly, hugged her one more time then got on the plane and left. Carly and BJ stood there and watched the plane take off. When it was gone they headed back to Joey’s house. The guys were wrong. The month went very very slowly for Carly and BJ. Everyday that Carly spent away from JC made her realize just how much she liked him. Finally the month passed and the time guys were supposed to come home came and went. The guys had told them not to meet them at the airport so they waited at the house for them. Carly tried calling JC and Joey but neither of them answered. BJ tried calling Justin but he never answered either. Finally out of pure exhaustion both girls fell asleep. They woke in the morning to a pounding at the door. Carly got up and answered it. It was a policeman. “Are you Carly Fatone?”

“Yes I am.”

“Miss, Fatone, I’m Officer Jones. I came to inform you that you’re cousin was in a plane crash yesterday.”


“I’m also supposed to escort you to the hospital where him and his friends are.”

“Oh my god!” Carly ran into the living room. “BJ, they were in a plane crash. Please can you get Jenny dressed and pack her a bag.”


“Officer come in. There are a few phone calls I have to make.”

”No problem Miss Fatone.”

Carly called Nick. “Brian, is Nick there?”

“Yeah. Is there something wrong?”

“I need to talk to him.”

“Ok, hold on just a minute.”

“Hello?” Nick said.

“Nick, can you watch Jenny for a couple of days. Joey and the guys were in a plane crash and I have to go be with them.”

”Yeah, I’ll be right over to get her.”

“No, we need to go to the hospital. Come there to pick her up.”

“Ok. What hospital?”

Carly looked at the officer. “Officer, what hospital?”


“Mercy Hospital, Nick.”

“Ok. Give me time to get dressed and I’ll be there.”

“Ok. And thanks.”

“No problem.” Carly hung up the phone just as BJ walked downstairs with Jenny and an overflowing bag.

“Thanks, BJ. Ok officer I think we’re ready to go.”

“Ok. You will have to just follow me in your car with the baby.”

“Ok, that’s fine.” They went out and Carly got Jenny in her car seat. They followed the officer to the hospital. He took them through the crowd straight up to the floor of the hospital that had be blocked off and secured just for the guys. They met a doctor when they got there.

“Hello. I’m Doctor Gallas.”

“How are they?”

“Pretty good considering what they’ve been through. Joey and Justin are the luckiest. Joey has a broken arm and a slight concussion. Justin has a broken rib.”

“Thank God!” BJ said.

“Chris has a few internal injuries, but nothing serious. Lance and JC are unconscious.”

“Oh my God!” Carly said.

“Lance, may have some head injuries and JC is in a coma.” Carly stared crying and breaking down. BJ took Jenny from her and the doctor led them to the waiting room.

“Can I see him? I need to see JC,” Carly yelled.

“I don’t think that would be a good idea.”

“Please. I need to see him,” Carly begged.

“Ok, come with me.”

“BJ, please watch Jenny. Nick should be here soon to take her.”


The doctor led Carly down lots of hallways until he stopped at a door. He opened it slowly and let Carly go in. “I’ll be back to check on you in a few minutes.” Carly just nodded. She walked up to the bed. JC was laying there. He looked like he was sleeping except for all the tubes coming out of him. He was also extremely pale. Carly pulled a chair up to the bed and sat next to him taking his hand in hers. She sat like that for a long time. The doctor checked in a few times to make sure she was ok. Later that night BJ came in.

“Carly I hate to bother you, but Lance is awake and everyone is in his room. Joey is worried sick about you. Why don’t you come and see everyone.”

“Ok.” Carly took one last look at JC, kissed his hand, and got up to go with BJ. She took Carly down the hall a couple rooms. When Carly walked into the room she saw all the guys minus JC. They all looked happy yet sad. Joey came over to her and hugged her with his good arm.

”How is he,” Joey asked.

“Still not awake,” was all Carly could say. Carly sat around and they all talked for a while. Finally Carly decided she needed to go back to JC. She just got up and walked out of the room. No one stopped her because they all knew where she was going. Carly sat down next to his bed and took his hand just like she had before. She sat there for the rest of the night never once falling asleep. The next morning the only time Carly left JC’s side was when the doctors came to look him over. Everyone tried to get her to eat or to sleep but she wouldn’t. She stayed by his side for a week until he woke up. Carly was sitting by his side with his hand in hers staring out the window at the city around them. She gasped when JC’s hand squeezed hers. She turned and looked at him. He was looking back at her. She wanted to hug him, but didn’t because she didn’t want to hurt him. “Morning Sunshine. How are you feeling?”

“I’ve felt better. How is everyone else?”

”Good. Everyone else has gone home and are recuperating.”

“That’s good.”

“You stay here I’ll go get the doctor.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

Carly went to the nurses’ station and told them JC was awake then went to the payphones to call the guys. She called Joey and he said he would tell everyone else and they would be there soon. Then she went back to JC. The doctors were done examining him and said he would be fine after some serious rest and relaxation. Carly sat down next to JC again. They didn’t say anything just looked at each other. Finally exhaustion got the better of Carly. “I’m just going to lay my head down here for a second.” She laid her head down on the bed next to JC and fell into a deep sleep. After a while the guys and BJ came in.

“Hey, JC. How ya feeling?” Chris asked.

“Good, tired and sore, but good.”

“We’re glad to have you back. We were scared there for a while,” Justin said.

“I’m going to be fine, guys. Thanks for caring though.”

“I see Carly finally decided to get some sleep,” Joey said.

“What? How long was I under?”

“About a week.”

“And Carly hasn’t slept that whole time?” They all shook their heads. “Why would you guys let her do that to herself. You should have made her get some sleep.”

“JC, she wouldn’t leave your side. We couldn’t pry her away,” Lance said.

“Oh,” was all JC said. They all sat around talking quietly letting Carly sleep.

A week later JC went home. Carly spent as much time with him as possible. Nick said he would take care of Jenny for as long as she needed him to. One after noon after JC had been out of the hospital for a couple of days him and Carly were sitting on the couch watching MTV. JC couldn’t stop staring at Carly. Finally he made up his mind. “Carly can we talk for a minute?”

Carly looked up at him. “Sure.”

“Carly I’ve wanted to tell you this for a long time, but never had the guts. But after what happened I realize if you have something on your mind you have to say it because you can never tell what’s going to happen.”

“JC, what are you talking about?”

”Carly, I love you. I have for a long time now. I just didn’t want to say anything especially when Nick was still in your life. I know you probably don’t feel the same way, but I had to tell you.”

“No, JC. I do feel the same way. I realized that the day you guys left for tour. I don’t know how I lived without you for a month. I love you JC.”

“I love you too.” JC cupped her cheek and leaned down to kiss her. They continued to kiss until they heard someone clearing their throat. They looked up to see Justin and BJ there. “Hi guys,” JC said sheepishly.

“I see you’re feeling better,” Justin said.

“Lots,” JC smiled.

“Carly, aren’t you picking up Jenny today?” BJ asked.

“Nope. Nick wanted her one more night. I’m going to pick her up tomorrow.”

“Oh. So what are you going to do tonight?”

“She’s got plans with me,” JC said.

They all looked at him. “I guess I have plans tonight,” Carly said.

“Ok, well we’ve got to get going. We’re heading out to my parents house tonight.”

“Ok, you two have fun with the parents,” JC said. They all laughed. Then Justin and BJ left.

“So what are our plans tonight?” Carly asked.

“I thought we could go on our first date.”

“I think that sounds good. I better go home and get ready though.”

“Ok. I’ll shower and get ready then come and pick you up.”

“Ok.” Carly stood up and kissed him quickly then left. She was all smiles when she got home.

“What’s up with you?” Joey asked when he saw her.

“I’m just happy.”

“Oh. JC finally tell ya he loves ya?”

Carly stopped dead in her tracks, turned around, and looked at him. “How did you know?”

“Come on we all knew. We could see by the way you two look at each other.”

“I’m scared.”

“Scared? Of what?”

“Of what Nick will say or do. He accused me before of having a relationship with JC. He completely flipped. I’m scared of what he’ll do when he finds out there actually is something there.”

“What do you think he’ll do?”

“I don’t know. That’s why I’m so scared.”

“It’s ok. I’m sure everything will work out. Now you have to go get ready for your date.”

“What are you a mind reader or something?”

“No, Curly called early and told me everything.” He ran out of the room laughing when Carly looked at him. Carly just shook her head and headed up to her room. She showered and changed. When she walked back to her room there was JC sitting on her bed.

“Hey! So where are we going?”

“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

JC stood up and walked over to her. “Please tell me.”


”Ok. Just tell me if I’m dressed ok.”

“You look great.” JC wrapped his arms around Carly’s waist and hugged her. “Carly, I love you.”

Carly pulled back to look at him. “I love you too. What brought that on?”

“Nothing. I just wanted to tell you.”

“You’re too sweet.”

“I know. Now lets get going.”

“Ok.” JC took her to a nice Italian restaurant. They were seated in a secluded corner where no one would see them. They ate and talked and had a wonderful time. When they left the restaurant JC took Carly to a park. They laid down on a blanket and looked up at the stars. “They’re so beautiful.”

“Yeah they are. And so are you.”

Carly rolled over so she was looking at JC. “JC, are you sure you want to get into a relationship with me?”

JC looked down at her. “Of course I am. Why would you ask me that?”

“Because of Jenny. Being a in a relationship with me means more than just having a girlfriend.”

JC stroked Carly’s cheek. “I know that. I love Jenny like she was my own daughter, and I love you so much.”

“I love you too.” Carly leaned up and kissed JC. JC ran his fingers through Carly’s hair. Then he rolled over so he was on top of her. Carly’s hands explored his back. They continued kissing until JC touched her. All of the sudden Carly stopped and sat up knocking JC off of her.

“Carly what’s wrong?” JC asked when he sat up.

“JC, I’m sorry. I just can’t…” she started crying.

JC hugged her and rocked her back and forth until she stopped crying. “It’s ok baby. Everything’s ok.”

When she finally calmed down enough to speak she looked up at him. “JC, I’m sorry. I just can’t….”

JC put his finger to her lips. “It’s ok. I understand. I don’t want to rush you. You don’t have to explain anything.”

“But I want to. I’m scared. I’ve only been with one other person and that resulted in a baby. Don’t get me wrong, I love Jenny with everything in me. I just don’t think I want another baby right now.”

“Nick was your first?” Carly nodded her head. “It’s ok, babe. I understand what you’re saying. I’m not going to push you.”

“Thanks for understanding.”

“I love you and I’m here for you.”

“You are the best.” She kissed him lightly on the cheek. “I hate to cut this wonderful evening short, but I have to get home. I’m supposed to pick up Jenny tomorrow and I have to drive clear out to Ruskin.”

“Carly, can I go with you tomorrow?”

“You want to?”

“Yeah. I want to be with you as much as possible.”

“You do realize that Nick and his parents will be there?”

“Yeah. We’re going to have to face them sometime. Why not get it over with.”

“I just don’t know how Nick is going to react.”

“Then I definitely want to be there.”

“Ok. You can go with me. Why don’t you stay over tonight? You have clothes at Joe’s don’t you?”

“Yeah. Are you sure that’s such a good idea?”

“I want you to.”

“Ok.” They got into his Jeep and headed back to Joe’s house. They fell asleep holding each other. The next morning Carly woke up and JC was gone. She got up and looked all over for him. She found him in the kitchen with Joe. She left him there and took a shower. JC and Joe were still in the kitchen when she got done.

“Are you ready to go JC?”


“We’ll be back later, Joe.” Joey just nodded.

On the way to Ruskin Carly and JC didn’t say much to each other. They just held hands and enjoyed being with each other. When they got to Nick’s house they found the gate open which was very unusual. She noticed that all the guys’ cars were there. “I wonder what’s going on?”

“I don’t know.” Carly walked up to the door and knocked. Nick answered the door.

“Hey, Carly.” Then he saw JC standing behind her. “Hello, JC.”

“Hey Nick. How’s our wonderful little girl?”

“She’s great. I think she misses her mom, but she’s good.”

“I miss her too.” They just stood there and looked at each other. “Well can I see her?”

“Yeah. Right this way.” Nick led them through the living room to the kitchen where Jenny was in BJ’s arms.

“Hey, BJ. What are you doing here?”

“Justin and I stayed here last night.”

“Really?” JC asked.


“Where is Curly?”

“Still sleeping.” Carly and JC laughed. Then Carly took Jenny in her arms.

“My little girl.”

“Our little girl,” Nick said.

“You’re right, Nick. Our little girl.” Just then Justin walked into the room. He looked around and did a double take.

“Hi, everyone,” he said confused.

“Morning, baby. Carly and JC came to pick up Jenny.”


“We should be leaving. My parents are coming into town and I have some stuff I need to do before they get here.”

“Your parents are coming into town?” JC and Nick asked at the same time.

Carly looked at Nick then at JC. “Yeah, in about three hours so we should be going.”

“Carly, can I talk to you for a minute before you leave?” Nick asked.

“Yeah sure.”

“Here let me take her,” Justin said. Carly smiled as she handed Jenny to Justin and watched him with her.

“He’s going to be a great father someday,” Carly said.

“Yeah. Carly, do you want me to be with you while your parents are here? I know you haven’t told them about us breaking up yet, and I know that you don’t have a really good relationship with your parents. If you want me to be there I will.”

Carly hugged Nick. “That is so sweet. I’m glad that we can still be friends. But I need to tell you something. JC and I are…what you would call dating.”

Nick just looked at her. “Carly, I told you once she is my baby girl and I will not have someone else raising her, especially him!” Nick yelled.

“Nick, calm down. You are her father and you will always be her father. Plus you’re pushing this way too far. JC and I are just dating. We’re not that serious yet.” He just stared at her. “I can see you’re angry and need time to think about this. We’ll just leave. I’ll talk to you later, Nick.” Carly walked out of the room only to run into JC. He had a hurt confused expression on his face. “I think it would be best for us to leave right now.” JC nodded, and they left. JC was unusually quiet on the ride back. When they got back to the house Joey and Lance were there and they took Jenny the minute Carly brought her in. “JC, can I talk to you for a minute.” He nodded his head and followed her. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

“I heard what you said to Nick.”

“Well he will always be her father. As much as we all want to change that we can’t.”

“Not that part, the part about us not being very serious. I am very serious. Carly, I have loved you since the first time you were on tour with us.”

“JC, I don’t know what to say.”

“Carly, I want to marry you. I will tell you that right now. I know you might not feel that way since you haven’t loved me as long as I love you, but I want you to know how serious I am.”

“Is that a proposal?”

JC looked deep into her eyes. “Yeah I guess it is. I don’t have a ring or anything, but yes I want to be your husband.” JC got down on one knee and took Carly’s hand in his. “Carly Fatone, will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

Carly stood there stunned for a minute. “Yes, JC. I will marry you.”

It took a minute for it to settle into JC, but once it did he jumped up and hugged her to him. “Come on we have to tell everyone.” He stared to pull her out of the room. She pulled him back.

“JC, wait a minute. We can’t tell anyone till my parents are gone. I know it’s going to be hard since they’re going to be here for a couple of days. Then I don’t want to tell anyone, but the guys and their families. I don’t want Nick, any of the BSB, or any of their families to know. And I just want a quiet wedding with the guys and their families and your family.”

“Baby, that’s fine, but what about your family?”

“I don’t want them there.”

“Are you sure?”


“Ok, baby. If that’s what you want.”

”It is.”

“Ok. I can handle all that.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

To Be Continued…

Chapter 17
