Chapters 1-3

Chapter 1

The girls crept around the house keeping a lookout for signs of movement within.

"Aaaahh I sound like I'm writing a spy novel or a Nancy Drew mystery."

"Is this fiction writing harder than it looks JC?"


"Are you beginning to regret betting Zara that you could write better NSYNC fiction than her?"

"Yes. Come on Lance what's wrong with me? I mean all I have do is write a believable story about a girl meeting NSYNC and falling madly in love with one of us and since I am a member of this damn group it should be easy."

"Hey man take it easy. You've been deleting and re-writing this story all afternoon. We have three days off why waste it. Leave this damn stuff till you have nothing better to do on the bus."

With that the shorter blonde boy walked out leaving his dark haired blue-eyed friend glaring at the computer screen. Be told JC just be told he said to himself under his breath as he began to type again. But his mind began to wonder back to the day when he had met Zara.

It had started out like any other day they had off. The five NSYNC members lounging around the pool in Justin's back yard enjoying their brief spell of freedom, Justin had been telling them about a friend of his mothers who was coming round to the house soon with her daughter Zara. The other members of the group had wondered why he was telling them such things when he had played his trump card the girl had been winning awards for her fictional stories she had written about NSYNC. This had made the other members sit up and pay attention. Especially when Justin had described Zara as a 5"6, red haired, blue-eyed long legged beauty.

JC smiled at the memory of his first meeting with Zara. He was about to relive it when the real thing walked through the door. "Hey you Lance said I would find you in here. Finding the fiction writing a bit tough for you are you?"

"No, not at all. What gave you that idea?"

"Well Lance said you kept screaming at the screen."

"Did he now? Wait till I see that little momma's boy I'm gonna beat him black and blue. " JC laughed and Zara laughed at the thought of sweet JC beating anyone.

"So Mr Beat The Boy Senseless what are you doing inside for so long if you're not struggling with out bet?"

"I am …" he hesitated.

"Yes?" Zara asked keeping an innocent look fixed to her face.

"I am trying to make my writing even better than it already is just to show you that even I can write good fiction"

"Oh yes. Can I see this good fiction?" her innocent look quickly changing to one of devilment.

"No, not till it is perfect" and to Zara's amazement JC kept his face perfectly straight and his voice cool and calm.

"Well on that case. I can't wait and JC."

"Yes?" he looked up in amusement.

"I won't wait forever" and with that she was gone.

"Now Chasez" he said to himself "Type like you have never typed before."

Chapter 2

:::Later that day:::
Justin, Chris and Joey peeped through the window of the computer room and chuckled quietly as they watched JC type like a maniac. "Guess Lance was right JC is really trying hard to beat Zara."

Chris grinned. "I'm getting the urge to cause a power cut"

Justin looked up and noticed Chris's hand was near the wire, which would manually turn off all the machines. "Kirkpatrick don't even bother. JC will kick your butt from here to Mississippi."

"Ooh he can join Lance's family"

"Ooh very funny Joey don't give up the day job"

"Ouch that hurts curly" Joey reached out a hand to mess up Justin's curls.

"Hey don't even think about messing with the fro'"

"oooh girlie fight girlie fight."

"Hey you" and with that the three members of NSYNC collapsed on the floor wrestling with each other. The three boys were yelling insults and hitting the door with stray arms and fists and didn't stop when an angry JC threw open the computer room door. "Hey"

"Hey yourself" Justin replied when he finally lifted himself from the tangle of bodies. "How's the writing going?"

"It isn't" JC sighed. "I mean come on how hard can it be? I'm a member of the band for god's sake.

"Hey now be happy Lance will help you he's the quiet one he should be good at writing"

"And how do you figure that curly?"

"Erm I don't know it sounded good."

That caused even JC to raise a smile. "That's enough for now let's go get something to eat."

"I hear that"

"Joey you always hear food"

"Yeah but it hears him coming and runs."

Chapter 3

::: Next Day :::
"JC have you actually admitted defeat to Zara yet"? Lance sat up on the couch and looked at JC with a mocking smile.

"Lance COME on JC's prides at stake here its no simple matter" Chris laughed and caused JC to crack a small smile.

"Actually Chris, Lance is right. I had to admit to Zara that although I couldn't write good fiction that maybe everyone else could. I kinda just said that I was to good at writing music to worry about whether or not I could write fiction."

"Oh yes JC and what did Zara have to say to that?" Justin couldn't' resist joining in the communal JC mocking.

"She erm she erm."

"Yes?" asked Justin innocently.

"She laughed in my face."

"Bet the old Chasez pride didn't like that?"

"Not one bit Joe not one bit" replied JC looking a little less amused.

"But guess what?"

"What Chris?"

"I did" that caused all the NSYNC members to laugh a little. Just then JC's cell phone rang and he walked out of the room to answer it.

"Guys we have a major problem on our hands here."

"Do we Lance?"

"Come on Just can't you see the way those two look at each other."

"Well yes I can."

"They obviously want to be with each other but something's holding them back."

"Don't be so quick to assume things Lance. I heard my mom talking to her mom and Zara's almost engaged to some English guy who's just moved over here."


"Yup so it seems that although our JC here might be slightly falling for Zara the feeling isn't mutual."

"No Justin that's where you're wrong it doesn't mean it isn't mutual it just means that nothing can come of their feelings for each other."

Chris and Joey sat there and watched NSYNC's two blonder members argue back and forth. "I think we should arrange a party of something where Zara can bring her other half and then we can check out JC's competition" Joey now decided to join the conversation.

"Good idea Joey but haven't you forgotten one small detail?"

Joey tilted his head to one side and then the other before answering "No Lance I don't think so."

"JC doesn't know he has any competition yet."

"Aaah now I see the problem."

JC walked back in to the room and Chris who hadn't spoken since leading the JC mocking quickly began a conversation about Pizza. JC knew they had been talking about him and he could only assume it had concerned his relationship or lack of with Zara but to the other guy's credit he couldn't get them to admit it or even give a clue that they had.

To Be Continued...

Chapters 4-6