Chapter 10

Zara picked up the phone and called Mark she was about to put down the phone before he answered but she could feel Justin glowering at her. Bring, Bring if he didn't answer the blasted phone soon she would loose her nerve. Finally Mark answered the phone "Hello?"

"Hi Mark its Zara"

"Hi darling. I'm a bit busy right now can you call back later"

"No Mark I can't. This can't wait I'm ringing to tell you that I'm going on tour tomorrow with NSYNC."

"You're what?!"

"I'm going on tour with NSYNC for the summer as an assistant it's going to give me something to do till I go to college."



"No you can't go on tour with them you have to get ready for our wedding remember"

"Mark I am going on tour. I didn't call to ask your permission but to tell you I am going and we aren't engaged anymore."

"Zara I am telling you we are getting married this summer."

"No Mark we are not! I am going on tour with NSYNC this summer. Then when I get back we meaning just you and I are going to have a long talk about our relationship. I am dating you remember not you and my father good bye Mark we can talk more when I get back."

"Zara I will not have my future wife going on tour with five singers. How is it going to look on committee's when they find out what you did this summer?"

"Is that all you care about your stupid committees?"

"Of course not but you do want to be something don't you?"

"Mark being on your committees and being the perfect chairman's wife is not what I want to do with my future. I want to live my life and see the world and most of all I want to have fun while I can"

"Fun! You want to have fun! Zara don't be silly you should want to be successful, you should want me to be successful."

"Mark everything isn't about you. I am a person Mark with feelings and most importantly dreams. You almost made me give up my dreams when you forced me to change my writing name but Mark I never stopped writing when you forbade me to write so I am not going to obey you now. I am going on tour Mark and nothing you can say to me will change my mind. Don't call me I'll call you." Before Mark even had a chance to utter a word Zara had placed the phone on the hook. Turning around slowly she gave Lance a thumbs up."Guess what Lance?"


"I'm coming on tour but only to write I don't want a job, I want to write. Can you handle that?"

"Erm let me seeā€¦. Zara held her breathe while Lance pretended to decide. "Definitely we leave at 4 am be at the studio by 3.45 am in the morning two suitcases only and one bag. I'm outta here now to leave you to pack. Try to get some sleep call one of us if you want anything. Come on Joe time to go"

Joey smiled and yanked Chris out of the chair. Justin and JC made their way to the door right behind them. The five of them smiled and said goodbye almost in unison. Zara smiled as she closed the door behind them this was certainly going to be some adventure.

Chapter 11

Zara had set her alarm for 2.45 so she would have time to eat and get ready but at 1 am she gave up any hope of sleep and decided to have a long shower instead. She washed her hair and styled it and dressed in her plain tan trousers and cream top she was going to travel in. Thoroughly she went through her small bag checked batteries for her Discman and books to read and she had even found her brothers old play station games which she thought the guys might like to play. They were so old she was sure the guys wouldn't be able to beat her until she had racked up some pretty high scores. While she had been in the shower she had thought she had heard her answer phone beep and she remembered it and with a sigh she went to check it. Expecting a message from Mark she held her breath but she let it out quickly when she heard Justin's voice. "Hey there girl we're having a going away breakfast at mine in half an hour be there if you can love ya J" She had to smile it was defiantly a typical Justin message right down to the love ya and the name at the end of the message and not the conventional start. It had been 25 minutes since the message had been received and it was a 7 or 8 minute drive to Justin's but she figured she could do it in five with no traffic. Quickly she loaded everything into the car it would be three weeks till she saw this place again and that would only be for four days while they did the Orlando nights but it would be three weeks of fun and she knew she wouldn't miss the place much. Zara strapped herself into the car and turned around to say goodbye to her house. She had a feeling things were never going to be the same with Mark but frankly she didn't care it was time to PARTY.

Chapter 12

Zara parked her car in the drive way behind Justin's red Porsche and walked quickly up the driveway. Unsure whether or not to knock she was thankful when Lance opened the door. "Hey you made it. Come on in we're just about to start to eat""Dear Lord protect my boys as they go on tour and look after everyone behind the scenes. Bring them all safely back to me lord and bless this food to our body's in Jesus name Amen." After a rousing amen from everyone it was time to eat. Zara didn't know what to expect it seemed like such a close family breakfast she almost felt like an intruder. But it was as if Lance could read her mind..


"Yes?" she looked up and almost cowered under the intense gaze Lance was giving her. She was sat in between Justin and JC directly across from Lance and it gave him the perfect position to keep an eye on her.

"Stop worrying. You're part of the family now"

"Yeah ain't that right. There's no escaping us now girl. You can run but you can't hide" Chris cackled and helped himself to another three pancakes. Zara figured he had, had about 9 and he looked as though he was only getting started. Well that was all right for him but she was so nervous that all she could stomach was a slice of toast and a glass of fresh orange. Again it looked like Lance could read her mind.

"Zara stop being nervous all you have to do is write. It's what you love to do so don't worry about it"

"Yeah Zar leave the nerves to JC it's what he's best at"

"Hey and I thought you loved my singing." The whole table laughed and Zara glowed. This was what it was like to feel liked and wanted and she loved it.

To Be Continued...

Chapters 13-15