Chapter 19

The day had been very busy and by the time the show was over the five members of NSYNC were ready to crawl into bed. But not before everyone had gathered in JC and Justin's room to have a few drinks and celebrate the success of the tour. Zara had sat herself in a chair in a far corner off the room with hr notepad where she could take some notes for her next story. She had the perfect vantage point and could see everyone and everything. Unsure of whether or not she could really have Danielle in her story she made little notes on her. If Danielle said she could use her she could soon make others at a later date. But tonight was NSYNC's night and she concentrated on capturing everything that was them down on paper. If the tour continued like this her story would certainly be the best she had ever written. Hopefully the guys would love it and she could make them proud.

Lance looked up from his chair and saw Zara scribbling fast and furiously in her notebook. She looked so comfortable and yet so on the edge of the group. He was just about to go and join her when Justin perched himself on the back of Lance's chair. "You really have it bad don't you?"

"I have no idea what your talking about Just."

"Sure you don't. Well see that beautiful red head over there if you don't stop looking at her soon your eyes are going to bore holes in to her. Comprende?"

Lance shrugged his shoulders in defeat. "Comprende. But Just it doesn't matter if I like her or not JC and her are almost a couple. I don't have a chance."

"Sure you do Lance JC isn't interested in her anymore. He knew it was doomed the minute you rushed after her while he sat there like a dummy. If he had cared enough he would have been there instead it was you and besides you're the one who bought her the crutches, rescued her from me and seem to be the one she wants so JC is happy for you. Just don't leave it too long or even the girl might go off you."

Justin laughed as he moved on to the back of Zara's chair leaving Lance to think about what he had said. If Lance wasn't going to make the move maybe it was time to have a word with Zara.

Chapter 20

"Hey Zar whatcha doing?"

"Hey Just I'm making notes on everyone for my next story. Who's JC talking to he seems to be in his element?"

"Julia she works in make-up. It's her first tour with us just like you. She spends all her time working on JC, I keep telling him it's because he's pug ugly, but he doesn't believe me he says it's because she likes spending time with him. The poor boy is delusional."

Zara laughed. "Now what did you really want?"

"Want? I didn't want anything. I saw you sitting here all on your lonesome and I thought I would drop by. See I did the same thing to Lance when he was alone too."

"Oh yes sweet Justin visiting us needy. We should be ever so grateful."

"Yes you should be" Laughing Zara leaned over and kissed Justin on the cheek.

"Thanks Just can I use some of this in my story?"

"Of course my dear but can we read it before it's sent out or published or

whatever you do with them?" "Yes and I post them on the Internet mainly to see what the public think before they are published. Why scared I'll damage your names?"

"No we trust you completely but it's better to be careful and besides we'd like to preview the story that's all"

"It's ok. I should hope that you would be smart enough to read it and check it long before it is published. But I post my stories in chapters, so you would have to read it a bit per week."

"No problems we will make sure that on the bus or something or even if you don't finish it till after the tour that you can e-mail it to us and at least one will check it before it goes out." An idea dawned on Justin this would be a perfect way to set up Lance and her. "It will probably be Lance towards the end because he's dedicated and will make sure that time is found to check it. Will that be okay?"

Zara looked at Justin a little oddly before nodding. So this was how he planned to help her and Lance get together. In that case she would have to make sure that she made the chapters available for checking when only Lance was available.

Chapter 21

Joey helped Zara back to her room he was sharing with Lance tonight so Chris and Danielle could be together and his room was two doors down the hall, which, meant that Lance also was two doors down the hall. Normally Joey would be with Chris and Lance would be on his own while JC and Justin continued to share. If it had been so tonight then Lance would have been next door and there would have only been a connecting door between them but unfortunately luck was not on her side tonight. Zara slept like a log and woke up feeling totally refreshed. She was a little bit more used to the crutches and managed to get dressed easily enough. While she was brushing her teeth there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" she called while sticking her head out of the bathroom door.

"It's Justin can I come in?"

"Sure come on in I'm just brushing my teeth." Justin perched himself on the end of her bed and he could hear Lance whistling to himself as he walked along the corridor. Silently Justin opened the door and grabbed Lance inside.

"Justin what the hell are you doing? You almost gave me a heart attack. "

Justin laughed. I'm waiting for Zara to finish brushing her teeth. Well I was will you walk her to breakfast I've just been paged and I have to call my mom."

"Is it anything serious?"

"I don't know but I want to call her in private just in case"

"Sure I'll take Zara to breakfast tell your mom I said hi."

"Will do and thanks Lance."

"No probs I hope everything is okay.">{? Justin laughed to himself as soon as he shut the door. Lance was normally so hard to con but he had excelled himself this time. He felt a little bad about what he had said because Lance had seemed so concerned but hey when they were together whatever little stunts he had to pull would be worth it and the end would justify the means.

To Be Continued...

Chapters 22-25