Chapter 22-24

Chapter 22.

Zara did a double turn when she came out of the bathroom. "My Justin haven't you changed," she laughed.

"Justin had to go take a call from his mom so I'm your escort for breakfast. Is that ok?"

"Sure, I mean I guess so. I'll just be a moment." Zara quickly slapped on some make-up and puller her hair back into a high ponytail. She just wished she had worn a better outfit but then again it was only breakfast and she would be sat with all of them. Knowing Joey this outfit was probably a better choice than a short skirt she decided looking down at her black trousers and short, slightly tight red top. Her ankle had gone down and was only slightly swollen so she eased it into her black Kickers without too much pain or trouble. Looking up she saw Lance looking at her.

"Ready?" he inquired.

"As I'll ever be. Let's go." Breakfast could never be a quiet affair when you were seated in a dining room with the five members of NSYNC never mind all the entourage they had with them. She could tell it had been a late night for them even in their rooms because of the tired eyes and stifled yawns yet they all managed warm and genuine smiles when Lance pulled up a chair for her. She was positioned between Lance and Chris who had Danielle on his other side. The table wasn't really big enough for all of them but it seemed cosy somehow yet she seemed it would be even more cramped when Justin arrived. Surely a call to his mother couldn't take this long? She hoped everything was okay.

Chapter 23

"Hey guys"

"Hey Just. You took long enough everything okay at home"

"Yeah Mom was just son sick I guess"

"Son sick?"

"Yeah you get homesick for your home. She gets son sick for her son"

"Are you sure she just wasn't sick of her son?" JC cracked.

"Very funny JC. Don't give up the day job."

Justin hadn't meant to take so long in getting to breakfast but he decided he had better call his mother anyway. He was glad he had she had sounded upset. Was she just missing him like she said or was there something else? Surely it had to be more than she was letting on, he was always away on tour and although she wasn't fantastic about it, she knew it was part of being a singer and got on with it. He had never known her sound so upset over it before. But on the other hand she never lied to him usually so was he just being paranoid? He hoped so. Zara watched Justin all through breakfast at first she had thought his phone call was just a plot to make her spend time with Lance and although it may well have been it obviously was not now. Everyone was picking up on the upset vibes that Justin was passing out and they were trying to act like normal while treading very carefully. Finally Justin had pushed his chair away from the table and excused himself. Quickly and silently JC had followed taking with him his half eaten muffin.

The atmosphere didn't lighten if anything it seemed to get heavier and Zara was grateful when Lance broke the silence and said, " I wonder what's going on at home. It isn't just homesickness and Lynn's normally cool about him being away. Something tells me there's something else going on here."

"J will tell us when he's good and ready and if it takes too long JC will get it out of him. It's just a matter of sitting back and letting JC and time take its course" Chris sat back after is unusually profound speech and spooned bacon into his mouth like it was going out of fashion. Zara had to laugh nothing changed with Chris.

Chapter 24.

"Justin wait for me. Hold the damned elevator will you?" JC glared at Justin as the elevator doors closed just as he reached them. Sighing he ran up the stairs and was pleased to see the lift doors open as he reached the first level. He didn't quite fancy a run all the way to the 30th floor where they had penthouse rooms and a view of the whole city. Justin sighed as he saw JC enter the elevator. He knew he was gonna get it in the neck about why he had been acting so strange but what could he say? He had no proof or even any information he just knew that his mother was acting very strange and there was obviously something very odd going on at home. JC was many things but able to understand Justin perfectly was not one of his many talents. So he had the option here to lie and have JC almost believe him or to tell him how he was feeling and get a little support and maybe some advice. Option two was looking a heck of a lot more appealing than one so he took it.

"JC man I'm sorry about that I was erm, erm dreaming I guess and I reacted too late to catch the doors."

"Yeah whatever. So are you gonna tell me what's going on?"

"Well when I called my mom she was weird."

"What do you mean weird?"

"Well she sounded tired and upset but, but..."


"But more than that something is really wrong there JC I'm telling you my Mom is definitely not alright and I'm stuck here and" Justin continued his conversation once they had stepped out of the elevator and he had made sure no one but Mike his security guard was in site. "And she's alone at home upset and unhappy. Stuff the tour JC I gotta get home, I gotta get back to my mom and make sure she's okay. "

"J as much as I care about your Mom and don't forget in a way she's mine too I can't just let you fly of to the other side of the country to be with your Mom. J we have a tour going on if you haven't forgotten. Wait five weeks and we'll be in Orlando."

"Five weeks, five blasted weeks!! I will not wait five weeks to get home to my Mom. I am leaving on a flight tonight it's already booked and I won't be back till it's sorted."

"J you can't just leave. Management won't let you."

"Management can go and get stuffed I am going and that's all there is to it."

"Well then I am calling your Mom and getting her to tell you that she's fine and you aren't to leave her. And that my dear friend is all there is to that." With that JC opened the door to their room and walked in leaving Justin glowering after him in the hallway.

To Be Continued...

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Chapters 25-27