Chapters 4-6

Chapter 4

Zara stormed up and down on the rug in her bedroom. She considered going to ask Justin for help but although he was the son of one of her mothers closest friends she didn't think he would like to spend one of his few days off helping her exorcise her demons. Stopping dead in her tracks she listened carefully, yes there it was the sound of a car engine outside her house. Silently she walked up to the window and carefully and slowly lifted the curtains. She got the shock of her life when she saw all five NSYNC boys outside her door looking up to her window. Justin saw her look and waved cheerily, cautiously she waved back and threw open her window. "And what can I do for you five gentlemen?" She kept her tone light and playful and her face was fixed with a smile.

"Well dear damsel we come in peace so would you close the window and come downstairs and open the door?"

"Well Joey since you asked so nicely I guess I could but only if you promise me one thing"

Joey smiled and turned on his flirting charm. "Oh yes what would that be then?"

"Don't flirt with me anymore." Joey looked crestfallen but the others couldn't control their laughter. Lance threw back his head and laughed while JC leaned on him for support and Justin and Chris fought to keep each other from pulling them down. Zara laughed as she closed the window and skipped down the stairs.

Maybe she could ask Justin for help after all or maybe Lance. Lance seemed sweet and kind she was sure that at least one of the five guys would be willing to help her.

Chapter 5

It had been one heck of a day. They had lounged around watching music videos on MTV and Joey and Chris had made up bad dance routines to most of them, which they insisted on performing to Zara much to her amusement. She hadn't laughed so much in a long, long time and by the end of it her ribs had hurt and she was gasping for breath. But sadly she knew it was the last time she would see them for a long time maybe forever. Lance looked at Zara and he could tell by the sad look in her eyes that she was thinking it would be the last time that she would ever see them again. He looked up and caught JC and Justin's eyes. It was definitely the right time to tell her. Zara didn't see the look of concern Lance was giving her or him catch JC and Justin's gaze but she knew something was going on by the way Chris and Joey suddenly stopped dancing and became somber. She waited for someone to say something and she didn't have to wait long.



"Erm how do I say this?"

"Quickly might be a good idea."


"Well I haven't got all day and I know you five are up to something so just spill it before I spill someone's blood"

Lance had to laugh at that. "Well we've been thinking about you and we know that you are at a loose ends this summer till college starts"


"Hey this isn't easy give him a break Zara"

"Sorry Justin carry on Lance"

"Well we wondered if you would like to come on tour with us for a while. You could get some real insight into us for your stories."

"You have to be kidding me"

"No not at all." Zara had almost forgotten about JC he had sat there so quietly he had just disappeared into the background.

"I, I would love to but, but I can't."

"Why have you had a better offer?" Chris smiled and Zara knew he was trying to make her feel better.

"It's not that. I really want to believe me I do. But I can't I really can't. It's complicated more than you would ever believe and I just can't." Zara stood up and walked towards the door she wanted to be out of there before the tears started to flow.

"Zara wait"

"I can't I have to I have to" she couldn't hold aback the tears anymore so she bolted from the room.

Chapter 6

Lance was the first to react and he was out of the door and up the stairs just a few seconds behind Zara. As he reached the top of the stairs he heard Zara's bedroom door slam and lock. He stopped running and walked slowly towards the door gently he knocked and almost whispered her name. "Zara it's Lance what's wrong? Talk to me Zara we'll help you. Whatever it is we'll help you." It almost broke his heart listening to her sobs and he slid down the door unable to stand any longer. "Zara honey open the door you can trust me" When there was still no answer he felt the tears come to his own eyes and he barely managed to choke out " Zara talk to me please" She heard the emotion in his voice and she knew that she could trust him so slowly she walked over to the door.

"Lance?" she asked hesitantly.

"Yes" "I'm opening the door now." Lance stood up and took a step away from the door he braced himself for the look on Zara's face but nothing could prepare him. She looked so hurt and sad, her eyes were red and her face was puffy from all of the tears she had cried in those few moments. He swore to himself there and then that no matter what he and the rest of NSYNC would protect her. They would find out what was hurting her and end it.

To Be Continued...

Chapters 7-9