Chapter 2

Everyone was at the airport saying their last goodbye's. There were tears, laughter and too many kisses to count. Diane, Lance's mother was going with Lance, because of his young age.

"Thanks again, mom. Listen its Julie's turn now, and I was kinda wondering if I could say good bye to her..." Lance was cut of by his father. "..without three pairs of eyes watching you, of course we'll wait by the gate." Jim(Lance's father) took Stacey,(Lance's sister) and Diane by the shoulder and turned away from the couple.

Julie looked at Lance. Lance looked at Julie. Julie smiled and wrapped her arms around Lance's smooth neck. She brought her face up to his, and there foreheads touched. "So exactly how did you want this ‘private' goodbye to go?"

Lance wrapped his arms ‘round Julie's waist. "Kind of like this" he smiled. Their lips touched, and they hugged each other close. Their tongue's ventured in the other's mouths. They didn't want to stop but they had to breath eventually. Julie pulled back and their noses touched. They smiled and held each other closely.

"The plane leaving for Orlando, Florida will be departing soon." said the annoying voice of the receptionist.

Lance picked up his luggage and wrapped an arm around Julie's waist. Julie put an arm around Lances neck, he shivered when her hand touched his neck. She knew that his neck was the most sensitive spot of his body. If you just scratched his neck softly and gently, he would practically be under your every command. If he was mad, all she had to do was scratch his neck for a few seconds and he would calm down. She liked that about him, she didn't know what it was exactly but it drew her closer to him.

"Well bye everyone, we'll call, when we get settled in" Diane said as she and Lance faced everyone.

"We know you will, because if you don't I'm gonna get a plane to fly you back here faster then you can say ‘famous'" Jim said.

Lance walked up the stairs into his plane, after his mom. Nobody noticed, but not far away there was an old woman sitting down against the wall in black wags. Next to her was an young boy, who looked about nine years of age. He was in black clothing and had a black cape sort of thing on him.

"Jordan, you must go" said the old woman.

Jordan turned to his adoptive mother, he was looking for more encouragement. "You know that you must go" the woman started again "for I cannot take care of you anymore, I've told you everything there is to know about your biological family, you must find your brother! The Pentagram will protect you, trust me!"

Jordan looked at his dying mother. It was true she had told him everything there was to know about his REAL family. He even had a picture of his brother in his pocket. He also knew that the Pentagram would definitely watch over him. He took it out of his pocket and looked and it. (If you have a good imagination then just read past this, but if you would like to know exactly what this ‘pentagram pendant' thing looks like go to thank you for this picture) After more staring he pocketed it and looked at the plane he was supposed to sneak on to. He suddenly saw someone board it and he swore that the person had some sort of similarity to him. He rushed to the plane ducking and sneaking like his mother had taught him to do, he had become an expert at this, no one could spot him even if they looked. He gathered up some rocks and threw them at the ankles of some of the people staring and the plane. Once they were all looking down he rushed up the stairs and found a bathroom and locked it. He had been successful, he heard no one yelling "HEY YOU! BOY!" he would wait the whole ride in the jon. He wanted desperately to meet the young man, he guessed he must've been around 16 years old, that he saw board the plane. But he knew when to control his young minds curiosity, and he also didn't want to risk anyone catching him.

Lance sat comfortably in his seat. He could've sworn that someone was following him on his way in the plane. Actually, he had been tempted to turn around, but the flight attendant urged him into the plane. He felt as if the missing piece to his life's ‘puzzle' was about to be filled, but as soon as he sat down he lost that feeling. He forgot about it and focused on why he was on the plane. He regretted this after words, because it made him nervous the whole flight.

Chapter 2