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Chapter 10: potholes, Potholes, POTHOLES

steven kaylor

Devon was dragged up the mountain on a stretcher with a gag in his mouth. "To prevent spell-casting," the tigeerians say.  He was dragged up to the cave where the magician lives.
When they get there, the tigeerians and Devon found no Lendor in the cave.  "Where is he?!" roared Palore.  After Devon got his hearing back and the echo stopped ringing off the walls, the tigeerian/human brigade felt, rather than heard, a rumbling deep under ground. Xelif cut Devon's binding rope with a secluded knife, and quickly flashed Devon the "sign."
8 lava-spouts surrounded the group and singed the hair of Palore.  Rocks came crashing down on the brigade and every thing went black.
When Devon woke up he found that Palore and Xelif were already struggling against magic restaints.  Devon looked up and imidiately wished he hadn't. What he saw was Lendor. He dosen't know how; he just does. Lendor threw off his robes and transformed into a foxaped.
He saw a vortex open up. Lendor begins to step through, but Erasmus steps out and a magic match begins!

1)watch Lendor win.
2)watch Erasmus win.
3)Reader's Choice.

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