SPEEDTRAP55's page
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SPEEDTRAP55's page

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Hey there, everyone, I'm Kat, and welcome to my small part of the internet. Just some info about me: I'm 23 years old and I live in southeast Iowa. I have just graduated from Buena Vista University, with a BA in the Political Science/Criminal Justice Program(co-op program with Indian Hills Community College). I currently work as a county jailer. Anyway, I hope that explains the police theme. If you scroll down my page, you'll see many of the things I'm interested in. Don't forget to sign my guestbook! Last updated: November 6, 2004.

You can drop me a line on ICQ... #67434639

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Vote for me in Absea's Top 300 Cop Sites!Click Here!

My Cuff-Links(OK, so just links.)

My Cuff-Links(OK, so just links.)

These are links to things I am involved with or am interested in.

My Favorite Links

I'm a proud former FFA member. I won State Contest in Ag Broadcasting, and I also received my state degree, both in April 1999. I have also won top individual honors and was also a member of the 1999 State Champion Horse Judging team. We attended Nationals, and placed 19th out of 44 teams, receiving a silver rating. As an individual, I ranked in the top 25%, receiving a gold rating.

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America.

Chevy Cars and Trucks.
The official Chevy site. I'm a Chevy girl all the way!

My main career interest, the Iowa State Patrol.

My Stuff Page. Poems, pics, etc. It needs work, but it's good enough for now. Check it out!

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Thanks for stopping by, and stay safe! :)