Reed Ancestry Photo Gallery
The Early Generations
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Morgan Reed Morgan Reed
Morgan Reed was a civil war veteran. Brother of Urias Reed, my ancester. This photo is owned was owned by Linda Reed. I've tried to contact Linda to obtain a better quality higher resolution image of the photo to enhance the facial characteristics but have been unsuccessful. The other photo is Morgan's wife Lena Hurst Reed. It to is complements of Linda Reed.
Lena Reed     

Grace and Jennie Reed Grace and Jennie Reed
Daughters of Morgan Reed, brother of Urias Reed. This photograph are two of his daughters; Grace Reed / Roberts and Jennie Reed / Pauly. This photo is owned by Janet Hess.

Perry Reed Perry Reed
Son of Julius Reed Sr. This photo is owned by Janet Hess.

Deborah Shinoe Deborah Shinoe
Deborah Reed and Jerimiah Shinoe. Deborah is the daughter of Anthony Reed and Mary Lusis (sp?). She is a sister to my ancestors, Anthony Reed Jr., and Benjamin Reed.

Dorothy Reed Deborah Reed / Milligan
Dorothy Reed and Cuthbert Milligan. Dorothy is the daughter of Anthony Reed and Mary Lusis (sp?). She is a sister to my ancestors, Anthony Reed Jr., and Benjamin Reed.

Joseph Reed Joseph Reed
Born Aug 27, 1741. He is the son of Andrew Reed and Theodosia Bowes. Andrew was an American Revolutionary Veteran. To date, the link of my ancestry to Andrew Reed and Theodosia Bowes has not yet been confirmed. It is believed by others that Joseph could be a half brother to my ancestor, Anthony Reed.
Joseph Reed      Joseph Reed      Joseph Reed     

Urias Reed? Possible Urias Reed Photo?
This photograph is still unconfirmed. . This photo might be Urias Reed, Cordelia Potter, and some of their children. It could also be Adolph Hurst and one of two wives, either Magdelana or Mareyanna and some of their children. It could also be neither of the before mentioned individuals. This photo was the property of Lucy Laugesen, a descendant of both Urias Reed and Bernhard Hurst. She could not confirm the photograph, but it's placed here for pending identification.
It's also possible it might even be Bernhard Hurst and perhaps his first wife Harriet Burrows. Photo courtesy of Lucy Laugesen
Back of Unknown Photo      Urias Reed?      Urias/Samantha?     

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