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Die ubootembleme des kriegsmarine

Replica U-boat Cap & Hat Devices

Welcome to the U-boat device page. Your mail order source for replica cap & hat devices of the U-boot arm of the kriegsmarine. My replica devices are Handcrafted by me from 20ga nickel silver & brass sheet Hand sawn ,filed & pierced & hole's are punched for attachment & polished to a high luster or left in the rough *hand polished & tranished for effect.My pieces are touchmarked so they cannot be passed as originals. Knowing as an U-boat enthusiast & A avid student of U-boat history know how hard these devices are to find if not impossible. I decided to research the devices & create them for the re-enactor as well for the collector. I'm offering these as replica's not originals. All my devices have been researched from the books U-boat Emblems of WWII 1939-1943 & U-boats in action, U-boat Crews & U-boat 1939 to 1945, U-Boote 1935-1945. Most of the original's were made from brass or tin repair sheet or Aircraft skin i.e. Sunderland's, Libirators, Hudson's, when shot down or misplaced depth charges brought them. Then used the matrial to hand file & cut into emblems & some cast from soild tin solder block's during long mission's such as the Snorting Bull of U-47's Korvettenkapitän (The Bull of Scapa Flow)Günther Prien's Boat. Mine are made from 20 Ga nickel sheet to simulate tin & to make a very sturdy hat device & .032 brass sheet for the brass device's. Device's are sew on & hole's punched for attachment.

Notice the the 3X blackcat or (Blackcat times three) on Teddy Suhren's visor hat it was a very common pratice to adorn hat's as well as overseas cap's of the men with these device's

Just a small list of what I have handcrafted & offer for sale. Please E-mail for price's & availability

First Row

U-563 Merman

U-901 Viking Boat

U-380 4 Leaf clover

U-1004's Halberd

Second Row

U-333 Ali's Boat

U-48's 3X BlackCat

U-48's 3X with KC

Third Row

U-68 Clover & Chevron, Merten's Boat

U-552's Reddevil, Topps Boat

U-103's Rune

Fourth Row

U-404's Nordic Dragon

U-164's Oak Leaf & Acorn

U-1231's Seahorse

Very Bottom Row

23rd U-Flotille

U-978's Spätzchen

U-96 All 3 styles. Swordfish,Lehmann Willenbrocks & Das Boot.

Also now available Tie Tac's Or small hat pins of all 3 U-96's Swordfish's Nice & small they measure 1 1/2" Long & 1" wide just the right size for a conversation piece on a Tie. They have a Clutch & Pin back for attachment.

All orders & request's be made to: kaplt@angelfire.com

Customer's Comments

I received the beautiful sawfish pin today. Thank you for your promptness. Your work is incredible! Very impressive! Matthew

I received it in yesterdays mail(Sword Fish).Please let me tell you: I am very impressed. You do excellent work!!! Thanks jeff

I received the emblems today...I am at a loss for words on how good they actually are! I love the U-48 piece! It is fantastic! All of them are super pieces. Ivan

I received my swordfish today. The swordfish is even better than I expected. I look forward to doing more business with you in the future. Your website is excellent. Regards, David

Please click on the U-boat Archiv Emblem to visit the F.T.U. "Friends of the U-boat Archiv" Page & consider joining to keep the History of the Unterseebootwaffe Alive for the future.

Please Visit Grey Wolves of the Atlantic. The Most comprehensive Unterseebootwaffe signature collection on the web. Ivan's Personal collection contains 100+ different Knight's Cross Holders signature's.

Proud Member of the 9th Flotilla. Lachender Sägefisch. Silent Hunters Sim

Kapitänleutnant Hermann Timmermann

Please visit KK. Thomsen's Page. Home of the Mighty 9th Flotilla. Here you will Find. The Men & The Mission's of the Sub Sims we are so fond. Many U-boat Links & The History of the History of the 9 Flotille. Well done! Herr Thomsen

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