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Lightning Never Strikes Twice...But Then Again...

The information on this page is owned by Julie Spotted Eagle Horse Cooper, please contact her to ask for permission before reproducing or otherwise replication this information. Linking to this page is aso forbidden unless permission is otherwise given. Sharing the URL via word of mouth or email is acceptable, but please ask before you link.

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This page is under construction, and probably will be for some time, so please bear with me! As time goes on, this page will continue to evolve and grow along with my recovery. A word of warning, some of the pages might get a little whiney, and I was very probably depressed when it was written. I have since gotten my meds adjusted, and am a much happier person these days, although there are still ups and downs.

Not just the story of my shocking expiriences is covered here, there is also a lot of humor, and information included, even a little about myself and my family! I have also incuded some of my faveorite photos and comics, so come on in and have a look around!



This is the story of my experiences with lightning, and surviving those experiences. And SURVIVING is the key word. If you look at it like you are a victim, then that is what you are, a victim, but if you look at it like you are a survivor, then you will find the strength to move on.

I have divided this page up into different sections, and hopefully it will make it a bit easier to navigate. There are corresponding links below to take you to the different sections.

A bit of cultural background, and information. I try to follow the ways of my realtions, the Oglala Sioux, who believe that there are things called the Wakinyan, or Thunderbeings. The Thunderbeings are responsible for the Thunderstorms, and are a bit mischievous. They are responsible for the creation of the Heyoka, or contraries. To oversimplify things for the sake of explanation, they are the sacred clowns who laugh on the outside while crying on the inside.

You can read more about the Heyoka on my Heyoka page.....

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site is owned by Julie Spotted Eagle Horse Cooper
Julie Spotted Eagle HOrse Cooper.

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