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Samantha is . . .
A really cute mystery breed. (But she matches the description of the Bombay breed.) I got her from the pound. She is about 10 years old and likes to play with her toy mouse. She belongs to me, Penny.  When I got her, she was pregnant.  All but one of her kittens was given up for adoption to friends and family.
Fun Facts:
She is named Samantha after Samantha Stevens from Bewitched; and also because she slightly resembles on of my aunt's cats which is named Samantha.
When being combed, she will grab the comb with her paws and bring it to her face and rub against it.
She does not like other animals in her territory;  although, she tolerates her son Bart.
More about my pet:
Samantha lives in Iowa, in a house with me. She likes to jump in my lap and demand to be petted. She keeps me company. Her hair is very soft. She is affectionate mostly with me; but, a little with my boyfriend.  She doesn't really like strangers.
- watching birds

- playing with toy mice

- long naps

- purring and stretching

- eating grass
- going to the vet

- other animals

- loud noises

- water, baths

get this gear!

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