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Real Name: Victoria Davey Spelling
Birthday: May 16, 1973
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California.
Tori first began acting when she was 5 years old.
Fun Fact: Despite being the daughter of the show's producer
Aaron Spelling, Tori auditioned under the name Toria Mitchell for the director of the pilot who had no idea who she was.

Tori is currently the International Spokesperson for the Starlight Foundation. The Starlight Foundation grants wishes to terminally ill children. Recognized for her outstanding dedication and support to many charities, Tori received the "Youth Leadership Award" from the "Washington D.C. Holocaust Memorial Museum". She has also lent her support to the "Youth AIDS Foundation" and received the "Youth Ambassador for Vision" award from "Retinitis Pigmentosa International".

She shares her home with her dog Audrey. She adopted Audrey while filming her upcoming movie the "The House of Yes".

Come visit my picture Gallery of Tori!