Well, the end of the road has finally come. The World Wrestling Federation has bought World Championship Wrestling. Where do I go from here? I am a die-hard WCW fan. I am definitely not a fan of the WWF. But my love for professional wrestling is too much. So i guess i'm going to have to be a fan of the WWF. Whether I like it or not. Now i know all you WWF fans out there have a big shit-eating grin on your face while you're reading this, but oh well. Oh well, we are all wrestling fans now. I still feel the same about Vince McMahon, I still think he's a piece of shit. but he is a very smart piece of shit. haha. there is not ECW, there is no WCW(not anytime soon anyway). There is only the WWF based wrestling company. let's all come together as one. we have no real choice. we are all wrestling fans watching the same product. lets celebrate this event. Has the WWF won? Maybe. Is the WCW defeated? More than likely. But memories live on. WCW, I'll never forget you. Thanks for the memories. But, of course there's a "but," did you forget who I am?? there is always a chance to check out new federations... and i strongly suggest you check this out...
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nWo's coming back?!! Who's going to be in it?! WHEN! Stay tuned!
Heeeeeeee's back! I am proud to say that I am once again a fan of Stone Cold Steve Austin. See, what you stupid marks are looking at right now is the REAL stone cold. That other one that JR orgasmed about while announcing wasn't the real stone cold. But now the original stone cold is back. and i can't wait to see what the future holds. stone cold, welcome back. hey rock, your time is coming... haha
I truly believe that Bret "the Hitman" Hart is the greatest wrestler to ever grace the squared circle. don't believe me? don't worry, i gots proof to back it up. just remember, Bret Hart has done more in this sport than anyone else, PERIOD.
Remember all those times he has told us, "I am the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be"? He's right.
Bret Hart has accomplished something that Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Buddy Rogers, Steve Austin, Lou Thesz, Bruno Samartino, and yes, THE ROCK, greats in wrestling history haven't come or never came close to accomplishing: He has won every major title in WCW and the WWF at least once.
Bret Hart is the first man to ever win the WCW World, WWF World, WCW U.S., WWF Intercontinental, WWF World tag team, and WCW World tag team championships.
There are a lot of bad things you can say about Bret Hart's Character. You can say that he's a whiner, you can say that he turns his back on his "fans." Even though his true fans never lose faith in the hitman. You can say that he can't be trusted, and you can say that he let his bitterness get the best of him. And rightfully so! But you can't deny that he has had an absolutely marvelous career.
He has proven skeptics wrong by winning singles titles. He has forged ahead with his career after getting screwed by Vince McMahon. He has retired and unretired. He has bravely continued to wrestle after the tragic death of his beloved younger brother Owen. Rest In Peace buddy. He has made brilliant decisions, but he has made decisions that haven't always been that popular. But one label seems to keep on following him around: CHAMPION. That goes to show you, Bret was right. He truly is, the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. And that right there is the one and ONLY "bottom line!"
WCW fired Bret "the Hitman" Hart and Scott Hall. What a load of shit. 2 of the best workers, and one was even ready to wrestle. Oh well. But, to the WCW, as much as i love you, I give you the "Flying Finger of Fate" award. Thanks a lot.
My Favorite Wrestlers
I usually have HBK and Bret Hart taking up the number one and number two spots, but lets face it. Both have retired from the world of pro wrestling, so I'm moving on. the following are my new lists:
5. Kanyon- who betta?!
4. Stone Cold Steve Austin
3. Chris Jericho- I hope he f'n demolishes the rock
2. Chris Benoit
And the #1 MAN is...
1. Rob Van Dam- this man really is the Whole Dam Show. Soon to be atop of the WWF if he is not right now at the time you are reading this.
My LEAST Favorite Wrestlers
5. Big Show- ugh. enough said.
4. X-pac
3. Hardy boyz- Leap of what? what? Shut up, what?. (lol)
2. Vince McMahon- This guy is just a scum bag....
And the #1 FAGGOT IS...
1. The Rock- Wrestlemania was perfect, i couldn't have chose it to go down any other way. well, maybe having the Hitman come in and team with HBK to beat up Rock and Austin both at once... hey, I can dream!
In March 2001 it was my the end of my 3 year rein of being an anti WWF fan. Seeing Shawn Michaels get screwed out of the WWF title pissed me off. I wasn't as educated to the world of wrestling, so i thought that stone cold really put him out for good. But then the whole attitude thing licked so I gave up on it. But something that i still stand firm in is this: No Shawn = no WWF. I am a fan of the original DX. HBK, HHH, and Chyna. I loved their antics. And I loved their weekly beatings on Austin. So that's why I'm putting down this image.
Wolfpack online
official WCW homepage
Kevin Nash's home page. Made by big sexy himself
My STING Photo gallary(updated 9-2-00)
My Vampiro/Raven/ICP page
WWF sucks opening
Why Vince is a Scum Bag
Will- Big Fluffy, Rightous Rider, or just plain Will, You are my brother over the net. I met you through the Stung 4-life POSSE. Which was the best thing going in 97' but that was then. And this is now. Now I'm running with the PAC! You always stood by me, and you stood up for me when others lost fate in Starrcader, or "Starrwolf." Through blackmail from the "Icon," you knew I would never have turned my back on you or the POSSE. But the POSSE that we knew and loved is gone now. They did worse to us than we could have ever done to them. See, there I go again, reminescing again. Well, take care Bro, Wolfpac 4-LIFE!! Peace.
note: I re-set my counter once
If you hate me, EMAIL ME!!!
C'mon!!! All you WWF fans would just LOVE to email me and tell me to "suck it" or tell me to "Smell what the Rock is cooking." Or call me a "jabroni." Even though the original nWo said jabroni waaaay before little Rocky did. You can email me to if you like me.