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Miracles In The Snow

Through the transient fog of the dark winter night,
peered haunting blue eyes with their soft glowing light.
The powerful stare with its brilliance and intricacy,
brought on a shiveringresponse full of caution and mystery.
They seemed to float through the air with great charm,
in an effort to announce that "they meant you no harm."
Yet as subtle as the movements had tried to be,
an eerie feeling of desolation abruptly overtook me.
As I fell to the frozen, unforgiving, forest floor,
I noticed those two eyes had been accompanied by two more!
Soon their were three enchanting pairs upon me,
watching and listening,gliding through the trees,
With one final shiver the dark night became black,
I knew as I slept, that I would not be coming back.
I dreamt of a thousand things that night,
mostly about a past I wanted to fix and make right.
The bright morning sun was the next thing I saw,
which was followed by the touch of a rather large paw!
And after providing a steaming kiss on the nose,
The wolf disappeared, and I arose.

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**If Tomorrow Never Comes**
*Garth Brooks*