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Councillor Martin has submitted the following Notice of Motion -
"There is disturbing evidence that despite Council's commitment to equity within its Works budgets at the time it sets its annual budget priorities, changes that occur throughout the year, are distorting the actual provision of services. This distortion is leaving parts of the City significantly under-funded and under-resourced.
The acceptance of grant funds is responsible in many instances for these distortions.
I have for years maintained that Council's growing practice of accepting grant funding from State Government agencies and quangos to carry out works on their behalf, while saving Council paying its own workforce, has had a dramatic effect on our ability to provide the level of service and infrastructure that is rightly deserved by ratepayers. If our Works budgets had been expanded to increase and accommodate our capacity to do these works, I would not be so alarmed. While ever we are building commuter car parks at railway stations, undertaking road works for the RTA or Department of Housing, constructing flood mitigation devices for the Department of Land and Water Conservation and water treatment plants for Sydney Water, all very worthy and worthwhile maintenance and construction projects in their own right that need and deserve to be constructed, we simply cannot undertake the basic repairs, maintenance, reconstruction and construction projects that we as a Local Government Authority are charged with supplying. Council is severely limiting its own capacity to undertake its own priorities work and this is a fundamental weakness. There are two other important downsides to continuing such a practice. The Manager of the Works Division has recently (pre-budget discussions) pointed out that there are clear asset maintenance dangers in accepting grant funding without adequately assessing the ongoing costs to Council in terms of responsibility, maintenance and other issues.
Another important impact of a rising level of grant funding dependence is that Council also runs the risk of becoming increasingly dependent on grant funds. If grant funding arrangements change, Council will be forced to find even more of its scarce funds to begin paying a workforce that has effectively become accustomed to being increasingly funded through grants.
Accordingly I move that -
1 Council restates and reinforces its commitment to equity in the provision of works to all areas and residents within the City.
2 The Manager Works report to Council by the end of May, a recommended strategy for the acceptance of grant funds on the basis of -
* risk assessment
* risk management
* ongoing liability for repairs and maintenance
* impact on Council's ability to undertake the work within current budgetary and program constraints
* impact on Council being required to match grant funding
* impacts on the level of equity for residents throughout the City
and any other factors he deems relevant.
3 Council adjust its current Works budget (as far as possible) and the 2002/2003 budget priorities so that over the 2001/2003 budget periods, Works funding is distributed on an equitable basis throughout Council's three Works Divisions.
4 The Manager Works bring forward a report by the end of June which outlines how projects of regional significance can be adequately and equitably funded."
MOVED Councillor Martin seconded Councillor Christian that -
1 Council restates and reinforces its commitment to equity in the provision of works to all areas and residents within the City.
2 The Manager Works report to Council by the end of May, a recommended strategy for the acceptance of grant funds on the basis of -
* risk assessment
* risk management
* ongoing liability for repairs and maintenance
* impact on Council's ability to undertake the work within current budgetary and program constraints
* impact on Council being required to match grant funding
* impacts on the level of equity for residents throughout the City
and any other factors he deems relevant.
3 Council adjust its current Works budget (as far as possible) and the 2002/2003 budget priorities so that over the 2001/2003 budget periods, Works funding is distributed on an equitable basis throughout Council's three Works Divisions.
4 The Manager Works bring forward a report by the end of June which outlines how projects of regional significance can be adequately and equitably funded."
104 An AMENDMENT was MOVED by Councillor King seconded Councillor Hunt that -
1 Council restates and reinforces its commitment to equity in the provision of works to all areas and residents within the City.
2 The Manager Works report to Council by the end of May, a recommended strategy for the acceptance of grant funds on the basis of -
* risk assessment
* risk management
* ongoing liability for repairs and maintenance
* impact on Council's ability to undertake the work within current budgetary and program constraints
* impact on Council being required to match grant funding
* impacts on the level of equity for residents throughout the City
and any other factors he deems relevant.
3 The Manager Works bring forward a report by the end of June which outlines how projects of regional significance can be adequately and equitably funded."
The AMENDMENT on being PUT to the VOTE was CARRIED.
Authorised Cr Kerrie Christian - August 14 2002
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