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QUANTUM LEAP: All The Sweet Tomorrows

April 3, 1969.

June 8, 2000 / June 18, 2000

June 5, 1989 /April 12, 2016

By Angela Brush


Based On The Universal Television Series "QUANTUM LEAP" Created and Produced By: Donald P. Bellisario and Deborah Pratt .


Starring: Scott Bakula as Dr. Samuel Becket and Dean Stockwell as Admiral Albert Calavicci

Guest Stars: Mimi Kuzyk as Dr. Donna Eleese - Becket

Melora Hardin as Dr. Samantha Josephine Fuller - Becket

Candy Ann Brown as Verbina Beeks

Gigi Rice as Dr. Tina Martinez - O’Farrel

Susan Diol as Mrs. Elizabeth Calavicci R.N.


Back History:

Becket, Donna - ( Wojohowitz ), ( Eleese )

Umbra: 04 - 006 - 05 -003


Born: Between 1953 - 1956

Parents Names: Mother - Sarah Katherine Eleese Wojohowitz ( deceased )

Father: Colonel John Wojohowitz USN ( deceased )


Parents Occupations:

Mother: Teacher

Father: US Naval Officer


Reason For Death:

Mother: Breast Cancer

Father: Killed In Combat - Vietnam





Marital Status:

Married - To Dr. Samuel Becket; Chief, Project Quantum Leap



Presently pregnant with first child.


Step - Children:

Daughter: Dr. Samantha Josephine Fuller - Majors



Catholic Grade School and High School - ( Valedictorian )

Lawrence College; Marion, Ohio - ( Summa Cum Laude )

Cal - Tech Graduate School - ( Summa Cum Laude )

University Of New Mexico Undergrad and Graduate School - ( Summa Cum Laude )

Co - Developer, Quantum Leap Nuclear Accelerator chamber

Holder Of Three Doctorates including: Quantum Physics, Computer Engineering, and Architecture/ graphic design

Fluent In French, Spanish, and Japanese


Other Skills:

Blueprint and Layout Designer - Project Quantum Leap

Fluent In Latin

Published Author of two books on proper computer space floor design


Psycho Diagnostic:

Father left when Donna was very little. She still has to come to grips with this emotionally.



Several Architecture and graphics awards


Occupations ( cont. ):

Step -Mother: 1989 - present

Assistant Chief; Project Quantum Leap: 1989 - present

StarBright Project: 1984 - 1989

National Aeronautics and Space Administration: 1978 - 1984

Assistant Lab Technician; Cal - Tech: 1974 - 1978

Waitress; Lawrence College; Marion, Ohio: 1971 - 1974


Back History:

Fuller - Majors, Samantha Josephine - ( Becket)

Umbra: 005 - 03 - 04 - 003


Born: March 17, 1967

Birthplace: Pottersville, Louisiana


Parents: Mother: ( by record and biological ) - Abigail Fuller Johanson

Father: ( by record ) - Willis Gunnarson Kinman

Father: ( biological ) - Dr. Samuel Becket


Step - Parents:

Step - Mother by Marriage to Dr. Samuel Becket - Dr. Donna Eleese - Becket

Step - Father by Marriage to Abigail Fuller - Robert Johanson CPA


Parents Occupations:

Johanson, Abigail Fuller: Biological Mother - Housewife

Becket, Samuel Ph.D.: Biological Father - Chief , Project Quantum Leap

Kinman, Willis Gunarson: Father Of Record - Journalist

Eleese - Becket, Donna Ph.D.: Step - Mother - Quantum Physicist

Johanson, Robert: Step - Father - Certified Public Accountant.





Half - Siblings:

Only one: due to be born in June of 2000


Marital Status

Married: to Dr. John Majors, Pulse Communications Technician at Project Quantum Leap






Mathematics and Vocal Prodigy

Pottersville Elementary ( Known as “ smartest child” in school)

Potter Parish High School Graduate ( Valedictorian )

Known IQ 194

MIT Undergrad and Graduate School ( 6yrs. ) ( Summa Cum Laude )

Georgetown University Graduate ( 3yrs.) ( Summa Cum Laude )

Cal - Tech Graduate ( 3yrs. ) ( Summa Cum Laude )

Holder of Five Doctorates including: Quantum Physics, law/ political science, ancient languages, and computer engineering

Fluent in 7 modern languages and over 15 Eastern European Dialects, as well as Russian and Chinese


Other Skills:

Reads Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics


Other Skills ( cont. ):

Fluent in 4 “dead” languages including Latin.

Took Georgetown Internship as an Interpreter for the United Nations where her photographic memory picked up many of the dialects she now knows..


Psycho Diagnostic:

As an 11 year old, saw woman commit suicide, she has never really recovered from it emotionally.



Nobel Prize For Literature for her bestseller entitled:

The Future Of Artificial and Human Intelligence

( Contained declassified information from Ziggy )



Co - Chief; Project Quantum Leap: 1999- present

National Aeronautics and Space Administration: 1990 - 1999

Interpreter; United Nations: 1987 - 1990

Student: 1960 - 1990


Back History:

 The Record Of Dr. Samuel Becket ( SAM ) and Admiral Albert Calavicci’s ( AL’S ) friendship and partnership in lieu of the changes Sam made in Al’s past; and how they affect Dr. Becket’s relationship with Dr. Donna Eleese.


Sam And Al’s First Meeting

After finishing his many doctorates, Sam tries to find an outlet where he can put them to work until he can finally fund his time travel project. The government, unwilling to allow a mind like Sam’s to go to waste, asks Sam if he can help NASA design a computer operated auto pilot for their newest ship called a Space Shuttle. Sam is 29 years old when he goes to NASA to help them develop this new computer technology. Little does Sam know that the former astronaught leading the team will eventually be his greatest ally. The team leader is Admiral Albert Calavicci, a recently repatriated POW who was a member of the Apollo missions team. Al, as he is called is 46 and, until a very tense day a few weeks ahead, he barely knows that Sam is thereand has never met him.

NASA decides to test fire the Shuttle to test Sam’s computer updates to see if his new computer controls and the updates he made to the systems main computer are ready for action. Sam will be there to watch over the computer and scan for errors. To ensure that human error is unlikely, Sam uses his personally programmed disk, to scan for programming errors. This disk is the precursor to the programming for Ziggy, his parallel hybrid computer. NASA decides to also test the new computer that has been put into the Shuttle, but to do it someone has to sit inside the Shuttle while it is firing. Al is asked to volunteer and does so quite willingly, wanting to be the first to get his hands on the new computer boards inside the Shuttle. The Shuttle will remain grounded during firing and the computer will go through it’s test sequences.

As NASA begins the test fuel mixing to begin the firing, Sam, watching his disk program carefully, sees it catch a fatal error. One of the chambers is leaking a minute amount and will cause the Shuttle to explode if the firing sequence is not halted immediately. Thanks to Sam’s genius and specific orders, NASA installed a fail-safe button for justsuch an emergency which will automatically will stop the sequence. When Sam hits the button, his personal disk shuts down everything immediately, and automatically sends it back to pre-test mode. The fuel mixing stops and within a few seconds Sam commands the disk to command the computer to filter until separated and remove by vacuum all fuel from the mixing chambers. Sam’s genius for computers thereby saves Al’s life.

When Al finds out that Sam saved his life, he and his wife Beth, a woman whom at 36 is much younger than her husband, take Sam out for dinner that night and within a few days a bond of friendship emerges, that will last their entire lives. Al and Beth have two daughters at this time: Susan Eleanor Calavicci, born in 1976; and Mariah Ann Calavicci, born in 1978. Sam is in the waiting room when Al brings daughter number three out from the delivery room for his inspection. She is Christina Jane Calavicci; and she is born in 1982.


StarBright And Donna Eleese

In 1982, shortly after Christina’s birth, Sam and Al move from NASA to the StarBright Project. They go to work, Sam as scientist and computer whiz, and Al as business man extraordinaire and government observer. StarBright is based upon one scientist’s idea of using space to find a way to travel in time. Sam, however, knows that his idea is the only one that truly has a chance of working, and begins design and computer blue-print planning for his own project, which he has code named Quantum Leap.

By 1984, Al realizes that Sam’s personal feelings are affecting his project work, but he also knows that Sam needs StarBright’s computer technology to continue his personal work.Al, therefore, hires Sam an assistant. When Sam first meets her she walks up behind him and deftly corrects a computer error he is making. As he swings around he looks into her eyes and into the face of his destiny. It is love at first sight. Sam’s destiny is a Quantum Physicist named Dr. Donna Eleese. Donna is 30 and has just come from a six year stint with NASA. It was just dumb luck that she and Sam never met before. She was working in Texas and Sam and Al were in Florida. Sam and Donna’s first months together are wonderful, and Sam proposes immediately, but Sam has changed. After seeing Al’s devotion to Beth Sam knows he could never marry Donna until she can have his full attention. So, they decide to marry once Sam gets the funding for Quantum Leap, but they do much of the beginning work on it together.

Five years later, Sam gets permission and funding to begin Quantum Leap, and once again proposes to Donna. They marry on June 5, 1989, at Old Mission Chapel, just outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico. At the same time Beth and Al announce Beth’s pregnancy with their final child. Three weeks before the due date, Beth begins to hemorrhage. Since Al and Sam are out at Quantum Leap, Beth calls Donna. It’s the middle of one of the worst storms to hit New Mexico in 30 years and Donna, unwilling to wait for the ambulance Beth called, puts Beth into her car and rushes Beth to the nearest hospital. Donna remains with Beth during the delivery, having trained with Al and Beth as a just in case, and is there when Beth gives birth to daughter number four. What Donna had no way of knowing is that the ambulance was in a collision on the way to get Beth and would never have made it in time. Beth and the baby would have died if not for Donna’s quick thinking. When Al and Sam finally arrive, Al is so grateful to Donna that he and Beth name their daughter, Donna Elizabeth Calavicci, and so as not to confuse her with the older Donna she is called Donna Beth. Donna Beth will eventually be instrumental in bringing the Becket’s and Calavicci’s together through a blood relationship, rather than just a friendship.

The rest of the story? Sam, Al, and Donna finish Quantum Leap. The SenateCommittee looks to Sam for results and so before the Retrieval program for bringing Sam back is finished, Sam steps into the Quantum Leap Accelerator Chamber and vanishes. He finds himself trapped in the past, facing mirror images that are not his own, and driven by some unknown forceto change history for the better. His only guide on this journey is Al, who appears in the form of a hologram that only Sam can see and hear. So, Sam travels from life to life, trying to put right what once went wrong and hoping that each time his next leap will be the leap home. It is important to note that Sam did return home once. He switched places with Al after a freak lightning strike. He was home for twelve hours, and then had to switch places with Al to prevent Al’s death. He and Donna reunited during this brief visit.



The Season Of Love

Part 1: All The Sweet Tomorrows

by Angela Brush

Chapter 1


April 3, 1969; June 5, 2000; June 18, 2000; June 4, 1989; April 12, 2006


" That is the true season of love. When we believe that we alone can

love. That no one could have loved so before us; and that no one could ever

love in the same way again after us. " Johann Sebastian Goethe


Stallions Gate, New Mexico; June 5, 2000

Rear Admiral Albert Calavicci, Al to those who knew him best, sped from the Project Quantum Leap Imaging Chamber toward the Waiting Room, figuring he’d find their resident shrink, Dr. Verbina Beeks there. The sharp always professional African-American woman might be the only one who could save his best friend now. As Al caught the elevator and began descending into the bowels of the great project he heard Ziggy, the project’s artificial intelligence unit, a parallel hybrid computer, screech for him. Ziggy really annoyed him with that noise. Hewished Sam could have given her a bell or something. ‘Course then she would have sounded like Macy’s at Christmas. He made a face, somehow knowing that whatever Ziggy wanted, itwouldn’t be good.

" Yeah, Ziggy, what is it?"

" Admiral, where are you going? We have to find Dr. Becket again!"

Al knew Ziggy well, she was always concerned about the safety of the man that made her.who she was.

" Zig, I’m afraid he’s lost it! I gotta find Beeks."

" Dr. Beeks went out for the evening. Her car broke down and I’m afraid she called and said she had to stay until morning. Really, Admiral, do you truly believe she can help Dr. Becket anyway? "

" He’s nutso, you stupid bucket of bolts, don’t you get it? Who else is there to help?"

" I realize you are under a great deal of stress so I’ll ignore the bucket of bolts comment!"

" Ziggy!"

" Fine, Admiral if you’re going to have an attitude about it. Percentages suggest, that is ifhe is as bad as you seem to think, that there is only one someone who can save him."

" Ziiiiiiiggggggyyyyy!!!!"

" Sooorrrry, I didn’t think I’d HAVE to tell YOU who she was!"

" She....did you say SHE?"

" Yes, Admiral, I did!"

" Zig, she’s not in any condition to be sacrificing herself for his sake. I mean would it be the best thing for her to do health wise? She’s been pretty fragile these last couple of weeks and personally I am concerned!"

" My calculations are showing a marked possibility, that without her personal assurances, he may not come out of this unscathed."

" Oh, boy! Well, if you think she’ll be OK."

" Seeing him can only do her good.”

" Where is she?”

" She’s in the Waiting Room wondering if he’ll ever come home. She’s crying. I think she’s frightened.”

" I’m sure she’s worried, no one showing up in the Waiting Room and all; but she’s not jeopardizing her health is she?”

" I hope not, but even Dr. Fuller has had a hard time trying to calm her, and they’re best friends. I think she needs to see for herself that he is safe.”

" Maybe, you’re right, Ziggy. Dr. Becket’s salvation rests entirely on her shoulders right now, and I think that maybe this was the last straw. I’ll see what I can do.”

The elevator stopped and as the doors opened, Al flew from it to the Waiting Room. As he ran in he saw her. Gosh, she was beautiful. Even more so with those tears streaming down her cheeks. Sam always had great taste in women. “ Well,” he thought, “ here goes nothin’ “ he went to her and put his arms around her as far as they would go and pulled her close to him. Somehow, Al always managed to know just what to do.

" Please, don’t cry, he’s alright physically, really he is! I just saw him. Please, you’ve got to calm yourself down ... the baby!”

She calmed immensely in his comforting presence. She knew if Al said Sam was alright, then he was alright.

“ I know I should be careful,” she put her hand on her expanded belly, “ but we need him Al. I can’t let him go without Sam knowing how I feel about him, and about what his love for me has given us.”

" I don’t know if he’d even understand. He seemed like he was going just a bit nutso this last leap. Ziggy says that the one he needs most now is YOU!”

" Oh, Boy, then what are we waiting for, help me up.”

Ziggy screeched for Al again.

" What, Ziggy?"

" I’ve found him and you’ll never in a million years guess where he is!"

" I’ll let it be a surprise. We’ll be there ASAP. Have Gushie prep the Imaging Chamber!”

" Right away, Admiral.”

Al helped her up off the bench and they headed as quickly as possible for the Control Center.


San Diego, California; April 3, 1969

It was a breezy, cloudless California afternoon. The bright reddish golden sun shed it’s light over every inch of the city. It wasn’t just the sun that lit that afternoon. It was the light of love and it radiated from a small home in a suburban part of the community. It was a simple place, but it seemed to stand out among the many other homes, not because it was better, but because of the woman living inside. From the entrance of the house a tall but diminutive man emerged. He took the hands of that lovely dark-haired woman who showed him out the door and kissed them gently and said goodbye. As she went back inside, he went down the front walk and across the street. He found a familiar oak tree and stood leaning casually against it watching the house. He furrowed his brow and slipped his hands into his pockets and stood leaning there awaiting the arrival of his best friend.

He was an average man with above average looks. He was tall, had broad muscled shoulders, carried his long limbs gracefully, and had the long fingers of a musician. He had dark brown hair that was swept to the side, and it was his hair, ( actually the one wisp of gray at his lefttemple ), that gave the only hint of his true age. His face was one of typical European descent, holding high cheekbones, a long aristocratic nose, and a small cleft at the end of his chin. It was his eyes, however, that gave his face it’s character. There was something about the dark hazel eyes, a special awareness of the world around him and a sensitivity that only he could know through his travels, that opened his emotions to the world, making them visible and evident. He was wearing a plain white short-sleeved dress shirt open at the collar and brown front-pleated slacks. There was nothing that made him stand out, but somehow, he thought, that was the way that it should be.

Okay, let’s go over it again, if I keep going over it maybe I won’t forget:

My name is Dr. Samuel Becket.

Everyone calls me Sam.

I was raised in rural Indiana in the Fifties.

My mother is Thelma Louise Becket.

My father is John Samuel Becket.

My brother is Naval Seal Commander Thomas Andrew Becket.

My sister is Katherine Elizabeth Becket - Bonnick.

Tom’s wife is Mary

Katie’s first husband was Chuck, an abusive alcoholic. They are divorced. Her second husband is Jim Bonnick.

I am a graduate of MIT and other fine institutions.

I hold six doctorates, and have an IQ of 267

I am fluent in many languages and have masteries in several martial arts.

I am a Quantum Physicist and discoverer of the " String Theory Of Universal Structure "

Okay, the String Theory is, ( keep it simple ), Your life is like a piece of string, one end is birth the other death. Tie the ends together and your life is a loop. Ball the loop and the days of your life touch each other out of sequence thereby allowing you to leap back and forth in yourown lifetime.

That is what I did, but I got stuck because I leaped before the retrieval program for bringing me back was ready. Instead fate, time, or God, put me out here to " put right what once went wrong" . I just met the messenger of the source that has me, and He told me that I have the power to send myself home.

Instead I chose to right my best friend and the project observer Al’s past. He was a POW and his wife thought he was dead and she remarried. Now she’ll wait for him. However, I think that doing that instead of going home might have got me stuck out here. There’s something else, something I’m not remembering, and whatever it is I think that it might be my ticket home. Otherwise, I won’t be going home.

Suddenly, Sam heard a door slide open and was relieved to hear his best friend’s rather gravelly voice behind him.

" Sam, thank heaven we found....", Al’s voice trailed off as he realized where he was standing. " What are you doing here!?"

" Remember my last leap, when I told you that I had met the source that was helping me?"

" Yeah, So?" Al still felt that Sam might be a little nutso.

" Well, I found out that I control my own destiny. I can CHOOSE to go home."

As the realization of what Sam was saying began to sink in, Al’s face lit up like a Christmas tree.

" Really, Sam? " and he started pushing buttons on the hand - link.

" So, what does Ziggy say, Al?"

Al looked at Sam a bit guiltily, " Sorry, Sam. I had to see for myself."

" It’s okay, Al. So, What does Ziggy say?”

" She agrees with you, that quite possibly you have not allowed yourself to be retrieved!”

" Yes, that’s it exactly, but I don’t think it matters anymore.”

" What! Yes it does matter. It means you can come home!”

" I don’t think so, Al; because I made the choice to change your past instead!”

"’re talking about Beth....aren’t you?”

" Yes, Al, I am. You put yourself on the line for Donna and I. I owe you the chance to be with the woman that you love, just as you gave me that chance.”

Al just stood there, his mouth open in utter amazement.

" When did you remember her, Sam?

" Actually, just now. When I sat in your house and told Beth that you were coming home to her, I looked in her eyes and a sudden memory of a woman that I had loved flashed through my mind; and just a moment ago, it came to me who she was.”

" Sam, I couldn’t tell you. She made me promise not to tell.”

" I understand. I couldn’t have acted freely if I knew I was married.”

" That’s exactly what she said.”

" Now you know why I married her.”

" I don’t understand though, how does changing my past mean you can’t come home.”

" I believe I had a choice. Go home, or make things right for you and Beth. I know how

much she loved you, and I know how much you still love her. It was an easy choice. Besides I told her about StarBright and about Quantum Leap. I explained about our friendship and how much I needed you. I couldn’t keep going without you, Al”

" Oh, Sam. thank you so much for being such a good friend; but if I’d known about your choices I would have told you to come home. You have no idea about what you’ve done.”

" What’s that supposed to mean?”

" The choice you made also means that you will probably miss one of the most important

events in your life.”

" Oh, Boy, Al. Would you like to tell me what this event is.”

Al pressed a few more buttons on the handlink. “ Donna, have you been monitoring this conversation .... Did Ziggy tell you where Sam is? .... Do you understand what he told me... Do you want to tell him or do you want me to? .... Okay, have Ziggy hook you up! .... Sam, Donna is coming into the Imaging Chamber. She wants to talk to you. “

" Will I be able to see and hear her?”

" Actually, yes! You built Ziggy around our brainwave patterns, and Sammy Jo just added Donna’s to the mix for just such an emergency.”

Sam’s face went very pale for a second. “ Sammy Jo, Oh, Al; she was gone from my memory, too. How is my daughter?”

" Actually, she was just recently married. In fact, Donna was her matron of honor. Donna made up her mind to befriend Sammy Jo. Donna knew when you came home that you would want Sammy Jo to know the truth; that and she wanted Sammy Jo close. She says that it helps her through the really tough days to have just that small piece of you there.”

" So, Sammy Jo turned out to be a blessing in disguise.”

" Yes, she did!”

Suddenly the Imaging Chamber door swooshed open and Sam held his breath as he waited it seemed like an eternity for Donna to walk in through the door. In the Control Center, Donna stood getting her emotions under control. She took a deep breath and entered the Imaging Chamber. As Sam saw her the breath just wooshed out of his body. She was as beautiful as ever, but something was different about her. After a second he realized the difference.

" Donna, " Sam frowned unable to control his disappointment, “ how did it happen?”

Donna stood fairly beaming, and Al had a hard time restraining his laughter.

" Well, “ Al chuckled, “ it would be a bit silly to try to explain it to a doctor.”

" Sam Becket, I’m surprised at you. You don’t remember our twelve hours? I can’t forget it. It was all I had to cling to for the last eight and a half months.”

" Sam, you remembered when you and I switched places, but you what you didn’t was Donna. Remember that I got your boyscout morals and you got my libido. When you came into the Imaging Chamber you told me you owed me one. Well, now I believe you owe me two!”

" Sam, “ Donna was speaking barely above a whisper, “ That night you came home, a miracle occurred. I was so happy to see you that I forgot that after the first year you were gone, I had gone off my birth control. A baby was the furthest thing from my mind that night, but our love gave me the chance I had never had, the chance to be a mother,”

" So you’re telling me that this baby,” Sam began, but Donna hushed him.

" Please, let me say it. I’ve waited our whole marriage to be able to say this to you.”

" Go ahead, Sweetheart.”

" Sam, you’re going to be a daddy. We’re going to have a baby!”

Sam just stood there allowing the warmth and strength of her love to fill the empty places in his heart. “ I’m sorry, Sweetheart. I wish I could be there with you.”

" Sam, I could never hold you back from your destiny. I’ve come to terms with your leaping. I’ve always believed that everything has it’s purpose. We just don’t know what yours is yet. I believe that someday someone will find your purpose, and you’ll come home.”

" If I could have three wishes granted; well you know the first one. The second to hold

you just once more, and the third to feel our baby kick and listen to it’s heartbeat.”

" Well,” Al interrupted, “ I can grant a part of one of those wishes.” He pressed a few buttons on the handlink and as the Imaging Chamber door slid open, Sam could feel in his soul that someone he loved had entered

" Al, that was Sammy Jo, wasn’t it?”

" Yes, Sam, but how did you know?”

" My heart told me. Al, can I ask a favor?”

" Sure, Sam, anything.”

" I want you and Donna to tell Sammy Jo that I am her father. Especially since this baby that Donna is carrying is her brother or sister.”

" Oh, Sam, I’ve waited so long to tell her the truth. It was getting even harder to hold on to the secret knowing that this baby could have a wonderful sister to love and care for it.”

" I feel the same way, Sam. Donna didn’t want to tell her without you.”

" Well, I give you permission.”

"Sam, while we’re waiting for Al, there’s something else you should know. My being able to see you today....well.... it’s especially meaningful.”

" Why’s that, Sweetheart?”

" It’s June 5, 2000.”

" Happy Anniversary, my precious love. It means that 11 years ago today, you became my wife. I’ll always remember that day as the happiest day of my life.”

" Along with the day I found out that we were finally going to have the child we’ve talked about and yearned for, I’ll remember it that way, too.”

" Donna, I am ecstatic about this baby, too. I just wanted you to know that. You know, since Sammy Jo I’ve been wishing that I would have had the chance to have a child as well.”

Donna grinned from ear to ear, “ Well, now for Al’s surprise.”

With that Al put his hands onto the object next to him, which turned out to be a TV and VCR. In seconds they were turned on and Sam was able to view Donna’s last ultrasound and listen to their baby’s heartbeat. Donna seemed transfixed by the looks of sheer joy and agony on Sam’s face.

" Then Sam said to Donna as only Sam could, “ I love you, Donna, with every part of my heart and soul I love you; and no matter what I do while I’m leaping, every woman I fall for along the way; I fall for her, because her sincerity, or gentleness, or compassion reminds me of you. I wish there was some way to express to you even more how much I am grateful to you for hanging in there and for carrying our child. Allot of women wouldn’t have done what you’ve done for me, and I’m so proud of you for it.”

" I love you, too Sam, and I want you to know that I’m proud of you, too. If your leaping means that our child will have a better world to grow up in than we did, then the waiting and hoping are worth everything.”

Sam looked at Al and tried to smile. “ Al, say hello to Beth for me, and tell her, she got her happy ending. Also, please take care of my wife for me. She’s going to need you now more than ever....The baby, Al.... Be the male figure in my child’s life until I come back.”

" I will, Sam, Goodbye and thank you.”

" You’re welcome, Al.”"

" Sam, “ Donna had something to say to him before he left her again, “ I also want to make you a promise. I promise you that our child will always know that you are his or her father. This child will always know that you love it, and will always have hope that you’ll come home someday.’

" Thank you, Sweetheart. Goodbye, .

The Season Of Love

Part I: All The Sweet Tomorrows

Chapter 2

Al and Donna descended down the ramp from the Imaging Chamber to the Control Center. Al had his arm around her trying to console her. Suddenly from in front of them came a voice whose gentle questioning sounded like screaming to Al.

" Al, is Sam all right?"

Al looked up from Donna's face into the eyes of the woman he swore he would never see again. He rushed over to her a pulled her into his grip, his lips descending onto hers and he whispered her name over and over again with such a passion that she began to become very afraid.

" Al, is this just a nice way of informing me that Sam is lost forever, or is this happiness."

" It's happiness, Beth, sheer utter happiness."

" Oh, Al," she whispered and cuddled close into his comfort giving arms.

" Beth, Sam's fine, and finally he got to find out about the baby."

" I'm so glad for you, Donna, that was quite an anniversary present you gave him wasn't it."

Donna just stood there surprised, " Oh Boy, in all the agonizing hours of waiting, I forgot that today's our anniversary."

Beth grinned, " The only reason I remembered is because I happened to look at the calendar on my computer this morning. After dreading June 5 every year, because you are so sad on that day, I could never forget it."

" Well, I won't dread it anymore, not with his child to hold close to my heart. By the way, where did Sammy Jo go."

" Well, she got awfully nervous after she came out of there. She said the emotions were so thick, you could cut them with a knife. She ran down to the medical clinic to do a pre-delivery check to make sure everything was ready, in case something happened."

" I'm fine, so she really shouldn't worry. Ziggy, could you please ask Dr. Fuller - Majors to come to Dr. Becket's private office? Oh, and tell her I'm fine."

" Yes, right away, Dr. Eleese."

Just then Donna Elizabeth Calavicci, Donna Beth for short, Al and Beth's youngest daughter, came running into the Control Center and immediately went to her namesake.

" Aunt Donna, is Uncle Sam okay."

" Yes, sweetie, he's fine and I even finally told him he was going to be a daddy. He was very happy, and a little sad, too. He doesn't know if he'll come home in time to see the baby being born."

" I'm glad. I was very upset about him being gone."

" I know. Now you need to get back to your studies. The sooner you get to MIT; the sooner your Uncle Sam can come home."

" All right, Aunt Donna, I'm going." and Donna Beth turned and left.

" Beth, Al and I have some business to take care of for Sam. Would you mind watching over things for a few minutes."

" Sure, Donna."

Donna turned and Al followed her into Sam's private office on the Control Center floor of the project. They sat down and waited for Sammy Jo.

" Ziggy?"

" Yes, Admiral Calavicci, I want your sensors and recording devices immediately de-activated in this room."

" Do you want voice re-initialization?"

" Yes, that will work."

" Fine, Admiral, goodbye for now."

About that time Sammy Jo arrived. She sat down in her favorite chair of Sam's one that helped her think, and smiled.

" You wanted me Donna?"

" Yes, I did. As you are aware Al and I just spent a few minutes with Dr. Becket. While we were talking he asked us to please make you aware of something that is known only to Al, Gushie, Ziggy, and me. Your IQ is the highest in the world next to Dr. Becket's and there is a reason for that."

" What are you trying to tell me."

Donna looked at Al and he began to tell Sammy Jo the leap histories of the leaps that SAm had made into her mother's life.

" The third time he was there, he came to rescue Abigail from the electric chair and forever change the destiny of the child that they had created together,"

" Samantha Josephine Fuller, " Sammy Jo whispered in shock.

" Yes, if you want proof, we can do a DNA profile."

" No, I don't need proof. I already knew."

" You did?" Donna asked a bit surprised.

" Yes, I've felt it for a long long time. Put together what I know from my Grandma Fuller and it means that in less than two weeks I'm going to be a big sister for the first time."

" Yes, It does!." Donna exclaimed, and she and Sammy Jo began talking. Al excused himself feeling that the two ladies needed time alone to form the bond they would need in the days to come.




He floated aimlessly in the blue - white light. He had no body. It was if he were only feeling, only hearing, only existing in this place. Suddenly the voice of the power whether it was fate, time, or God, spoke gently.


" YES, I'M HERE!" he had to let it know that he was there that he had not failed him.


" I remembered Donna."


" Please, when I married her I promised I would always be there for her. Now I'm never coming back! She should have the choice to let me go. I can't let her go on alone without it being her choice!"


" YES!"




Albuquerque, New Mexico; June 4, 1989;The Leap In

Sam exploded into his next leap. Well, it felt like an explosion anyway. An explosion of emotion filled his body and held his heart so tight, he didn’t want to let the feeling go. As he became oriented to his surroundings, he realized what was sending shock waves through the body of his host. It was the simple touch of a woman’s hand on his arm. They were standing near an airport gate where people would exit a plane. How could just a touch affect him so deeply? He looked over at her and suddenly he remembered.


In one swift motion, Sam turned to her and swept her into his arms. He pulled her close to his beating heart. As his fingers ran through her thick mane of dark hair, he felt such a wave of love he felt he might be drowning in it, and gently whispered her name against her lips,"Donna....Donna." Sam lifted his head just slightly to look into her eyes,and just happened to notice that their private moment had an audience of about twenty.

Sam grinned, leaned forward, and whispered into Donna’s ear. " OH, BOY!"




Stallions Gate, New Mexico, June 18, 2000

Al, dragging Beth behind him, was hurrying off for the Medical Clinic at QUANTUM LEAP. He had barely had time to wake up when Ziggy called. She had informed him that there was an emergency in the Security Room of the Medical Clinic. Al was scared out of his wits about it. The Security Room was only used for leapers that were extremely ill or dying, or for Sam when he was ill. The government was deeply concerned about Sam's welfare and would only allow one doctor and certain others into the room while Sam was undergoing treatment. It had happened once before during the second year of the Project, when Sam had overworked himself and gotten pneumonia. The only people allowed in the room were Donna, himself, Beth, their girls, and recently Sammy Jo. If a leaper arrived, why was he not called? If it was Sam it probably meant that either he was dead or dying. Al had pretty much worked himself up to petrified, when he finally arrived. He went in and immediately was reassured. The person on the bed was Donna and from the groans coming from her lips, she was in labor. Sammy Jo and her husband, John Majors, were already there helping. Sammy Jo was the doctor of record, but she had taken the case from Beth, who was the Project Doctor. Sammy Jo wanted to deliver the child that would be her brother or sister, and Beth had agreed as long as she could assist. The only stipulation that Donna had put on was that if Sam came home, he should be the one to do the delivery. Sammy Jo and Beth both understood, and they had agreed. Al went to Donna and slipped his hand into hers, helping her through the long contraction.

" How long have you been in labor?"

" About two hours, I wanted to make sure it was the real thing before I called for you. Sammy Jo assured me that it is."

" How are you doing.?"

" Well, I'm okay, but I can't help feeling sorry for Sam. He'll be so disappointed to miss this."

" I know, but..." Al was interrupted by the hand-link.

" Yeah, Ziggy?"

Ziggy began to print out on the hand-link:


" So, " Al said.



" Yeah, SOOO" Al was getting a bit annoyed now.

DR. BECKET HAS LEAPED INTO DR. S--------- Al knocked the side of the hand-link, SAMUEL BECKETT!

" Oh ....... WHAT!" the implications slowly struck Al.


Sammy Jo was also looking at a hand-link and nodded approvingly as if to tell him he better go.

" All right, Zig, I'm on my way."

Al turned to Donna, helped her through another contraction and then smiled.

" I have to go. Sam needs me."

" Go then, but if he remembers, please tell him not to be sorry and that I love him."

" I will, Donna." Al smiled, kissed Donna on the forehead and rushed off for the Imaging Chamber yelling, " Ziggy, have Gushie get the Imaging Chamber on-line."


Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 4, 1989

Sam stood with Donna grasped in his arms and lifted his head away from her. He smiled and stepped back.

" Whoa, Sam, what was that all about?" Sam grinned, " Sorry, I just needed you in my arms at that moment. Hope I haven't scared you out of marrying me."

Donna pulled him closer, " If our marriage will be like that, NO WAY!"

" I'm afraid I messed up your hair pretty badly, you better go fix it in the ladies room before the plane gets here."

" All right, Sam, I'll be right back."

Donna headed off to the ladies room as Sam heard the swoosh of the Imaging Chamber door behind him. He turned to greet Al.

" How's, Beth, today?"

" We're great, Sam. Someday, I'll find some way to repay you."

" Don't worry about it. Now why am I here?"

" Ziggy says 95% chance that you're here to give Donna the chance not to marry you."

" I knew that all ready. IT let me come."

" You mean fate, time, God, or whatever."

" You got it. "

Suddenly, Sam drew in a deep breath. Al had only heard it one time before. It was when Sam remembered Donna during the leap when he and Sam switched places. " What's wrong, Sam?"

" Al, I'm getting my memory back."

" Donna, right."

" Al has the baby been born yet."

Al pushed a few buttons on the hand-link, " No, but she's in transition, now."

" Al, take me to her, maybe I can see my child born after all."

" How, my friend, do I do that."

" Elementary, my dear Admiral. I leaped in, but I am also in the Waiting Room. It isn't breaking the rules either since this Sam knows about QUANTUM LEAP."

" Right, Sam, I'm on my way," Al turned to leave.

" Oh, Al," he turned back, " tell Donna that I love her."

" I will Sam." and the Imaging Chamber door swooshed shut behind Al.

Al raced at break-neck speed to get to the Waiting Room He came to the door, took a big breath and stepped in. He went over to Sam.

Sam looked up. " Al, thank God, I was beginning to wonder if I'd lost my mind for a second."

" No, you haven't lost your mind. I'm here and this is Quantum Leap."

" Al, the Project hasn't been built yet."

" Yes, actually, it has in 2000."

" I'm in the future? Are you telling me that Quantum leap worked?"

" Say hello to Dr. Beckett, Ziggy."

" Hello, Dr. Beckett, I hope your stay with us will be comfortable."

" My parallel hybrid computer, right?"

" Right, and there's something else.'

" What, Al?"

" Sam, we have very little time for me to talk right now, because in a few moments one of the most important events in your life is going to happen."

" What's that, Al?"

" Donna, is going to give birth to your child, and I thought you'd want to be there."

" My child, Al, MY CHILD?"

" Yeah, and we better go or we'll miss it."

" What are we waiting for, LET'S GO!"

Al and Sam got up and rushed off to the Medical Clinic and as they raced, Sam kept thinking, " All my dreams have come true."


Donna lay on her bed in the Medical Clinic going through contractions one right after another and tiring quickly. She clasped John's hand and whispered, " I don;t know how much more I can take."

" You've got to go on Donna, for Sam."

Donna was drained emotionally by this time as well, " Sam, oh Sam, where are you?"

As if on cue the door to the room slid open, and a man stood silhouetted in the doorway. Sammy Jo smiled.

" He's here, John."

John turned to the door, " Thank goodness you're here. She needs you."

Donna looked over at the person standing in the doorway, whom had managed to calm all of Sammy Jo and John's fears, and she realized, hers as well. He began rushing to her and Donna suddenly knew it was Sam. She reached out to him.

" Are you all right, sweetheart?" Sam asked wrapping her into his arms.

" I will be now!" Donna answered the pain forgotten for the moment.


Chapter 4

Albuquerque, New Mexico; June 4, 1989

Sam and Donna watched as the plane carrying Sam's family landed and the passengers began to leave the plane. Suddenly down the narrow corridor, Sam saw the shining light of his mother's eyes. He stepped up and she walked through the gate and into his arms. He smiled as the rest of his family followed shortly thereafter.

" Mom, I've missed you so much."

" I've missed you too, Sam. Now here I come to see you and I might actually get a whole day out of it."

" I'm sorry mother, but I've waited five years to marry Donna. I won't wait one minute more."

" I know , Sam, and I understand."

Sam kissed his mom and turned to his brother, Tom. TOM WAS ALIVE! Leaping had been worth every sacrifice if this were the only thing it accomplished.

" Howdy, little brother."

The men embraced, " I'm fine, and how are you."

" Well, we're doing great out in Indiana. The dairy has become a major distributor now. I had to hire an accountant and an attorney just to keep up. Mary sends her apologies and best wishes to both of you. She had to stay home."

" We'll miss her, but tell her thank you.," just then Sam felt a tug on his pant leg, " Yes, Johnny."

Tom's youngest reached up for Sam to take him and smiled as Sam picked him up," Uncle Sam, I got a new suit and everything for your wedding. Daddy said I get to hold your rings. I don't know if I should.I might loose them."

" It's okay, Johnny, the rings you're carrying will only look like the real ones. They'll be pretend."

Sam put Johnny down and reached for Katie, " How's my sister and yet to be born niece or nephew doing."

" Oh, we're really doing well Sam."

Sam hugged Katie closer, " I've needed you all so much these last few weeks. I want you to be a big part of my life, even after my marriage."

The family greeted Donna, and then Sam retrieved their luggage and took them to the church for the rehearsal and then to Al's for the rehearsal dinner. Al, Beth, and the girls were such a huge part of his life, and every important moment he could share with them, he treasured. At the dinner that evening Al and Beth announced Beth's fourth and final pregnancy. Their fourth daughter, Sam knew. Sam was rather quiet and contemplative the entire night and Donna was a bit worried about him. After he got his family settled, ( they were staying at a hotel, so Sam could keep them safe and separate from the Project ), Sam then drove Donna home. They sat in Sam's car for a few minutes saying very little and then Sam spoke.

" Donna, can I come upstairs with you? I have something I need to talk to you about."

" Sure, Sam, I've felt you were burdened with something all night. Yes, please come and talk to me."

Sam went in with Donna and up to her fifth story apartment.As they went through Donna's door Sam whisked her into his arms, and grasped her as if he would never let her go.

" Donna, there's something you should know, with only one exception, when I leap, I may never come home to you again. Your future, must choose your own future, I won't choose it for you!"

" Sam, how do you know? No one can see the future."

Donna stood shocked by his next words...

" I can, Donna! I can because I'm not the Sam from 1989! I'm the Sam from the future."


Stallions Gate, New Mexico; June 18, 2000

In short order Sam and Sammy Jo ran through the prep and were ready for the baby's delivery. Sammy Jo worked alongside her father, completely aware that this Sam had no knowledge or memory of her at all. Al and Beth stood by Donna and then Sam smiled.

" All right, Sweetheart, with the next contraction, I want you to push."

Donna bore down and the baby crowned.Sam delivered the head and cleared it's mouth and nose. He had to remove the cord form the baby's neck. Luckily it hadn't seemed to have a very serious affect on the baby. Donna bore down again and the shoulders were born. Shortly thereafter the baby slid free into Sam's waiting hands.

" We have a daughter!" Sam exclaimed delighted.

Donna heard the baby take her first breath and let the world know she was none to happy with the disruption in her life.

" SHE SOUNDS FINE, " Donna thought. " Can I hold her, Sam, please?"

" In just a minute sweetheart, I want to make sure that she's alright. She had her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck." Sam checked his daughter over while Sammy Jo finished with Donna. He took his daughter in his arms after he had finished his exam, cleaned, and dressed her.

" Sweetie, Daddy loves you, and I want you to know one thing. No matter where I am, I'll always love you. We're a part of each other."

Sam took his daughter to Donna, and Donna took her into her arms and looked at her.

" She's beautiful, Sam, and I must say she definitely looks like a Becket."

" I'll have to agree with you," Sam answered grinning.

" Sam, I'd like you to meet your daughter, Katherine Olivia Becket."

" Hello, Katie, sweetheart," Sam whispered to her and he and

Donna looked in amazement at their daughter.



Part 1: All The Sweet Tomorrows

Act II: After All Tomorrow Is Another Day


Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 4, 1989 10:00pm

Donna stood stunned at Sam's statement, and she looked into his eyes with all her love for him to see if he was crazy or telling the truth. Sam never lied, but how? Suddenly, the Sam of 2000 appeared before her. His face was a bit more care worn, ( the wrinkles near his eyes finally gave him the mature look he had craved), but this was her Sam, streak of gray and all! Her shock softened into a smile.

"I believe you, Sam. However, you must tell me everything before I make this decision." Donna brushed the streak of gray away from his eyes.

With that Sam lead her over to her couch, sat her down, and began to tell her everything. He didn't leave out a thing. He even told her about Alia and Abigail. He fairly beamed as he told her about Sammy Jo. He finished with Al and Beth and that he wasn't coming home.

"I only wish, " Donna sighed wistfully, " that we could have had our own children."

Sam beamed even more. " You didn't let me finish. I told you about the time I came back. Well, while I was there I made love to you. I suspectthat at any moment Al is going to come into the Imaging Chamber and tell me that our first child has been born."

Donna then began beaming. " Sam, I love you! Nothing will EVER change that love! I will marry you, a thousand times, YES! Don't you understand that to never be able to hold you would be more torture than to have such a short time. What's the old saying, ' It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. ' "

Sam crushed her to him in an embrace so intense Donna was afraid he might suffocate her. His arms eased though as his lips came down onto hers. As he kissed her he realized that had he not made the changes to her past that this meeting might never have happened and he thanked fate, time, God, or whatever for this miracle that he had been allowed to perform in her life.

" I love you, too, Donna. Always, no matter what happens in our lives, always remember that. Now what made you believe me so easily without question."

Donna half-grinned, " Simple, I knew you were either lying, telling the truth or completely out of your mind. Since you had NEVER lied to mebefore, I knew it was one of the others. Then I looked into your eyes for confirmation, and there it was! I can see you, the older you, those lines near your eyes give you some much needed maturity in your face. "

Now Sam was the one who looked stunned. " Okay, now we know that only children, animals, mental patients, and true love can see me as I really am! "

As Sam's lips met Donna's again, the Imaging Chamber door wooshed open and Sammy Jo came through. Sam looked in amazement.

"Dad, I've brought my new sister to see you. She and Donna are both doing really well."

Sammy Jo held the tiny bundle that was in her arms down so that Sam could see her. " Isn't she beautiful, Dad."

"Absolutely, " Sam said, " Just as beautiful as hearing you call me Dad for the first time."

"Oh, " Sammy Jo chuckled, " I forgot I said it. I've been gearing up for it for weeks. I wanted to be able to call you Dad when you came home for good without feeling silly. Donna helped me by letting me use it as much as I possibly could with her. "


" I'm so glad, Sammy Jo." then suddenly Sam realized that Donna was gripping his arm quite tightly. " Sammy Jo, if you have Donna's mesons and neurons in Ziggy, wouldn't it be possible to tune you into her? I think she's dying to see her daughter."

" Sam, did you say daughter? " Donna questioned.

" Yes, I did. " Sam answered as Sammy Jo came into view for both of them.

 Sammy Jo smiled at this younger version of Donna. Even 10 years younger she was still the most beautiful woman Sammy Jo had ever seen, and she felt pride that her father had chosen a woman whose inner beauty surpassed even her gorgeous exterior. " Dad, Donna, This is your daughter, Katherine Olivia Becket. Katie for short. "

Sam smiled, "Her aunt Katie will love that, and her grandmother would be proud, too." Sam said smiling at Donna and then at his daughters. "I can't wait until we can all be united someday."

" Neither can I. Okay, obviously Donna said "yes" to the proposal, but why haven't you leaped? "

" Sammy Jo, I have a feeling that I have a great deal more to do here. At least I'll get to relive my wedding day and hopefully the honeymoon."

Donna frowned, " Does that mean the other Sam misses it, "

Sam smoothed her hair, " Well, yes and no. Yes, he'll miss it physically, but no he'll have all the memories of the day. Besides, I was the one here in the first place. The rest is just a technicality. "

Donna chuckled, " Yes, I guess you're right. " She smiled at Sammy Jo, "Katie sounds like she's getting hungry, I think you ought to get her back to me, MAN that sounds weird. "

Sam chuckled, too. " Now you know how I feel every time I leap. " He looked at his daughter, " Katie, I love you and someday, I promise, I will come back to you whatever it takes. " Katie gave Sam what looked to be a smile and then Sammy Jo smiled.

"Dad, don't forget to leave before midnight!"

 "Why, will I turn into a pumpkin?"

 "No, silly, because it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride on the day of the wedding until she walks down the aisle. "

"Oops, I almost jinxed the whole thing. I won't forget Sammy Jo. "and Sammy Jo left the Imaging Chamber.


Sam and Donna sat locked in one another's embrace for some time after that until Sam finally lifted his head. " I'm afraid I ought to go. It's almost midnight. "

Donna pleaded softly, "Couldn't you stay with me tonight? "

Sam grinned, " I'd like nothing better. But, one, I'll jinx the wedding and second remember our promise to one another?" Sam looked into her eyes for confirmation.

"Yes, " Donna sighed, " No love making for 2 weeks before the wedding. "

"We want our wedding night to be special and with all the pent up feelings between us I think it's worth the wait, don't you? " Sam smiled into Donna's eyes.

"Sam, you know I do. I was just teasing you a little." Donna grinned in response to his smile.

"Not fair! No more teasing! I have 24 hours to go yet you know." he reached out for Donna's hand and tapped it in mock punishment.

"I love you, Sam Becket. " Donna whispered.

"I love you, too, Donna Eleese. " he said, kissed her soundly. He then said good night, and closed the door behind him.


 Stallions Gate, New Mexico, June 18, 2000

 Donna smiled at Sam. " Sam, you have another daughter present."

Sam looked just a bit shocked, " Who?"

Sammy Jo took a step toward him, " Me, " she said matter of factly, "My name is Samantha Josephine Fuller - Becket. I am married to Robert Johanson, one of your Pulse Communications Technicians. It's a bit hard to explain, so I better let Donna do it."

Donna explained about Abigail and Sammy Jo and Sam stood looking completely amazed.

"It's just incredible. My daughter is working here trying to carry on my work. I don't know what to say, Sammy Jo, except come here. " he said gently holding his arms out to her.

She walked into them thankfully. She was finally in the arms of her beloved father. She now knew that he loved her. She was Dr. Samuel Becket's daughter. Now, she could do his work and maybe someday be instrumental in bringing him home. After all those years of just she and her mother, she finally had a the big family she had prayed for for so long.

After a little while of talking, Sam and Sammy Jo managed to get Donna settled in she and Sam's quarters. They left Donna to rest and took the baby to the Imaging Chamber to see the other Sam and then returned the baby to Donna for her feeding. When they had both been bedded down, Sam and Sammy Jo took a walk through the building. They wanted to get to know one another and spent several hours talking knowing they had Beth and Ziggy keeping an eye on Donna. After a while, Sam could feel Sammy Jo wanted to ask something.

"Sammy Jo, is there something you want to ask me? " Sam wondered.

"Yes, there is, actually. " Sammy Jo said stalling.

"Well then spill it lady " Sam said Humphrey Bogart style.

"Dad, I need to see a doctor. Would you examine me, please? "

"How long have you thought this? " Sam was just a little upset.

"Oh, don't worry just a few days. I have a suspicion I know exactly what it is, too. I just didn't want to have to leave the project, you know, in case there was a chance of retrieving you after a leap." Sammy Jo reassured him.

"Okay, then, why don't we go to the medical clinic and find an open examining room. " Sam patted her back and then steered her toward the elevator.

Sam did some routine tests and a thorough physical and when he was done, he smiled. " Now, I know what you meant by your suspicions. Let's go down to the ultrasound room. I need to check something. "

He led her down the hall and got her on the table and prepped. He then started the ultrasound. He began to make out the image he was looking for and stopped.

"Sammy Jo, huuummm, I'd say you're about 6 weeks pregnant. " Sam was grinning form ear to ear.

Sammy Jo seemed amazed at his statement and the grin and asked, " You mean you're not upset. I mean this could out my work back weeks. "

Sam helped her sit up and then he put his arm around her, " Sammy Jo, I would never ask you to put your life on hold for me. I asked Donna to do it, and if it weren't for a pure miracle we wouldn't have Katie. For this to happen to you now is wonderful. Do you realize that this means I'm going to be a grandpa before Tom. Finally, I get to do something first. Although, this was not exactly what I had in mind. " he finished half frowning and half grinning.

"You don't look a day over 20, " Sammy Jo told him sincerely.

"Comments like that will help immensely from time to time. Now, why don't we go and tell Donna you're good news. Ziggy? "

"Yes, Doctor Becket? "

"You heard the news? "

"That I'm going to be an Aunt? Yes, I did. "

Sam and Sammy Jo both rolled their eyes and chuckled at the thought of Aunt Ziggy. " Well, Ziggy, we're glad you're happy. However, please don't tell Robert until Sammy Jo tells him first. " Sam pleaded.

"Don't worry, I understand this human ritual. I won't interfere."

"Thanks, Zig. " Sammy Jo said.

"You're welcome, Dr. Fuller - Becket. " Ziggy replied as Sammy Jo and Sam headed off to tell Donna the good news.


Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 5, 1989 2:00am

Sam was tossing and turning in his bed, too excited to sleep, when he heard the Imaging Chamber door woosh open and Sammy Jo entered.

"Sorry to wake you Dad, but I have some personal news that couldn't wait."

Sam looked concerned, "Donna and Katie are all right aren't they?"

Sammy Jo smiled, "Yes, they're fine. This is my news."

Sam looked at her wonderingly, " What is it? "

"Dad, you're going to be a Grandpa, I and my husband are going to have a baby. " Sammy Jo was beaming by this time.

Sam was stunned, but happy. " That's wonderful, sweetheart! Promise me, though, that when you need rest you'll take it? "

"Sure I will no problem. I'm going to take good care of myself so that you can come home to a wonderful healthy grandchild. "

"Good, now I better try to sleep. After all tomorrow is another day and my wedding day. I want to be rested for the wedding night! " Sam chuckled like a teenager.

"All right, good night, have sweet dreams of Donna, Katie, me, and your grandchild. " Sammy Jo sad softly.

"I will, Sammy Jo, good night, " Sam said. He laid his head on his pillow as she left the Imaging Chamber. He finally fell asleep that night assured that his family was safe and happy. As Sammy Jo said he dreamed of them all and their future happiness.


Part II: Home Is Where The Heart Is

Chapter I: Until The Daybreak


Old Mission Chapel (outside Albuquerque, New Mexico) June 5, 1989

In a beautiful and very emotional ceremony Dr. Samuel John Beckett and Dr. Donna Eleese was united in marriage. As Tom gave the bride away, by putting Donna's hand into Sam's, he whispered " Be good to one another and love each other always."

Donna smiled at that and kissed Tom's cheek. She grasped Sam's hand as if she was going to hold onto him forever. They recited traditional vows, Sam's choice, since he knew nothing short of total commitment would ever satisfy the love he had for her. Al, as best man, stood at his side grinning widely.

Then Sam and Donna had chosen a saying, something to signify the commitment and love they shared. Sam read their poem, from Johann Sebatian Goethe:

That is the true season of love;

When we believe that we alone can love;

That no one could have loved so before us;

And that no one could ever love in the same way again after us.


Donna smiled and whispered. "My beloved is mine and I am his until the daybreak and the shadows flee away."

Sam kissed Donna and she became his wife. The longed for union that Sam had lived for and believed in, even when the odds were stacked against them, had finally become reality and he reveled in the joy of it. He had never forgotten this day, but to be able to live it again was a privilege he would be thankful for always.

Sam's family, Al' girls, Sam and Donna all went to the airport together. Sam saw his family off and then Al saw Donna and Sam off to Hawaii, where they were going on their honeymoon. This honeymoon was a kind of gift from the government. The federal's had been overly protective of him for years, really since his Nobel Prize. With them spending so much on QL and with the threat of Russian or technological spies, kidnapping him and pumping him for information, the government felt it best that he and Donna stay in a place of their choosing. Sam was happy to oblige since all he had to do in return for a free honeymoon was that he and Donna would help at Pearl Harbor with some computer upgrades that would help the Navy, which would take and hour or two. In return they got a bungalow on their own private beach, one that had been used by several president's and was the height of luxury as far as accommodations. It was easy for the Secret Service, whom had been assigned to protect him, to be unobtrusive, and he didn't have to worry about security.

The plane trip seemed it would never end. When they arrived they were taken directly to their bungalow. Sam picked Donna up, carried her over the threshold, and laid her on the bed. That night Sam and Donna made love as if everything were new again, as if everything were right then and right there in one another's arms. The two became one person, bonding in a way that only a husband and a wife can understand, and later as he held her, he had a strange feeling that his life was about to take a dramatic turn. Donna sat up in bed and pulled Sam up next to her.

"Sam, I have something I want to tell you. "

Sam took her hands and looked into her eyes, "What is it sweetheart?"

"Remember how you said you didn't want to wait to have children this time around?"

"Yes, Donna, I do, but...."

"Well...just now when you were making love to me I felt something change inside of me. I know, Sam, I just know that we are going to have a baby."

Sam smiled broadly at her and kissed her. Suddenly he lifted his head as new memories flooded his mind.

"New memories, Donna, I have NEW memories!"


Stallions New Mexico - Project Quantum Leap - June 19, 2000

Donna was sleeping peacefully with her head resting comfortably on Sam's chest when she suddenly sat up in bed. She accidentally jarred Sam and he woke, too. She looked a bit shocked, and began speaking to Ziggy.


"Yea, Dr. Eleese "

"Is he back yet?"

"The plane just landed. He should be there in a few moments. "

Donna turned to Sam "You might want to put some pants on. I believe you've changed history!

We'll have a young visitor in a few minutes. Could you hand me my robe?"

Sam was a bit confused, but he did what Donna asked of him. Then, just as he pulled his pants on and zipped them; a young boy came bursting through their bedroom door, and into Donna's open arms.

"Mom, are you okay? Al said that you had the baby. "

"I did! You have a beautiful baby sister. There's something else I have to tell you though."

She then saw her son look at his father and her heart skipped a beat just as his did. The boy stepped back, a little wary. He had only seen others in his fathers body for the past five years. It was hard to trust.

"Sam, I'd like you to meet your son: Samuel Albert Beckett, Jr. We call him Sammy."

Sam held his arms out to his son and said, " It's all right, Sammy, it's really me!"

Sammy rushed into Sam's arms and cuddled into them whispering, "Daddy, Daddy, I missed you so much. Every day I would pray that you would come home and finally you have."

"Well, I'm not here for long, but I promise to spend lots of time with you until I have to go again."

Sammy didn't understand, " But, why can't you stay?"

Donna smiled at her son, " Sammy, this is not YOUR Daddy. Well, he is technically, but not really. "

Sammy looked bewildered, " What do you mean?"

"This is not the Sam from our time. This is the Sam from 1989. Your daddy leaped into himself in 1989. So he's here, he even got to be with me when your sister Katie was born. We only have him for a little while, so you and your Daddy need to spend some time together. You should be able to talk about things and we can take you into the imaging chamber to see your other daddy in 1989."

"Man, this whole time travel thing is confusing!" Sammy said scratching his head.

"You got that right, Sammy. I made the thing and I don't understand it." Sam chuckled.

Sam then took his son's hand and led him over to the baby crib. " Sammy, this is your sister, Katherine Olivia Becket, but we call her Katie. "

Sammy looked at her wonderingly. " She's very pretty, Dad. "

"Yes, she is and while we're waiting for her to wake up we'll sit here with your mother and have a nice long talk. "

Sam, Donna, and Sammy then sat and bonded for the first time in 5 years.



Al had just settled in for a nap, when he was interuppted.

"Admiral Calavicci, WAKE UP NOW!!!!"

"All right, Ziggy, I'm up! Now what's going on?"

"It's Dr. Becket. My records show that sometime in the next few minutes, he and Dr. Eleese are going to be killed."

"WHAT! Are you sure, Zig. "

"My calculations are not wrong, Admiral. He must have changed history somehow; that or Lothos is hunting him down."

"Get Gushie to rev up the Imaging Chamber, I'm on my way."

Al threw on his pants and ran as fast as his legs would carry him for the Imaging Chamber.

Part II - Home Is Where The Heart Is

Chapter 2 - What A Difference You've Made in My Life

Honolulu, Hawaii, June 5, 1989


The sound of the Imaging Chamber door sliding open stirred Sam out of his sleep. He tried to go back to sleep, but Al fairly screamed at him.

"Sam, you've got to wake up!"

"All right, Al, I'm up, what's the problem!?"

"Sam, Ziggy says that in the next few minutes you're going to be killed!"


"That's what she says, either you've changed history somehow, or Lothos is hunting you down!"

"I'd say both in that Lothos is probably looking for the best place in time to kill me, before I can get to him. However, he does not realize that I am not the Sam from 1989 and I'm forewarned, so now maybe I can do something about...."

At that moment, the door was kicked in and Sam grabbed Donna and pushed her onto the floor opposite the door and under the bed. He rolled onto the floor after her and the killer came around to the side of the bed.

As the killer kicked in the door, a few feet away in the head security officer, another leaper arrived. His hologram appeared at almost that precise moment and said.

"I'm here to remind you to go save him, you have less than 40 seconds."

The security guard ran for the door as he pulled his gun from its holster and readied for the job it had to do. Screwing on the silencer so that no one would hear him. He ran full speed into the bungalow, just in time to hear the killer.

The killer stood above Sam with a gun pointed at his heart.

"Lothos sent me here to kill you, any last words? Although I don't' generally let losers have the final say I will make an exception in this case."

"There's something you don't understand, you can't win! The Beckett's will never stop until they find you."

"Since you're the only Beckett who could, it doesn't matter."

"Oh, but I'm no longer the only Beckett."

"Yeah, whatever, prepare to die."

Just then the Chief of Security burst into the room. He took aim and took out both knees of the killer, who slumped to the ground. As he slumped, Sam grabbed his gun and took it."

The Chief Security Officer touched the killer and they morphed so that they could see each other.

The killer looked shocked. " There are two Sam Beckett's?"

"Wrong, " the officer growled, " There is one Sam Beckett. I am his son and when I send you off to Lothos to die, before you do, you tell him for me that Dr. Samuel Beckett can never be defeated, because he is surrounded by love. We Beckett's do anything for one another. His children will carry on and we will find him and destroy him!"

With that the officer shot into the chest of the leaper and sent him back to Lothos. The officer went over and helped Sam up and the second they touched, this other leaper appeared to him, also. He did bear a striking resemblance to himself that young.

"Thank you, what a difference you've made here today. That was a good fake, whoever you are!"

"It wasn't a fake dad, I AM your son!"

Quantum Leap: The Season Of Love

Part 2: Home Is Where The Heart Is

Chapter 3


 Sammy's Story

Sam and Donna's Honeymoon Cottage, Hawaii 3:00am June 6, 1989



Sam reached out and embraced his son, not quite knowing what to say until he heard a noise from under the bed.

"Oh, Donna, I almost forgot her!" he reached under the bed and helped Donna out and up.

"Did you hear what he said, Sweetheart?"

"I did, that's why I was trying to get out from under there so that I could give my son a hug." Donna then embraced her son.

"Sammy, how could you come, you might never get home now." Sam chastised Sammy smiled knowingly as if he had some big news, " Oh, yes I can. We now have a working retrieval program at Quantum Leap."

Sam just stood dumbfounded and Donna grasped him into her arms again. "You mean that you can bring your Dad home."

"Yes, we can, however, only in our time. Oh Boy, I wish I could just pass the information on to Sammy Jo in the past, but I can't."

"Why, Sammy?" Sam was still just a little in shock.

"Because of all the people whose lives you've changed. If we retrieve you then everything you did after this moment until you're retrieved will be wiped out!"

"Won't the same thing apply after I'm retrieved." Sam asked.

"Not necessarily, I figure between myself, you, and Sammy Jo, we can keep those dates. Up until now I know I wasn't ready, neither was Sammy Jo."

"You're right, Sammy, with you and your sister can carry on for me, together we can continue the work I've done so far."

"Exactly, now, are you both all right?"

Donna smiled, " Yes, we're just fine."

"Good...I wonder why I haven't leaped yet." Sammy looked perplexed.

" I know why," said a voice that came from an opening Imaging Chamber door.

Sam chuckled, " Al, you sound like a girl."

"That's because it's not Al," Sammy told him greeting his hologram with a smile.

"Why isn't Al observing for you?" Sam wondered.

"Because, in my time he's in his eighties and semi-retired. My observer is on her first mission, and she's all properly trained by Al himself. By the way, since our brainwaves are almost identical, you can see and hear my hologram." Sammy continued to grin.

Sam looked up into the eyes of the young woman who had taken Al's place. Her lucious brown hair and eyes, and her exotic features reminded him of Donna's. In fact she could be a younger version of his beloved wife. Then he realized into whose eyes he was now staring.

He reached out to her, and remembered he couldn't touch her. He looked at her and smiled the biggest smile he could muster." Hello, Katie, darling."

She smiled back brightly, "Hello, Daddy."

Donna had also recognized her daughter and grinned, too. "Hi, Sweetheart."

"Hi, Mom." Katie grinned back.

"Okay, Miss Know-It-All, why haven't I leaped," Sammy snidely asked his sister.

"If you promise to be nice I'll tell you." Katie snapped back.

"All right, you two, that's enough." Donna scolded chuckling.

"Sorry, Mom, now Sammy, you haven't leaped because you have to be there when Dad meets someone very important tomorrow at Pearl Harbor."

"Who, Katie?" he asked.

"Boy, you are swissed cheesed! Dad is going to meet Sammy Jo there tomorrow." Katie repeated intensly.

"Right, Dad's mission is to meet Sammy Jo and set her up to come to Quantum Leap." Sammy answered, a light coming on in his brain.

"Katie, did you say Sammy Jo?" Sam asked his daughter.

"Yes, she worked for NASA and the Pentagon before she worked for Quantum Leap. In 1989 she is working on updating the Naval Submarine computer systems. She is at Pearl Harbor at present. Since she worked as an interpreter for the U.N. and since she had your photgraphic memory, she can read and converse with computers in almost any language." Katie told him.

"Wow, I'm impressed. Now how about you and Sammy telling me about your lives up to now. " Sam asked.

Donna looked at them and at Sam and smiled, "I'll go in the bathroom and straighten out myself. I don't think I should know too much about the children's future, as I'll be the one raising them."

"Good thinking sweetheart." he gave her the sweetest kiss and sent her on her way.

"Well, Daddy, I'm 15 and about to enter Annapolis. Al insisted that I should go there for Project reasons. Otherwise I was brought up mostly by Mom at the Project and Al, Beth, and Ziggy, of course." Katie chuckled.

Sam chuckled, too. " I can't imagine Ziggy not putting in her two cents on the raising of her brother and sister! Anyway, I am glad you are going to Annapolis. Al is right. We need someone military that will impress the Senate Committee."

"Well, Dad, I'm going to go and leave you and Sammy to talk. His story is a bit more complicated than mine."

"All right, sweetheart, I'll see you later. " Sam smiled a blew a kiss to his daughter as she left through the imaging chamber door. He turned to Sammy, " Why don't you and I take a walk on the beach, I think your mother shouldn't have to be stuck in the bathroom." Sam went to the bathroom, brought Donna out, told her where they were going, went outside with Sammy, and they began their long walk. " Now, Sammy, why is your story more complicated. Were you wild when you were younger or something?"

"Oh, no, Dad, nothing like that. It's just that so much has happened to me in the last few years. First of all, I have 7 doctorates. They are in Quantum Physics, medicine, ancient languages, computer engineering, law, psychiatry, and Artificial Intelligence. By the way Artificial Intelligence is based on your work on Ziggy. That is the things the governement would allow to be de-classified. Sammy Jo helped the pentagon build a computer LIKE Ziggy, just not as advanced and scientists have based all of their work on her basic programming."

"That was the one thing I hated about all the secrecy. I couldn't share my work with others. I kept thinking that a computer like Ziggy might, for example, be able to find a cure for certain cancer or AIDS if they were strictly dedicated to medicine."

"Actually, Dad, Ziggy was able to point scientists in the right dirction as far as the AIDS virus is concerned. It should be curable within the year!"

"Good ole Zig!" Sam smiled.

"Okay, Dad, now comes the complicated part." Sammy quieted.

"Go ahead, Sammy."

"Well, when I went off to MIT the first time, of course, Donna Beth could not go with me as I was 3 years ahead of schedule. We had grown extremely close over the years, because, except for Katie and Sammy Jo, she was the only one who really understood all the problems that came with being your son."

"It must have been a tough road for you always expected to do as well as I did at everything."

"As well as you, Dad? Try better than you. But Mom, Al, and Beth understood and always treated me as a normal kid, just with the exceptional brain, just like they'd always treated you. Donna Beth was always there for me, too. She always thought of me as just Sammy, not Sammy, Sam Beckett's son. She was and is my best friend."

"I'm so happy I changed history. It helped your Mother be less lonely, and helped Al in more ways than I'll ever understand."

"Yes it did, Dad"

"So go on."

"When I went off to college, marriage was the farthest thing on my mind, except, I knew I would have to find a woman like mother, somone who would share my dreams, work along side of me, and not be afraid to let me go when the time came. And I looked for that woman, Dad, but no one seemed really right. I went home at the end of my second year very discouraged. I just felt I wouldn't find anyone. Over that summer, the last one I would spend at home for awhile, I spent alot of time with Donna Beth. I told her about my problems and she listened, never letting on how disappointed she was that I couldn't see what was right in front of my eyes. When I went back to school for the second half of the summer I realized the truth, Dad."

"What truth, Sammy." Sam had a feeling he already knew.

"That I loved, Donna Beth." Sammy whispered huskily.

"I had a feeling about the two of you." Sam said smiling.

"Donna Beth had worked hard for a long time and had manged to get into MIT a year ahead. When she came to MIT in the fall to begin her studies, I was waiting at the airport when Al flew her in. I rushed to her, swept her into my arms and whispered quietly in her ear, ' I love you'. She answered, ' I love you, too, and have for a very long time'. I pulled her closer and kissed her lips, right there in the airport terminal. I had waited so long for that moment. Al came up to us and said he had been praying for the first time in years, that Donna Beth and I would marry, so that you and he could have a blood connection like real brothers, because that is what you had really been to one another for years. "

"If I hadn't been swiss-cheesed, I would have been praying for the same thing. I think of Al like I think of Tom. I would willingly risk my life so that AL's could be saved."

"I know that, Dad."

"So you're married then?"

"Yes, 10 years have passed since that day and Donna Beth and I have been married a couple months shy of 4 years. However, last November, Donna Beth had been ill for a couple of weeks and we were both concerned about it. I took her to the Medical clinic and had Sammy Jo check her out. When Sammy Jo asked me back into the room and left quietly, the look on her face said everything. I have only seen that look on Sammy Jo's face twice before and I knew. I went over to Donna Beth and asked, " Sammy Jo's face is it true?"

Donna Beth was just radiant with happiness, " Yes, dear, we're going to have a baby."

Sam glowed, "Has the baby been born yet?"

"No, they haven't, but I hope this mission doesn't last too much longer, I don't know how much longer those babies can wait?"

Sam was puzzled, " Did you say babies?"

"Yes, we found out when Donna Beth was four months that we were having twins!"

Sam beamed proudly," I can't wait to see them. I'll do my best to get this one over fast."

"Thanks, Dad." Sammy smiled and he and Sam continued visiting for awhile.


To be contined