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"We're in the Business of Doing Business So Lets Do Some Business"

As I mentioned on my main page I am doing a degree in Business Studies and throughout my studies I have had to do various amounts of research for projects, coursework, etc. Every now and then I come across a company web page that I find quite interesting so I thought that I might include a page on them.


This is a cool site for all things Disney, from information on the lastest releases to business news.

Disney's Home Page


Sony are probably still the world leaders when it comes to electronics. Some of the stuff they make looks pretty cool too.

Sony Business Home Page


Everyone knows who McDonalds are and even though we hear the horror stories about what goes in the food, we all still eat there regularly.

McDonalds Home Page

Burger King

In my opinion Burger King are far better than McDonalds although I do eat both. There is more choice with Burger King which suits me because I don't always want the same thing. However, I usually have a Double Whopper with Cheese .......mmmmm.......delicious.

Burger King Home Page