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My Strong Family..........So Far


After extensive research and thinking I must have descended from aliens, I discovered that my birthdate information for Orange Strong (and Jemima Hall) was WRONG! With the RIGHT birthdate, I was able to connect to the Elder John line.
My direct tree goes like this:

Elder John Strong
John Strong, Jr.
Josiah Strong
John Strong
Reuben Strong
Absalom Strong
Orange Strong
Silas Duncan Strong
Charles Arthur Ellis Strong
Vivian Bernice (Strong) Wimmer
Beverly Ann (Wimmer) Lamb
Tracey Denise (Lamb) Sisco

With so many sites dedicated to the Elder John line, it would be redundant to add that information here. I have only added information for Absalom and corrected information for Orange and Jemima. Any of the links on the main page will take you to information on the Elder John line.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the following people who helped in so many ways. Without them, I probably would have given up long ago.

The SFAA Historian, who always answered my queries and never seemed to get tired of the same old questions.

Lindsey DiCosola, who funneled through all the names to get the direct line to Elder John.

Helen (Strong) Pond, who worked with me to try to find the connection.

Christopher Brooks, who sent me the census information months ago, and I THOUGHT it wasn't right!

EVERYONE on the Strong Mailing List, who did lookups, mostly on wrong information!

Now, off to search for Russells!

These pages are dedicated to my Strong ancestors and my future generations. What follows is my direct lineage, followed by links to narratives about individual family members. There is also another link to search for other surnames within this site, as well as a photo album. Happy reading!

*Absalom Strong, born October 12, 1772. Married Anna Carpenter. Absalom and Anna had the following children: Absalom Jr., Emilia, Fanny, Orange, Cynthia, Simeon, Reuben, and Abner.

* Orange Strong, born June 4, 1804. Married Jemima Hall, born August 11, 1806. Orange and Jemima had the following children: Caleb, Silas Duncan, Rachel C., Sarah J., John C., and Ida.

* Silas Duncan Strong, born October 12, 1826. Married (1) Desmonia Lambertson. Silas and Desmonia had the following children: Roaldo D., Leighton E., Mortimer, and Roy. Silas married (2)Hannah Kirk Russell, born June 25, 1845. Silas and Hannah K. had the following children: William L, Charles Arthur Ellis, Edward Orange, Mary E., Maggie L., Horace Homer Harleigh, Nana Jessie, Jessie F., and Henry R.

* Charles Arthur Ellis Strong, born September 20, 1865. Married Hortense Elizabeth Delsol. Charles and Hortense had the following children: Arthur Leroy, Vivian Bernice and Thelma Louise.

* Vivian Bernice Strong, born October 15, 1901. Married Carl Wimmer on July 23, 1917. Vivian and Carl had the following children: Bonita Jean, Beverly Ann and Arthur Leroy.

* Beverly Ann Wimmer, born August 6, 1928. Married Murphy Duane Lamb. Beverly has the following children: Sarah E., David C.(dec), Carla J., Ronald L., Robert C. and Tracey D.

* Tracey (Lamb)Sisco, born September 16, 1961. Married Brandon J. Sisco and has the following children: Michael A. and Cody J.

Individual Family Members

Click here to read more about Orange Strong
Click here to read more about Rachel C. Strong
Click here to read more about Silas Duncan Strong
Click here to read more about Roaldo D. Strong
Click here to read more about Hannah Kirk (Russell) Strong
Click here to read more about Edward Orange Strong
Click here to read more about Horace Homer Harleigh Strong
Click here to read more about Pearl Marie Strong
Click here to read more about Ruby Katheryn Strong
Click here to read more about Charles Arthur Ellis Strong
Click here to read more about Vivian Bernice Strong
Click here to read more about Arthur Leroy Strong
Click here to read more about Thelma Louise Strong
Click here to read more about Beverly Ann Wimmer
Click here to read more about Tracey Denise (Lamb)Sisco
Click Here to read more about Ida Strong
Click here to read more about William Layton Ellsworth Strong
Click here to read more about Jesse Franklin Strong
Click here to read more about Henry Russell Strong
Click here to read more about Mary Everilda Strong
Click here to read more about Maggie Louisa Bell Strong
Click here to read more about Nana Jessie Strong
Click here to read more about Absalom and his family

Other Surnames
Photo Album
Article about Silas D. Strong
Hannah K., a book written about Hannah K. Strong, wife of Silas D. Strong

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