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Naked - dir. Mike Leigh. David Thewlis gives an achingly good performance and in spite of some of the less pleasant elements of this film, I am always stunned by the sadness of the characters and the ability a film has to make one feel hateful.

Praise (based on the book by Andrew McGahan) - with Peter Fenton from the band "Crow" and Sacha Horler (I'm always taken aback when an actor portrays a character exactly how I read them). I bought the book when it came out in '92 and was amazed at how well it translated to film. Plus, the soundtrack is not to be missed...Dirty Three (*drool*)

Plunkett & Macleane - Historical accuracy aside, it has some fantastic direction and cinemetography (and Jonny Lee Miller is edible)

I Shot Andy Warhol Noone could dispute the fact that Valerie Solanas was a little bit of a psychopath and this does glorify her a little too much, but it's a great film anyway.

Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead - Word Tennis - one of the cleverest scripts ever written...Tom Stoppard is a genius.

The Professional - Okay, so I guess you can see I have a thing for Gary Oldman. He's one of the most versatile performers...even in Fifth Elephant *grin* you can't help but drool (okay I'm a little obsessive. So shoot me) Plus it's got Natalie Portman pre Queen Amidala and Jean Reno is scarily impressive as Leon.

The Maltese Falcon - This was cinematographic perfection...and it has sentimental value to do with a past relationship.

Barfly - I don't think it's a great movie..after all it stars Mickey Rourke and Joe Queenan would have my head for breakfast for glorifying Mr Rourke in any way...but it was written by the man himself, Mr Charles Bukowski - and he even appears in a couple of scenes as, suprise suprise...a drunken barfly.

The Hunger - David Bowie, Catherine Deneuve, Susan Sarandon - and Bauhaus make a tragically notable feature in the opening scene with Pete Murphy and his fabulous "jacket pulled over my head, I look all sinister and scary like" trick, singing "Bela Lugosi's Dead".

The Crow - goth cliche's aside I love this movie and it has a great soundtrack to boot!

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? One of those '60's movies that proves that not everyone thought life was "just peachy" back then...and reevaluates our stereotypical ideas of traditional gender roles.

Wings of Desire and Faraway, So Close - What can I say? Wim Wenders at his finest (pity about what Hollywood did with that City of Angels crap) and of course the music is fantabulous...

Full Metal Jacket - My simplified review...Great movie! Loved it! I HATED Eyes Wide Shut...just thought you should all know that.

The Name of the Rose - Aside from a very young Christian Slater, Umberto Eco's murder mystery is particularly notable for it's setting (12th century Italy) and weaves a disturbing tale of corruption and hypocrisy in a Franciscan monastery.

Strange Days - Ralph Fiennes, Michael Wincott, Angela Basset - definitely the best "millenium" movie I've seen. (update: I still adore this movie... but it's dated quite badly)

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    • The Place of Dead Roads
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    - Edited by Peter Crowther and Edward E Kramer
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    • notes of a dirty old man
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