The Book Shelf

Welcome one and all to my bookshelf. This little corner is a depository for all of the fiction or other dribble that I've composed over the past 4 years. A paltry and mediocre sum, I know, but I have to get my kicks when I can between classes and the rest of my life.

Yeah, yeah, excuses, excuses....

Anyway, I'll try and classify this into some logical frame, but don't count too hard on it being pretty when I do. I will not be responsible for the disappointment to follow such exspectations.

So here we go. Sit back, relax, enjoy, and remember, you have a back button. If it really, really sucks, retreat!


I have new stories! I know it's been a really long time, but I have two new short fiction pieces in the Stories portion of the page. I only manged to get one up on this lunch hour, "Reunion," but the other, "Digital Revolution" should be on site in the next 2 days. - SDM 8/2/2000

My actual works.
The Perils of Authorship
A look at my mistakes and idiosyncrasies as and author.

Now, is there anyone out there who doesn't ask for feedback? I doubt it. If you have thoughts on the site or life in general email me.

The Guestbook!

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