Hello there. I'm Belgarath. This is my tower.
So, you've decided to come visit, heh? Well, I guess I'd better invite you in. Have a seat.
I'll see If the twins have any ale. If a really ugly, twisted short dwarf enters,
don't worry, that's just Beldin. He'll probably swear a lot and threaten you with
many very painful things to you, but he's just bluffing
Associated Pages
The Vale of Aldur
Polgara's Domain
The Isle of The Winds
Silk's Spyhole
Shaun's Website
Beldin's Tower
The books of the Belgariad & the Malloreon
The Gods
UL - Father of the Gods
Aldur - The Lonely God
Chaldan - God of Arendia
Mara - God of Maragor
Issa - God of Nyissa
Torak - Former God of Angarak (Deceased)
Eriond - New God of Angarak (and eventually God of All)
Nedra - God of Tolnedra
Belar - God of Aloria (being Algaria, Drasnia, Cherek & The Isle Of The Winds)
The Disciples of Aldur (In Chronological Order)
Belgarath (Me)
Belzedar (Became disciple of Torak, now permanently sealed in rock, by me. Good job, actually)
Beltira and Belkira (Twins, of course)
Belmakor (Willed himself out of existence)
Beldin (The most foul-mouthed person I ever met)
Belsambar (Willed himself out of existence)
Poledra (My Wife)
Polgara (My Daughter)
Belgarion (Overlord of the West and my Grandson)
Durnik (My son-in-law)
The Disciples of Torak
Ctuchik (No longer with us. Oh, what a pity)
Zedar (Sealed in rock, heh.)
Urvon (Being tortured by the Demons in Hell. At least he's warm.)
The Companions
Prince Kheldar, Silk, Ambar of Kotu, Radek of Boktor, "The Guide"
Barak, Earl of Trellheim, "The Dreadful Bear"
Relg The Ulgo, "The Blind Man"
Taiba The Marag, "The Mother Of The Race That Died"
Princess Ce'Nedra, "The Queen Of The World"
Goodman Durnik, "The Man With Two Lives"
Hettar, son of Cho-Hag, Chief of the Clan Chiefs of Algaria, "The Horse Lord"
Sadi, Chief Eunuch of Salmissra's Palace, "The Man Who Is No Man"
Lelldorin, Son of the Baron of Wildantor, "The Archer"
Mandorallen, Baron of Vo Mandor, "The Knight Protector"
Zakath, Emperor of Boundless Mallorea, "The Empty One"
Toth, "The Silent Man"
Come over here, I have a map of the entire world for you
to look at. Where is it? Ah, yes! Found it!

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