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World Wide Bullmastiffs

Hello & Welcome to the World Wide Bullmastiffs Ring... the place to find information, photos and artcles relating to the Bullmastiff from breeders, exhibitors and fanciers from all parts of the world. This Ring is presented in the hope of allowing you to learn more about the breed by connecting different Bullmastiff sites together, the ring will allow you to go from one site to the next in a circular fashion.

Would you like to join the World Wide Bullmastiffs ring? First please make sure your site meets the following guidelines:

  1. Your site must have something to do with Bullmastiffs. It can be a homepage for your Bullmastiff, for a Bullmastiff Club, a site about your kennels etc. But it must have something to do with Bullmastiffs.
  2. Your site must be appropriate for all ages. This is a family-friendly webring!
  3. Your site must not depict or condone any form of animal cruelty.
  4. No commercial websites!
  5. You alone are responsible for the accuracy of your submission, and for keeping the information up to date. Any submissions made with invalid URL's will be deleted from the queue immediately without notice or warning.
  6. No puppy mill sites !
  7. You must be willing to put the webring code and graphics on the page that you submit within two weeks of submitting your site. It is recommended that you put the code on your site as soon as possible, because if there are any problems they must be resolved during the two week window. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

If your site meets the above guidelines, then you will have to follow these easy steps:

First you will have to fill out the following form:

Simply fill out and submit the form below with your site information and you will be added to the queue.

Submit a site to the World Wide Bullmastiffs Net Ring

Site Title:

Site URL:

Site Owner:

EMail Address:



Site Description:


ExistingWorld Wide Bullmastiffs ring members who wish to edit thier site details, please enter your site ID and password in the form below and you will be taken to the edit page.

Site ID #



Once you have submitted your site, you will recieve an e-mail with the correct code that is to be added to your page. Please just copy and paste this code directly to your page using your homepage editor. Once you have done this, please e-mail the ring manager at the address on the bottom to let them know that you have completed this step. Once your site has been approved, it will then be added to the Netring. The graphic should look the same as the one shown here.

Click here to join

World Wide Bullmastiffs

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Email: the Ringmaster from here


Sponsored by Bullmastiffs and French Bulldogs of Opalguard Australia

BULLMASTIFFS ONLINE - Your Online Guide to the Purebred Bullmastiff