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Warning! Huge spoilers ahead!!


The Pilot
Original Airdate: 8/4, -90
Director: David Lynch
Writer(s): David Lynch, Mark Frost

Pete finds Lauras body, Ronette Pulaski is found wandering around on the railroad tracks, Agent Cooper arrives, Hawk and Andy finds the train car were Laura died, Mike and Bobby starts a fight at the roadhouse and are taken into custody, James and Donna fall in love and bury Lauras necklace, Sarah Palmer has a vision of a gloved hand, taking the buried necklace.

Episode 1 ("Traces to Nowhere")
Original Airdate: 12/4, -90
Director: Duwayne Dunham
Writer(s): David Lynch, Mark Frost

James, Mike and Bobby are realeased from jail, Ed briefs Harry of his stakeout at the roadhouse, Catherine reveals her plan to take control over the Packard sawmill, Cooper and Harry uncovers some of the truth about Lauras secret life.

Episode 2 ("Zen, or the skill to catch a killer")
Original Airdate:19/4, -90
Director:David Lynch
Writer(s):David Lynch, Mark Frost

Cooper demonstrates an unusual investigative technique, Ben Horne and his brother Jerry are amazed of the taste of some french sandwiches and take a trip to One Eyed Jacks, Albert Rosenfeld arrives, Bobby and Mike are being held under gunpoint by Leo Johnson who could use a new pair of shoes, Cooper has a strange dream.

Episode 3 ("Rest in pain")
Original Airdate: 26/4, -90
Director: Tina Rathborne
Writer(s): Harley Peyton

Cooper tell Harry and Lucy about his dream and that it is a code waiting to be broken, Maddy Ferguson arrives to the Palmer family, The town gathers for Lauras funeral wich end in a surprising way, Harry, Ed and Hawk tell Cooper about the Bookhouse Boys, Jacques Renault is warned by his brother Bernard that he's in trouble.

Episode 4 ("The one-armed man")
Original Airdate: 3/5, -90
Director: Tim Hunter
Writer(s): Robert Engels
Sarah gives the description of the man she saw at the foot of Lauras bed and Andy sketch his picture, The One-armed man is tracked down and Josie along with him, Cooper follows up a lead on a veterinarian, Norma Jennings attends a parole board hearing for her husband Hank, Audrey decide to help Cooper in his investigation.

Episode 5 ("Cooper's dreams")
Original Airdate: 10/5, -90
Director: Lesli Linka Glatter
Writer(s): Mark Frost

Coop, Harry, Hawk and Doc Hayward take a walk in the woods and discouver the log lady and Jacques Renault's cabin with Waldo the mynah bird in it, Audrey starts working at the perfume counter at Horne's, Hank Jennings return home, James and Donna tell Maddy about their theories.

Episode 6 ("Realization Time")
Original Airdate: 17/5, -90
Director: Caleb Deschanel
Writer(s): Harley Peyton

Lucy finds get the results from her pregnancy test, Coop and Ed pays an undercover visit to One Eyed Jacks and so does Audrey, Maddy is disguised as Laura to set up Dr Jacoby, Josie tells Harry about her thoughts on Catherine and Ben Horne.

Episode 7 ("The last evening")
Original Airdate: 23/5, -90
Director: Mark Frost
Writer(s): Mark Frost

Jacoby heads for his meeting with Laura and is beaten up, Leo sets the mill on fire and leavs Catherine and Shelly in it, Nadine tries to commit suicide, Lucy tells andy about her pregnancy, A Leland in grief kills Jacques Renault, Hank shoots Leo and Coop is shot by a mysterious figure.


Episode 8 ("May the giant be with you")
Original Airdate: 30/9, -90
Director: David Lynch
Writer(s): David Lynch, Mark Frost

Coop is lying in his Hotelroom, bleeding, when he is visited by a giant, Donna takes over Lauras job in the Meals on wheels, Audrey is revealed at One Eyed Jacks, Coop is once again visited by the giant, Ronette re-experiences the events in the traincar.

Episode 9 ("Coma")
Original Airdate: 6/10, -90
Director: David Lynch
Writer(s): Harley Peyton

Albert tells Coop of the escape of his former partner Windom Earle, Major delivers a message to Coop, Donna meet the Tremonds, Leland is feeling better wich leeds Ben to ask Jerry to kill him, Andy think he's sterile.

Episode 10 ("The man behind the glass")
Original Airdate: 13/10, -90
Director: Lesli Linka Glatter
Writer(s): Robert Engels

Donna meets Harold Smith, Blackie and Jean Renault make plans to tale over One Eyed Jacks in return for Audrey's life, Donna sees James and Maddy getting to close, Dr Jacoby is under hypnosis and reveal Leland Palmer to be Jacque Renaults killer.

Episode 11 ("Laura's secret diary")
Original Airdate: 20/10, -90
Director: Todd Holland
Writer(s): Jerry Stahl, Mark Frost, Harley Peyton and Robert Engels

Leland is being held custody and interrogated where he confesses to Jacques murder, Jean Renault has a meeting with Ben Horne, Ben ask Coop to deliver the ransom, Norma hears of the food critic coming to town, Coop needs some help from the Bookhouse Boys.

Episode 12 ("The orchid's curse")
Original Airdate: 27/10, -90
Director: Graeme Clifford
Writer(s): Barry Pullman

Coop finds Audreys note and he and Harry rescues her from One Eyed Jacks, Leland attend a court hearing, Donna and Maddy plan to steal Lauras real secret diary from Harold Smith, Ben is visited by Mr Tojamura.

Episode 13 ("Demons")
Original Airdate: 3/11, -90
Director: Lesli Linka Glatter
Writer(s): Harley Peyton, Robert Engels

Harold Smith discouver Donnas and Maddys plans to steal Lauras diary from him, The braindamaged Leo returns home and Shelly and Bobby host a welcome party for him, Gordon Cole arrives in Twin Peaks to warn Coop, Josie and Ben strike a deal, The one-armed man, now in the form of Mike, tell Coop were he can find BOB.

Episode 14 ("Lonely souls")
Original Airdate: 10/11, -90
Director: David Lynch
Writer(s): Mark Frost

Mike, Coop and Harry search the Great Northern for BOB, Ben is brought in for questioning after Coop has recieved vital information from Audrey, Harold Smith is found dead in his apartment, Shelly and Bobbys new life doesn't start of that great, Bobby finds a casette that Leo taped, The loglady says that something is happening, BOB kills Maddy.

Episode 15 ("Drive with a dead girl")
Original Airdate: 17/11, -90
Director: Caleb Deschanel
Writer(s): Scott Frost

Norma's mother comes to town with her new husband, Lucy's sister pays the sheriff station a visit, Bobby decides to blackmail Ben with the tape that he found at Leo's, The one-armed man escapes and Maddys body is found.

Episode 16 ("Arbitrary law")
Original Airdate: 1/12, -90
Director: Tim Hunter
Writer(s): Mark Frost, Harley Peyton, Robert Engels

With the help from Donna, Deputy Andy and a piece from Laura's secret diary, Coop discouvres he and Laura shared the same dream, Ben signs the mill over to Catherine in exchange for her alibi, Lucy gathers the two most important men in her life, BOB is revealed.

Episode 17 ("Dispute between two brothers")
Original Airdate: 8/12, -90
Director: Tina Rathborne
Writer(s): Tricia Brock

FBI Agent Roger Hardy arrives in the town to suspend Cooper during the investiagtion of the rescue of Audrey Horne and stakeout at One Eyed Jacks, A dispute between Mayor Milford and his brother (who's the publisher of the Twin Peaks gazette) at Lelands funeral, Cooper gets an invetation from the Major about nightfishing wich leads to a strange encounter, Nadine "restart" in High School, Norma's mother give away that she's the famous food critic.

Episode 18 ("Masked ball")
Original Airdate: 15/12, -90
Director: Duwayne Dunham
Writer(s): Barry Pullman

Coop's internal affairs investigation continue, Nadine fall in love with Mike Nelson, DEA Agent Dennis/Denise Bryson arrive, James meets the mysterious Evelyn Marsh who want's some help with her car, Dougie Milfortd gets married, Josie reveals her past to Harry, Dick get's a friend from the "helping hand", Andrew Packard lives.

Episode 19 ("The black widow")
Original Airdate: 12/1, -91
Director: Caleb Deschanel
Writer(s): Harley Peyton, Robert Engels

Coop looks into some realastate and find some evidence in the charges against him, Andy and Dick want's to know more about little Nicky's past, Douige dies, Bobby start working for Ben Horne, Hank discouver the truth about Ed and Norma, Audrey help Coop with some pictures she stole from her father, Nadine joins the wrestling team, A sting is set up to by Coop and Denise Bryson, Major Briggs return.

Episode 20 ("Checkmate")
Original Airdate: 17/1, -91
Director: Caleb Deschanel
Writer(s): Scott Frost

The sting operation is a failure and Coop is held hostage by Jean Renault, James and Evelyn succumb to eachother, Ed and Norma get back together, Hank pays Ed a visit, Windom Earle makes a critical move, Leo awakens from his poor mental state.

Episode 21 ("Double play")
Original Airdate: 2/2, -91
Director: Uli Edel
Writer(s): Scott Frost

Coop tell Harry about his past encounters with Windom Earle and his love to Earles wife Caroline, Audrey and Bobby go in business together, , Leo attacks Shelly but is chased off by Bobby and Shelly stabbing him, Earle takes in Leo, James is set up by Evelyn and Malcolm, Tomas Eckhardt comes to town to look for Josie.

Episode 22 ("Slaves and masters")
Original Airdate: 9/2, -91
Director: Diane Keaton
Writer(s): Harley Peyton, Robert Engels

Coop finds evidence wich might lead him to who ever shot him, Pete help Coop in his "chess battle" with Windom Earle, Donna tries to save James from both the law and Evelyn, Shelly starts working at the diner again, Nadine walks in on Ed and Norma, Ben awakens from his civil war state and is a changed person, Catherine uses Josie to lure Eckhardt.

Episode 23 ("The condemned woman")
Original Airdate: 16/2, -91
Director: Lesli Linka Glatter
Writer(s): Tricia Block

Ed asks Norma to marrie him, Josie learns Andrew Packard is alive, James leave again, Audrey meets John Justice Wheeler, Earle give a poem torn in three to Donna, Audrey and Shelly, Norma ask Hank for a divorce, Josie meets with Eckhardt, Josie kills Eckhardt and eventually die from fear, Coop (in Eckhardts room) sees BOB right after Josies death.

Episode 24 ("Wounds and scars")
Original Airdate: 28/3, -91
Director: James Foley
Writer(s): Barry Pullman

Coop meets Norma's sister Annie for the first time, Harry is in grief from Josies death, Earle visits the Hayward home, Audrey fall in love with John Justice Wheeler, The newborn Ben hosts a benefit for the little pine weasel, Mike fall for Nadine and they both take a room and the Great Northern, Eckhardts assistant Jones deliveres a box to Catherine and Andrew Packard, Jones later have some plans for Harry.

Episode 25 ("On the wings of love")
Original Airdate: 4/4, -91
Director: Duwayne Dunham
Writer(s): Harley Peyton, Robert Engels

Coop connects Major Briggs tatoo that he got when he dissapeared with The Logladys tattoo, wich with some help from Annie Blackburn lead them to Owl cave, Jones try to kill Harry according to Eckhardts orders before he died, Mrs. Hayward pay Ben a mysterious visit.

Episode 26 ("Variations on relations")
Original Airdate: 11/4, -91
Director: Jonathan Sanger
Writer(s): Mark Frost, Harley Peyton

Coop falls for Annie while he and Harry investigate the petroglyph found in Owl Cave, Gordon Cole discouver that Shelly is the only person in the world who he can hear, Dick holds a winetasting at the Great Northern, Major Briggs let Coop and Harry in on some of the secrets of his work, Windom Earle explain the lodges to Leo and a roadie.

Episode 27 ("The path to the black lodge")
Original Airdate: 18/4, -91
Director: Stephen Gyllenhaal
Writer(s): Harley Peyton, Robert Engels

The Owl cave investigation continue, Major Briggs is kidnapped by Windom Earle, Annie descides to enter the Miss Twin Peaks pageant and Coop is warned by the giant, Catherine continue her struggle with the boxes, Windom Earle realizes the truth behind the Owl Cave petroglyph, John Justice Wheeler leaves, BOB suddenly appears in Glastonburry Grove.

Episode 28 ("Miss Twin Peaks")
Original Airdate: 10/6, -91
Director: Tim Hunter
Writer(s): Barry Pullman

Andy descipher the petroglyph, Coop find out some interesting facts about the Black Lodge, Annie needs help with her speach, Major Briggs escapes with the help of Leo, Catherine discouvres a safety deposit key in the last box, Lucy chooses the father of her child, Donna finds out that Ben Horne is her real fatherWindom Earle interrupts the pageant and take Annie with him.

Episode 29 ("Beyond life and death")
Original Airdate: 10/6, -91
Director: David Lynch
Writer(s): Mark Frost, Harley Peyton, Robert Engels

Coop and Harry figure out the location of entry to the Black Lodge and when it is open, Windom Earle takes Annie into the Black Lodge, Nadine recovers and find out the truth about Ed and Norma, Audrey chains herself to the vault in the bank, Ben try to explain to Donna why he told her, A bomb goes off in the bank, Coop rush to save Annie and enter the Black Lodge...
