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jakarta Welcome to Jakarta, Indonesia's capital city. With a population aproaching 9 million, Jakarta is surely one of the least widely known of the world's great cities. This teeming metropolis traces its beginning to a small fishing village called Sunda Kelapa on the shore of the Java sea.

The City's official birthday -- celebrated each year on June 22 -- is related to a skirmish won on that date in 1527 by a conquering prince named Fatahillah. He renamed the settlement "Jayakarta", meaning "City Of Glorious Victory".

jakarta A Dutch armada overwhelmed the small outpost in 1619 and renamed it "Batavia". The town they built was the capital of their Dutch East Indies Colony. Then, When the japanese drove out the dutch in the early years of World War II, the city was renamed "Jakarta". That name was retained when Indonesia won its independence.



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