As I have had to "downsize" because of my reduced growing area space, my plants now must be of the smaller, or compact varieties, unless I just Cannot give up the bigger ones! :)
Small Plants/Tubers $4.00 ~ Rhizomes $4.00 ~ Fresh Cuttings $2.00
CHIRITA "Diane Marie" - Beautiful silver markings, blue fls. Vigorous, my favourite. Fresh Cutting.
CHIRITA tamiana - Small medium green foliage, white slipper fls. Delightful Chirita species. Plant.
EPISCIA fimbriata "Blue Heaven" - Quilted hairy foliage, blue fls. Another fave. Small plantlet.
MINI SINNINGIA "Paper Moon" (Non-tuberous type) - Small white fls, bushy growth. Cutting.
SINNINGIA "Apricot Bouquet" X Self - Orange shades fls. Cutting.
SINNINGIA cardinalis - Deep Orange blooms. BIG plant, one of my favourites! Cutting.
Other MINI SINNINGIAS ... Email Me (below) for current list.
Small Plants/Tubers $4.00 ~~ Rhizomes $4.00 ~~ Cuttings $2.00
Please give SUBSTITUTES when ordering, as stock quantities are Very Limited, thank you.