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<KFS>Killer Force Squad News and Updates


June 1, 2001, 10:37 pm

Hello! How are you guys doing. I hope good. I Never really hear from much of you anymore. I would like to know the times every plays. Please icq me the times and days you can play. Thank you very much. We would like to welcome Rogue,Cool Max, Spike,Imagoner. Welcome Guys. Oh and guys try to post on the Forum more.


New Page

Ok This is the new site you guys tell me what you think.Its going to take me a little while to figure out how to use dreamweaver but im learning. If you have any ideas for the page just let me know.I will also be posting the new members list. I did also wanna to say you need to be posting on the forums like everyday. This is how we know what is going on with the squad. Keep Up on the Good Work. Oh and for those of you who dont have my icq#39949330.

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