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1040 MacBeth


 defeated his predecessor, Duncan (1034-40) - and not Shakespeare's venerable, old monarch - in battle, and took the throne. Although evidence for his reign is slight, for fourteen years he appears to have ruled equably and, in 1050, was able to travel to Rome for a Papal jubilee. There he scattered money about 'as if it were seed'. In 1054, MacBeth was challenged by Siward, Earl of Northumbria, in an effort to place Malcolm (later Malcolm III), the son of Duncan, on the throne. It was not until 1057 that MacBeth was killed - not by MacDuff - but in battle at Lumphanan. Even then, his stepson, Lulach (1057-8), was proclaimed King and challenged Malcolm III (1057-93) until his death at Essie (in Aberdeenshire).



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