Ok...let's get this shin-dig started! Woo! I think i'll try to organize this page...sort of... First we have Friends and familyMy niece's» page! My baby's» webpage =).
oh let's see...free stuffAngelfire.com» ....it's where this page came from, what can i say? Email!» Yea, i know. MSN makes enough money but well? Shattered Realms» I get to be a nerd sometimes and this is were I go. Fosi» some cool stuff here, take a look see voodoofiles» has drivers for a lot of good stuff, they also have a pop-up window for car modifications... Font Garden» has some nice fonts and some funny quotes.
» My favorite screensaver!
Weapons? guns? knives? go see for yourself
Swords» Katanas, Wakizashis...very real and exspensive...but damn.... Tac Ops» Some really nice knives...and some cool quotes too The Armory» swords, armor, clothing...some nice stuff here The Armory (guns)» guns and gunsmithing...take a peek-see
Other fun stuff Elf Wood» Some good art can be found here, a good place to go to get some ideas too Stuff-box.com» some cool stuff in the stuff box... dotcom... Neopets» It's not as kid like as it seems....has some fun games too =)
Computer stuffers! Outpost.com» when the compy needs upgrades...or you need a compy... Computer Surplus Outlet» it's a mouthful with some good deals. Alien Ware» we always figured aliens had better technology...and they build some damn good machines Falcon Northwest» fast birds, fast computers...and they can custome paint the case for ya too.
movement....Home! watch out for that banner....
never mind....