"Prisoner, tell me, who was it that
bound you?"
"It was my master," said the prisoner.
"I thought I could outdo everybody in
the world in wealth and power, and I
amassed in my own treasure-house the
money due to my king. When sleep
overcame me I lay upon the bed that
was for my lord, and on waking up I
found I was a prisoner in my own treasure-house."
"Prisoner, tell me who was it that
wrought this unbreakable chain?"
"It was I," said the prisoner, "who
forged this chain very carefully. I
thought my invincible power would
hold the world captive leaving me in a
freedom undisturbed.
Thus night and day I worked at the chain with huge
fires and cruel hard strokes. When at
last the work was done and links
were complete and unbreakable, I
found that it held me in its grip."
Where dost thou stand behind them
all, my lover, hiding thyself in the
shadows? They push thee and pass
thee by on the dusty road, taking thee
for naught. I wait here weary hours
spreading my offerings for thee, while
passers by come and take my flowers,
one by one, and m y basket is nearly empty.
The morning time is past, and the
noon. In the shad of evening me
eyes are drowsy with sleep. Men going
home glance at me and smile and fill
me with shame. I sit like a beggar
maid, drawing my skirt over my face,
and when they ask me, what it is I
want, I drop my eyes and answer them not.
Oh, how, indeed, could I tell them
that for thee I wait, and that thou hast
promised to come. How could I utter
for shame that I keep for my dowry
this poverty. Ah, I hug this pride in
the secret of my heart.
I sit on the grass and gaze upon the
sky and dream of the sudden splendour
of thy coming--all the lights ablaze,
golden pennons flying over thy car,
and they at the roadside standing
agape, when they see thee come
down from thy seat tot raise me from
the dust, and set at thy side this
ragged beggar girl a-tremble with
shame and pride, like a creeper in a summer breeze.
But time glides on and still no sound
of the wheels of thy chariot. Many a
procession passes by with noise and
shouts and glamour of glory. Is it only
thou who wouldst stand in the shadow
silent and behind them all? And only I
who would wait and weep and wear out
my heart in vain longing?