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The Way I See It...

(the editorial section of 'Geek weekly' magazine)

OK., For starters, I'd like to say


just because it's fun.

Moving on...


Musically speaking...

WhasSup with that Lenny Crappitz lame cover of "American Woman?" How could he take a cool, simple, groovy song like that and turn it into something so...lame? I mean, I guess his other stuff is pretty cool (not to me), but, he's sorta like an Andy Warhol version of a Monterey Pop Festival Barbie. More than a little creepy! And he NEVER DROPS THE BEAT!!! Drives me crazy tryin to listen to that. DROP THE BEAT FOR JIMI Jr.'s SAKE!! I won't even go (much) into Sheryl Crow's cover of "Sweet child 'o mine" ("Why?...ya know?). Did she have to sing every phrase and inflection EXACTLY like Axl? I never really cared for her music a great deal, but I always thought she had a little artistic credibility (maybe she still does, but...).

In Other News...

Legendary rockers FREE WILL lost a drummer this past week due to what Free Will public relations say was a "creative difference caused by a lack of vitamins and almost nothing better to do". These guys just can't keep a beat to save their lives! Still missing is the new bassist who repeatedly fails to show up for auditions. This is a stunning blow to the band, as they're about to embark on their first world tour. Rumor has it that thier next effort will be a minimalist, to say the least (pun intended), album featuring Paul stomping his foot and hollering a lot. Auditions are currently being held for percussion, bass and kazoo (for the more somber numbers). Write to Free Will for more information.

This month in Nintendo...

'Supreme Allied Commander RND' of rouge squadron is holding a celebritory banquent in honor of himself at an as-of-yet-un-specified location. Sources close to me say it will probably be in his bedroom where all the other ones have taken place. "Nice work, Commander..."

Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice...

'Nerd izda werd' recording artist Jesse (Special Ed) Counelis will be releasing his hit single "Bedtime WOOHOO!" later this week. Critics across the nation are already hailing it as "Get that thing out of my face!"

Meanwhile, brother Uriah (aka "Uriah Deep". urbanomic superstar), breaks out with his take-charge debut: "RAAAGGHHH!!!" featuring sister Angel "please, God, tell them I can sing" Counelis on back-up. We should be hearing more from Angel in the near future as I hear she is currently working on a collaberation with none-other-than Official Free Will Geek, Randy M.D. himself. Look foward to that!


OK! I like Geri "ex-spice" Haliwell's new single (whatever the name is...). It's really a charming song and I love her voice. ("If that's your!") It certainly lends her much more credibilty, and it sounds like she can actually sing pretty well.

Obligatory green eggs and SLAM!

Oh, yeah, and another thing!...

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