In Brief: Rona Joyner exposes the serious flaws in the Bill for Constitution Alteration (Establishment of Republic) 1999, which gives all power to the Prime Minister and no real power at all to the President. Australians Loyal to Crown and Constitution believe our rich Christian heritage is worth preserving. (24/10/99)
Eight reasons why we should keep our Proven Constitutional Monarchy
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Only our Constitutional Monarchy provides Checks and Balances against Dictators.

The Republican Constitution Does NOT do so.

Beware the untried!

to Changing the People's Protective Constitution
to a Flawed Preamble that is False and Fraudulent

Why We Should Keep Our Proven Constitutional Monarchy

  1. A Monarch as the Supreme Ruler prevents a political dictator from usurping power.
  2. Our Queen reigns (i.e. has royal powers), meaning she can veto laws, but not make laws.
  3. The Queen who has sworn to uphold God's laws is the only legal protector of our rights.
  4. Constitution S.116 protects our national Christian religion from other rival religions.
  5. Losing Our Constitutional Monarchy puts at risk our right to Private Property, the National Flag, the Commonwealth Games, and Anzac Day.
  6. The Constitution makes the Governor-General accountable to the Queen to uphold the people's rights and powers over Parliament.
  7. While we are a Constitutional Monarchy, we uphold the Christian "division of powers".
  8. A Constitutional Monarchy has the right to call on Britain for help in time of invasion.
  9. The Monarchy is Above Politics - Neither Left, nor Right but Centre (as God recommends).

Vote NO NO in NOvember's Referendum

Australians Loyal to Crown & Constitution, c/-Mrs Rona Joyner

Authorized & Published by S. Joyner,McPhail Rd, Narangba 4504.

Our Proven Constitutional Monarchy

The Best System in the World

A Monarch as Supreme Ruler prevents a political dictator from usurping power:

Without the physical presence of the Queen or Her representative, there is no lawfully constituted Parliament, only two disconnected Houses of Parliament. The institution of Monarchy protects the people, preventing them from being oppressed by a rogue government. Untrustworthy politicians want to be rid of existing checks and balances.       [RETURN]

The Queen who has sworn to uphold God's laws is the only legal protector of our rights:

Under the protection of the Crown, our rights and freedoms are guaranteed by Common Law, the English Charters of Liberty (Magna Carta, the 1689 Bill of Rights, Habeas Corpus Act, etc.). Without the Crown, God's laws will not be put into practice through Parliament, judges and police. We will lose God's blessings of presumed innocence and jury trial, right to life, liberty and the enjoyment of private property, especially our own residential allotment of land, together with the right to own and use weapons of defence to protect family and friends and whatever we own.

Our Title Deeds are at risk because the land of Australia was possessed by Capt. Cook in the name of the Crown, not in the name of a People's Republic, which Australia will become as soon as the Federation of States falls apart through loss of the Crown.       [RETURN]

Constitution S.116 protects our national Christian religion from other rival religions:

Because of our Queen's Coronation Oath to uphold the law and gospel of Christ, Governments are forbidden to establish any religion as a rival. The Queen's Oath ensures national spiritual stability, integrity, righteous judgment in the courts, and unity of purpose under Almighty God. In Australia our laws must be based on God's law-standard and on nothing else. Otherwise they are bad laws and null and void under the Rule of Law and Common Law.

Sir John Latham (an agnostic Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia) pointed out that because of the Oath of Office that all are required to give, Christianity is the Rule of Law that must be applied to all offices, including that of Chief Justice of the High Court.

If the Queen goes, s.116 in the republican constitution ceases to have application to the Christian religion, the Parliamentary prayer, or the Oaths of Office that govern law-making under our Christian Constitution.       [RETURN]

Losing Our Constitutional Monarchy puts at risk the right to Private Property, our National Flag, the Commonwealth Games, and Anzac Day:

Right to private property is God-given, and the republican movement has pledged to take over our land by making Crown Land, Crown Leases and Crown Title Deeds into State Land with no provision for private ownership.

This uprising against the Crown and the Queen's Constitutional role is a religious revolution, a shaking of the fist at Jesus Christ, whose representative the Queen is, as Defender of the Faith. The Christian Crosses of the Union Jack are hated by the Republicans, and the flag will be changed as the Christian Anthem (a church hymn) was changed. Anzac Day will be phased out because it links us with Great Britain. A republican Australia must resign from the Commonwealth of Nations, and so risk causing our athletes to be ineligible for the Commonwealth Games.       [RETURN]

The Constitution makes the Governor-General accountable to the Queen to uphold the people's rights and powers over Parliament:

The Governor-General, under his sworn Oath of Office, has a duty of care to safeguard the people's Constitutional Monarchy according to what is written (NOT as it has been watered down over the years by politicians' conventions). Monarchical checks and balances are for denying power to despots. They must NOT be set aside.

The Government is the Queen's. It is made up of the Queen's Ministers of State, under the Constitutional control of the Governor-General. All power is vested in the Queen so that no one else can usurp power and become a political dictator, as happens in republics. The Governor-General has the Constitutional role of commander-in-chief of the armed forces, so as to keep dangerous power out of the hands of politicians. Our Governor-General is NOT and CANNOT be a puppet of the Prime Minister, because he is the servant of the Queen.

The Governor-General is handsomely paid to uphold the Law of God on behalf of the Queen and to obey Her instructions. Rejecting the Crown means rejecting God and the Lord Christ to whom Her Majesty swore allegiance and obedience at Her coronation in 1953. Our inherited rights and liberties are enshrined also in our State Constitutions, as a second line of defence against political oppression.       [RETURN]

While we are a Constitutional Monarchy, we have the Christian division of powers:

For our protection, there must be division of power (derived from Isaiah 33.22): between the judiciary, the executive and the legislature, i.e. those who make the laws (Parliamentarians) must leave the administering of the laws to the servants of the Crown, the Governor-General and the bureaucrats. Likewise they must leave it to the Judiciary to judge law-breakers. Only God is impartial. Only God can take on the three roles Himself. With humans, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely,"
(Lord Acton). so for us power must be divided.

The Christian Crown upholds God's division of powers. Citizens are never safe if Parliament controls the armed forces it also pays, or if our courts become puppets of all-powerful Prime Ministers.       [RETURN]

A Constitutional Monarchy has the right to call on Britain for help in time of invasion:

Britain came to the rescue of the Falkland Islands in 1982. Australia is not equipped to protect itself from invasion, and except for the Monarch, no one is bound to assist us against invaders. As Jesus Christ hears and answers the cries of His people, the Queen must hear and answer the cries of Her subjects.       [RETURN]

The Monarchy is Above Politics - Neither Left, nor Right but Centre:

What I like about our very own Constitutional Monarchy is that it sits above politics, at the very centre, neither left nor right. It is constitutionally fixed on the Law of God, which is central to good government in any country. When God gave Moses the commandments, statutes and judgments by which Moses was to govern the new nation of Israel, God encouraged him to cling to what is central to good government (God's Law), when He said:       [RETURN]
    "You shall observe to do therefore as the Lord your God has commanded you: You shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left."

Both left and right wing politics put us under bondage to man, with no protection from oppression. Only at the centre, under God's laws, do we find liberty, and protection from political interference in our lives. God is warning us, "Don't turn to the left, nor to the right, but stay in the centre, where God's laws are a testimony against the wickedness of men."

When you are on a good thing, stick to it, and then you will not regret it later.

(Authorized by S.Joyner, McPhail Rd., Narangba, 4504)

Australians Loyal to Crown & Constitution, c/-Mrs Rona Joyner

*** Click for details of public meetings. ***

Arthur Tuck outlines some Important points to Consider before you vote.

Patriotic Round Table Alliance asks us to beware any attempted change to a republic.

If you wish to see why other people are advocating a 'No' vote, Michael Darby maintains a page of links to other Australian Monarchist websites.

Please Vote NO to the changes to be made by the
"Constitution Alteration (Establishment of Republic) Bill 1999".
& "Constitution Alteration (Preamble) Bill 1999".

Authorized & Published by S. Joyner,McPhail Rd, Narangba 4504.
Visits since 12/10/99:Counting