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Middle-Eastern art
Three from the Tree, III

and Middle Eastern Hafla!

Hosted By

The Province of Tree-Girt-Sea

July 21 - 23, 2000
Middle-Eastern art

Middle-Eastern bar

Join us in celebrating the Journeys of Sir Anthony Sherley from the court of Her Majesty Elizabeth to the court of the Shah of Persia with a weekend of camping, fighting, classes, and fun. There will be the traditional Three from the Tree combined teams of armoured fighter, rapier fighter, and archer. Many classes are planned on both Middle-Eastern and European arts and sciences.

General Information:

Where: YMCA Hastings West Camp
Grass Lake Road
Lake Villa, IL, 60046
Tent sites available for Camping.
Barbeques and gas stoves permitted
No pets of any kind allowed on site.
When: Site opens Friday (7/21) at 6 PM
Site closes Sunday (7/23) at noon
Site is Very Discreetly Damp
This has been arranged with special consideration.
Please use your BEST discretion.


From Chicago, take I-94 north to the Grand Ave (Hwy 132) exit.
Go west on Grand Ave to Deep Lake Rd (about 6 miles), turn right.
Go north on Deep Lake Rd to Grass Lake Rd, turn right.
Follow Grass Lake Rd until you see the signs fro the Hastings East Camp.
Follow the entrance road into camp.


Site: $6/per person (no additional camping fee)
Merchants: $5 (must bring own tables)
Please send all fees to the Gatekeeper.


Team Tourney:
Teams of three consisting of one fencer, one heavy weapons fighter, and an archer will compete for team points. The final score will be augmented by a Bardic competition in the evening in which any or all of the team members may participate.

Individual Tourney:
Individuals not participating as a member of a team who wish to compete, may do so on an individual basis. Prizes will be awarded for individual winners in each of four competitions: Fencing, Heavy Weapons, Archery, and a Bardic competion.

Bardic Competition:
Individuals or teams may perform for the Bardic competition. All entries should have a Middle Eastern theme, or at the very least, include the words "middle" and "east". Please be creative! All entries welcome: song, story, interpretive dance, etc.


Classes will begin at 10:00am. Schedules will be available at Troll.

If you are interested in teaching a class with an Elizabethan or Middle Eastern theme, please contact The Event Steward.

Beginning Middle Eastern Dance Lady Heir Yasamin al-Hadiyya
Metq'al Dance Choreography Lady Jale bint Amar
Hipwork Lady Mihri Deniz-Yetim
Zilling while dancing Lady Marjanah
The Zar (a trance dance) Lady Marjanah
Men's Middle-Eastern Dance Baron Valizan
Beginning Middle Eastern Drumming Lady Meg
Intermediate Middle Eastern Drumming Lord Bran MacDavid
Open Drum Session tentative
Basic Persian Garb Lady Mihri Deniz-Yetim
Ornamentation and Patterns for 13th Century Turkish Textiles Lady Andra
13th Century Andalusian Cooking Secrets Mistress Amelie D'Anjoux
Cartrige Pleating Techniques Lady Seonaid Sinclair
Entering and Judging Brewing and Vinting A&S Lord Svein Sveinsson
Beginning and Intermediate Rapier Fighting THL Cecil du Pont
Naval Developement and Early Warfare Lord Etienne de Harcourt


Arabic for PARTY!
Anyone can participate in a hafla by drumming, dancing, or just watching and enjoying. Join us by the firepit to unwind after a day of Tournaments. It's fun.... :-)


Friday, July 21st
3 PM Site Opens
6 PM Henna Party (sponsored by House Greyfox Dancers)
Saturday, July 22nd
10 AM Inspections, Authorizations and Classes start
Noon Lunch Break
1 PM Three from Tree Tournaments
5 PM Tournaments and Classes End
6 PM Feast
8 PM Bardic Competition followed by Hafla and Bardic Circle
Sunday, July 23rd
Noon Site Closes


Event Steward Baron AElfred of Chester
(Allen Reed)
4739 N Luna
Chicago, IL, 60630
Head Cook Rashid
(Michael King)
& Troll
Magdalena von der Plese
(Marylin Bell)
3242 Central
Evanston, IL, 60201
in Charge
Countess Sir Fern de la Foret
(Laurie Erickson)
Merchants Jale bint Amar
(Wendy Coleman)

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Last updated: 2000-07-17