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William Alexander and Timothy Sexton Revolutionary War Heroes and Their Family an American Story

A history that includes the following surnames.
Alexander, Sexton, Loving, Lair, Tuttle, Terry, Smith, Koontz, Carrender, Lampkin, Murphy, Sumpter, and many others. Special thanks to all my cousins who have helped by providing information, documents, and photos.

William Alexander and Timothy Sexton were the father's of an American Family that has followed the tradition they set when they fought helping to establish this countries independence during the Revolutionary War. William and Timothy's decendants have served the United States of America in every war from the Revolution to VietNam, serving in all branches of our countries military. This site is dedicated to William and Timothy the father's of our family, and also to those family members who have made the ultimate sacrafice for our country.

Pvt Shadrock Sexton Union Army Civil War died of small pox Febuary 15,1864 Clinton, Tenn.

Hiram Sexton Union Army died 16 Feb 1864 Bell Island Prision Camp Richmond Va

Cpl. James Morris Isbell Union Army Killed in Action at the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain in Ga. on June 27, 1864.

William F. Capps died of Lung Infection while serving in the Union Army in Tennessee March 12, 1864

Ernest Clifford Sexton Killed in Action at Meuse River France on 9 November 1918

PFC Charles Huber Alexander Killed in Action on July 10,1944 in France during World War II

PFC Edward Tomlin Killed in Action on January 17,1953 while serving in Korea.

Emery Alexander Killed in Action in Germany during World WarII

Those Who Have Served

Willam Alexander Revolutionary War, Timothy Sexton Revolutionary War,William Smith, Moses Sexton War of 1812,Drewry Smith war of 1812 battle of New Orleans,David Alexander War of 1812,William Sexton War of 1812, William Eli Alexander Union Army Civil War, Aaron Sexton Union Army Civil War, Caswell Sexton Union Army Civil War, Julian Sexton Union Army Civil War, James Sexton Union Army Civil War, Fountain Sexton Union Army Civil War, Moses Turpin Union Army Civil War,Emanuel Phillips Union Army Civil War, Andrew J. Turpin Union Army Civil War, Matthew Raulston Turpin Union Army Civil War,James Morris Isbell Union Army Civil War,Samuel D. Alexander Cpl. Union Army Civil War,William F. Capps Pvt. Union Army Civil War,Daniel Jefferson Alexander Sgt. Union Army Civil War,Dewey Sexton U.S.Army World War I,Homer Alexander sniper U.S.Army World War I,Leslie Sexton U.S. Army World War I,Fred Sexton U.S. Army World War I, James Honell Garland U.S.Navy World War II,William S. Alexander USAF W.W.II,J.R. Sexton Merrills Marauders W.W.II, Haywood Alexander U.S. Army World War II,Audie Alexander U.S. Air Force Korean WarAlfred Eugene Alexander U.S. Army World War II,Avery M. Turner U.S. Army World War II, Merle Thielen U.S. Army Korean War,Bob Alexander U.S. Army Korea, Emmery Sexton U.S. Army Viet Nam,Jim Alexander U.S. Army Viet Nam,Robbin Sexton U.S. Army Viet Nam,Norman Lee Alexander U.S. Army Veitnam, Dean Heal U.S.A.F. Vietnam,Jerry Posey U.S. Army Vietnam, Dan Usherwood U.S.M.C. Viet Nam WIA 6 July 1968, George Bradford Usherwood U.S.M.C.1976-1979,Thomas C. Edwards U.S.Navy 1982-Present, Christopher Bradford Usherwood U.S.M.C. 1997-Present

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William's Story

William Alexander was born in Pennsylvania about 1749.

He married Barbara Rollen in Washington Co. Virginia on June 20, 1786, the marriage was conducted by the Reverand Thomas Wooley a Baptist Minister. William and Barbara are known to have had one son, Arris born 1794.

It is believed that sometime before 1810 William and Barbara relocated to Wilkes Co. North Carolina

Through Williams son Arris the family is linked to The Lovings, Sumpters, Lairs, Tuttles(Tutthill), and Sextons all familys with an impressive American History. Thru the links provided you can trace the history of these American Stories.

The Children of William Alexander and Barbara Rollen

Arris (Ayers, Orris, Aires) Alexander born June 1794 in Virginia married Mahala Loving.
Arris and Mahala's Story

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Links to other sites of interest for those researching Alexander, Loving, Lair, Tuttle, and Sexton

Timothy Sexton and Esther Sisel 1st Generation Sexton Family
William Smith and Susannah Lampkin 1st Generation Smith Family
Arris Alexander and Mahala Loving 2nd Generation Alexander Family
Timothy Sexton Jr. and Nancy Ellis 2nd Generation Alexander/Sexton Family
William Sexton and Rhoda Griffith 2nd Generation Alexander/Sexton Family
Moses Sexton and Leander Laura Hatfield 2nd Generation Alexander/sexton Family
Drewery Smith 2nd Generation Smith Family
Thomas Alexander and Amanda Lair 3rd Generation Alexander Family
Aaron Sexton and Nancy Alexander 3rd Generation Alexander/Sexton Families
James Isbell and Elizabeth Alexander 3rd Generation Alexander/Sexton Family
William Eli Alexander and Lavina Jane Marsh 3rd Generation Alexander Family
Hiram Sexton 4th Generation Alexander/Sexton Familes
Melford Sexton 4th Generation Alexander/Sexton Families
William Riley Alexander and Elizabeth Tuttle 4th Generation Alexander Family
John Sexton and Sarah Parsons 4th Generation Alexander/Sexton Family
James Alexander and Mary Withers 5th Generation Alexander Family
Willam Huffman Alexander 5th Generation Alexander/Sexton Family
Leo Sexton and Alice Carrender 5th Generation Alexander/Sexton Families
Sherman William Sexton and Myrtle Lee Hammond 5th Generation Alexander/ Sexton Family
Flora Ann Sexton and James Elmer Garland 5th Generation Alexander/Sexton Family
Eva Ealine McDaniel and Chester Hogan 5th Generation Alexander Family
Elijah Sexton and Lula Alma Jones 5th Generation Alexander/Sexton Family
Charles Alexander and Linda Elizabeth Smith 6th Generation Alexander Family
Alvin Emery Sexton and Litha Carrender 6th Generation Alexander/ Sexton Family
James Honell Garland and Eileen Evelyne Thompson 6th Generation Alexander/Sexton Family
Franklin Laborn Alexander and Lorena Jane Turpin 6th Generation Alexander/Sexton Family
Avery M. Turner and Beulah Sexton 6th Generation Alexander/Sexton Family
Ernest Ransom Usherwood and Margaret Lee Alexander 7th Generation Alexander Family
Dan Usherwood and Deborah Heal 8th Generation

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